Amazon Prime has captured the attention and adoration of comic book fans with both adaptions of Invincible and The Boys. Both have been widely acclaimed by critics and fans alike for their storylines, plots, and for blistering critiques of modern society through the lens of a world full of superheroes. The two villains that have gravitated fans to both of the shows are Omni-Man and Homelander.
Since their arrival, Omni-Man and Homelander had been compared numerous times by fans seeing as how they both have an image of the good ol' American Superman or Captain America. Yet both have the sociopathy of the Joker. The similarities are endless but who is actually the character the strikes fear into the hearts of viewers and their own worlds?
10 Omni-Man: Omni-Man Has Destroyed Whole Cities With Ease

Destroying a city like Chicago just to prove a point isn't above Homelander but it's debatable whether he can do it with the ease that Omni-Man can. When Mark stands up to his dad after he reveals his plan to take over and enslave humanity, Omni-Man literally uses Mark's body as a weapon to prove how powerful Viltrumites are over humans. The scene that encapsulates this best is when they're in the subway and Omni-Man holds Mark's body up to an oncoming train, which ends up killing everybody on the train. Homelander has super strength, but this is impressively scary
9 Homelander: Homelander's Obsession with Madelyn Stillwell And Milk Is Disturbing

There's plenty that's terrifying about Homelander. Besides the fact he's the ultimate bully and dictator, one can't help but notice Homelander's terrifying Freudian obsession with milk. It's not only that Homelander drinks a lot of milk but he derives a sensual pleasure from drinking milk that's just plain creepy. The milk obsession may derive from when Madelyn Stillwell, who he killed, used to nurse him with her breast milk. Homelander got Doppelgänger to morph into Madelyn to tickle his sick fantasy that she's still alive. This is arguably the most unsettling thing about The Boys' villain. It's like Superman meets Norman Bates
8 Omni-Man: Omni-Man Nearly Beat His Own Son To Death

Omni-Man lied to Mark and during the lead-up of the reveal, Nolan seemed to feel concerned about how Mark would take it. But once Mark defiantly stood up to his dad, Omni-Man proved there was nothing that would stand in his way of conquering the earth, not even his own son.
The brutality of Omni-Man beating his son nearly to death is a sick definition of tough love. Nolan eventually stops beating Mark after he remembers a memory of him as a child, which shows a complex relationship between the two. But seeing Omni-man's unfiltered rage is a terror the world and Mark will never forget.
7 Homelander: Homelander Is Holding His Family Hostages To His Mercy

Nolan Grayson definitely lied to his family about the reasons he became Omni-Man. But despite saying horrible things about how he loved his family like pets and can get a new son, there's still some love there. Homelander doesn't love his family at all, as he raped Becca who gave birth to their son Ryan. Becca wants Homelander out of her life completely but Vought made perfectly clear they have no control over that. Their best bet is that Homelander, who keeps on manipulating and pressuring his son into using his powers, will get bored and leave. Becca's not only at the mercy of Homelander but she also has no idea if her son will grow up to be bad.
6 Omni-Man: Omni-Man Has Natural Abilities From Being A Virtumite

Homelander has all the powers of Superman but the fact that his powers were artificially made with Compound V gives Omni-Man an advantage. If there's a serum that can give superheroes powers maybe there's a serum that can be created to take it away? In the TV show Invincible, Omni-Man has natural abilities that cannot be taken away, no matter what sun there is (an advantage over Superman). Homelander, given that his powers were made in a lab, seems less indestructible than an Alien from a planet that's known to destroy other planets.
5 Homelander: Homelander Has A Sick Affection For Toying With People

Omni-Man doesn't seem to care for messing with people's psyche. Nolan Grayson became Omni-Man to fulfill the will of the Viltrumites and that's it. Homelander, more often than not, seems to take a sick satisfaction in playing and toying with people. Homelander gets constant, sadistic joy in toying and bullying people.
It's hard to pick one example of this since his evil tactics are so prevalent. Besides Homelander psychologically torturing Becca, he sucker punches Blindspot in the second season and outs Queen Maeve's sexuality on TV while threatening the safety of her girlfriend in private. This makes Homelander way more chilling than Omni-Man.
4 Omni-Man: Omni-Man Killed Off The Guardians Of The Globe All By Himself

While Homelander has no love for the Seven, he still feels a need to use them for public appeal. It's also debatable whether or not he could kill them all at the same time (Stormfront could be his Achilles heel). The first episode of Invincible on the other hand showed Omni-Man slaughtering the entire Guardians of The Globe by himself. Not only did he kill them all himself, Omni-man had a premeditated plan on how to get them all to the base to kill them, showing that he has brains to go along with his ability. Until Homelander kills every Supe by himself, Omni-Man seems more formidably scary on this front.
3 Homelander: Homelander Has Heat Vision And Day Dreams About Killing Scores of People With It

Omni-Man has plenty of abilities that reflect on Superman, but one thing he doesn't have is heat vision. Homelander does possess the ability of heat vision and what's disturbing is he's one bad day away from using it to commit mass murder. When protestors are gathered to object to a video of one of Homelander's killings in a foreign country, he tries to get them to his side. When that fails, he daydreams about scorching the crowd with his heat vision. Homelander's ability, and how he is capable of employing it, sends a disturbing streak throughout his time in the show.
2 Omni-Man: Omni-Man Has A Mission To Dominate The Galaxy With A Planet Of Warriors

Homelander is terrifying on his own account. Having an evil corporation like Vought behind him makes him even more challenging. But there's solace to take in the fact that there's only one Homelander. The fact that Omni-man has a planet of people with the same abilities that are bent on taking over the galaxy makes it harder for everyone to sleep at night. Without Mark's attachment to his mom and friends, Earth wouldn't stand a chance against an army of Viltrumites. The idea of a whole army of Omni-Men should leave anyone petrified.
1 Homelander: The Infamous Plane Scene Proves The True Extent Of Homelander's Sociopathy

In the debate over who's more evil, Omni-Man or Homelander, this reason has been cited as the top example of the depths of Homelander's vileness. When Homelander and Queen Maeve try to stop a plane from being hijacked, Homelander accidentally damages the plane while killing the terrorist. Homelander decides to leave the passengers onboard for dead, but Queen Maeve tries her best to at least two children on the plane. Homelander insists he can't save them and callously leaves them to die, forcing Maeve to make an impossible choice. This is a standout scene in the first season of The Boys. This is what transitions Homelander from a narcissistic jerk to a heartless villain.