This backward-chanting magician is arguably one of the most accomplished magic users in the DC universe. As the daughter of legendary magician Giovanni Zatara, Zatanna has studied some of the highest forms of magic, though her stage show's contents would indicate quite the opposite.
In the Justice League Dark series, Zatanna is an inherently valuable team member. The degree that Wonder Woman herself relies on her skill and aptitude as a sorceress on multiple occasions. Though Zatanna is not prone to enormous power shows, she has a track-record that stacks her quickly in the same league as Felix Faust, Klarion, and perhaps even Dr. Fate himself. So how would she stack up against Marvel's mystical powerhouses?
10 She Could Beat: Amora the Enchantress

Amora the Enchantress, not to be confused by her DC counterpart, is an Asgardian Sorceress who is all too familiar with using her feminine charm to further her power quest. Though a competent sorceress, Amora relies heavily on love spells to weave her wicked web. Also, her powers are greatly reduced while not on Asgard.
Amora's love spells are so powerful that she once hypnotized Red Onslaught in the AXIS storyline, but would this gift really be as useful against another sorceress? Though Amora may have the physical advantage, thanks to her increased strength and durability, Zatanna only has to keep her at a distance to prevail. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, Zatanna does not need her voice to cast spells. Should Amora incapacitate her vocal cords, Zatanna has shown competency with non-verbal magic, artifact magic, and even blood magic!
9 She Would Lose: Daimon Hellstrom

As the son of Satan himself, well more like a demon posing as Satan, Hellstrom is capable of wielding vast amounts of mystical and satanic energy. He has proven himself a capable combatant, and his trident has aided him while dispatching enormous waves of enemies. As the current ruler of Hell, he is presumably capable of almost any magical feat while in that dimension.
Zatanna has often dealt with Trigon and the Demons Three, both of which are fierce enemies lusting for violence. However, in this instance, she would be significantly outmatched. Should she have time to prepare for the battle, she may prolong the battle. Unfortunately, for Zatanna, this would only be prolonging the inevitable. Hellstrom's past ordeals prove him the superior sorcerer. He has slain demons in their own realms, blocked incoming attacks from Ghost Rider and Valkrie, and has even traveled back in time. Here's to hoping Zatanna isn't afraid of a little fire because Hell has lakes of it!
8 She Could Beat: Wiccan

Billy Kaplan-Altman is the Scarlet Witch son and one half of Marvel's most iconic gay couple. The Vision described him as "one of the most powerful mages on the planet," and he was even considered sorcerer supreme. Furthermore, Billy is also slated to become the omnipotent Demiurge.
If sheer potential were considered, then Wiccan would have Zatanna retiring from magic permanently. However, Zatanna has years of skill and experience to outmatch this opponent. She has always punched above her station and always has, albeit with some help, come out on top. Come back in a few years because Wiccan will be ready for round 2!
7 She Would Lose: Scarlet Witch

Wanda is no slouch when it comes to overcoming the expectations of her doubters, as proven time and time again since her introduction in 1964. Though M-Day is often cited for dissuading any doubts, she has also accomplished far more than those fateful three words. Among her accomplishments, she fought the Phoenix Force, raised vast amounts of the undead, and wiped out Doctor Doom on more than one occasion.
Zatanna and Wanda are alike in so many ways. But Wanda, being the Nexus of Chaos Magic, can tap into a considerable amount of energy. She one-shotted most of the Avengers cast and even removed Thor from the battle with a maelstrom of chaos energy. This one is a no-brainer and a battle that would see the end of the DC sorceress. If history is anything to go by, the Scarlet Witch isn't big on mercy.
6 She Could Beat: Shaman

Michael Twoyoungmen is a longstanding member of the Canadian team Alpha Flight and one of the country's most skilled surgeons. Having initially refused his shamanic birthright, Michael eventually returned to his heritage following his wife's death. His magic is based on manipulating nature, while he also possesses the usual skills like teleportation, flight, and astral projection. Also, he has a magical pouch similar to Hermione's in the Harry Potter series. He pulls out staves, artifacts, and no doubt a quick snack should he need it.
Though Shaman is skilled in his area, Zatanna has him sorely outmatched in her versatility. In the Justice League Dark animated movie (2017), she continuously displays intense power amounts. Though Shaman may hold her down with vines, Zatanna is too seasoned of a witch to let him overcome her fully.
5 She Would Lose: Loki

Loki has walked the line between hero and villain for decades, not to mention walking the line between gender with an overwhelming amount of swagger. His magical ability has been compared to Karnilla, who is undoubtedly the most powerful sorceress in Asgard, if not multiple realms.
This Asgardian God does not shy away from battles, so why would this stage magician give him any cause for concern? His sheer skill and proficiency would have Zatanna teleporting away almost instantly in a straight fight. You can't really do much against an enemy who has bested Gods, demons, sorcerers, and even the Hulk.
4 She Could Beat: Wong

Though the MCU revisioned Wong as a master in his own right, his origins are quite the opposite. On occasion, he has recited spells and assisted in incantations, but nowhere near to the level over his other mystical counterparts. His real talents lie in martial arts, where he has dispatched The Hood and various gaggles of inter-dimensional demons.
Wong may have also been selected as a potential replacement for Dr. Strange, but his mystical prowess pales compared to his martial arts. Should he get close enough to Zatanna, he may be able to land a few blows. However, the DC heroine has surely picked up a few skills from Batman's time. A quick teleport away from a flying kick and Zatanna would have Wong right where she wants him.
3 She Would Lose: Doctor Doom

Much of Doctor Doom's live-action portrayal barely touches on his capabilities as a scientist, let alone explores his aptitude for magic. Having studied under mystical behemoths, Doom has mastered most sorcery forms and even some that Dr. Strange admits to being unaware of.
Doom's thirst for knowledge makes him god-like in terms of raw, unfiltered power. From creating blizzards to summoning hordes of demons, he isn't afraid to push his opponents to their limits. It really does help to be a sociopath. Doom is always one step ahead and would already know how to defeat Zatanna before she enters the room.
2 She Could Beat: Satana

Satana embraced her father's evil teachings, where Daimon looked to the lighter side of his life. Obviously, his plan didn't work out, as he ended up ruling Hell himself. Under her father's tutelage and other dark mages, Satana grew in strength and ambition. She was later bonded with an evil spirit, Basilisk because apparently, that is the basis of good parenting in Hell?
Satana has accomplished a considerable amount of magical feats, all of which vary and demonstrate her capability in the realm of sorcery. However, she is just another demon to slay for Zatanna. Having dealt with almost every demonic entity in the DC universe, the stage magician would have Satana performing as a fluffy bunny in no time.
1 She Would Lose: Magik

Illyana Rasputin is a cherished member of the X-Men, Sister to Colossus, and ruler of Limbo. Her mutant teleportation ability, via stepping discs, only scratches the surface of her true capabilities. She is an accomplished magician, having studied under the demon Belasco, Dr. Strange, and an alternative version of Storm. Not to mention, she can summon her Soul Sword and its accompanying Eldritch Armour.
Magik is hugely overpowered, possessing countless innate abilities that Zatanna could not comprehend. Zatanna's magic relies heavily on concentration, which is hard to do when your opponent is teleporting, summoning a fiery sword, casting spells, and summoning demons. Don't feel too bad, Zatanna; most people would fall under such circumstances.