5 Ways The Avengers Could Beat The Legion Of Doom (& 5 Why They Can't)

The Avengers are one of the greatest teams in comics history. An assemblage of the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe, they've been facing some of the most terrible threats imaginable in their mission to protect the Earth and its inhabitants. While they haven't always gotten along the best, they've always been able to save the day and grow from their setbacks.

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The Legion of Doom is a group consisting of some of the most powerful villains in the DC Universe, brought together for one purpose- the destruction of the Justice League. The Legion's roster has always been pretty massive and their mission is simple—destroy all that stand in their way.

10 Avengers: The Best Heroes

The Avengers have faced down a lot of terrible enemies since their inception and one of the things that have made those victories possible is the caliber of heroes on the team. Many of them have had solo adventures and bring a wide breadth of experience with them, giving the team a variety of options against the villains they face.

There are few groups out there who have the kinds of heroes that the Avengers do on their roster and this has made a lot of difference over the years. While not every hero is the height of the A-list, they're all great heroes who bring a lot to the table.

9 Legion of Doom: Less Is More

One of the things about many villains in the DC Universe is that not all of them are powerful titans. Some of them are regular humans with specialized weapons and amazing skills. The Legion is full of strong and weak villains and this combination has always proven able to bedevil some of the greatest heroes around.

Some of the villains rely on brute strength and others rely on their own innate cunning but they all have one thing in common—they're dangerous foes who can test any group of heroes to their breaking point.

8 Avengers: Better Teamwork

Teams of villains like the Legion of Doom are pretty formidable but villains aren't exactly known for their teamwork and this usually ends up being a huge problem for them. They're often able to overwhelm the heroes in the beginning of a battle but tensions later cost them everything, with the heroes' greater teamwork winning the day.

The Avengers are masters of teamwork and this has won them many battles against enemies that should have defeated them. The Avengers are so good at teamwork that they can join up with other teams and work together with heroes they barely even know to save the day. Teamwork like this can overcome many obstacles.

7 Legion of Doom: The Greatest Villains

The Legion of Doom has shown over the years that their members are some of the most dangerous villains to ever exist. Each one has made a career of bedeviling the greatest heroes of the DCU and that's given them a wide variety of skills that puts them in good stead battling any hero.

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Many of these villains would prove more than a match for the most powerful Avengers on their own and put together could be a nearly insurmountable challenge for the entire team. The Legion of Doom's members are some of the greatest villains and they'd teach the Avengers why that is.

6 Avengers: Top Notch Leaders

The Avengers teamwork is one of the biggest factors in their victories but without amazing leadership, none of it would be possible. The Avengers has some of the best leaders in comics in their roster, multiple heroes who can pick the slack if need be but aren't going to butt in and second guess whoever is leading the team at the time.

If the team needs splitting up, then the Avengers can easily field multiple squads with great leaders. If the team leader gets taken down, someone else can step up and make sure the plan works out. This gives the team a lot of options in battle.

5 Legion Of Doom: Powerhouses

With a few notable exceptions, the heroes of the DC Universe are more powerful than their Marvel counterparts, and often times, their foes match that power level. A villain who is powerful enough to be a physical threat to Superman is going to be able to beat most of the Avengers pretty much by themselves and the Legion of Doom has several villains that can do so.

The Legion of Doom is full of villains who can stand toe to toe with the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe and that's going to be a lot of trouble for the Avengers; sure, Thor and Captain Marvel are powerful but how would they do against Brainiac, Bizarro, and Black Adam all at once? Or who would be able to counter Gorilla Grodd's massive telepathic power? The Legion could easily overwhelm the Avengers' heaviest hitters.

4 Avengers: Big Brains

Superheroes and science go hand in hand and the Avengers has long had some of the best in the business. Iron Man's engineering know-how has allowed him to create all manner of weapons that have helped the Avengers triumph over their foes and Hank Pym's mastery of multiple scientific disciplines has allowed him to come up with all manner of solutions to villainous problems.

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Black Panther has access to some of the most advanced technology on the Earth and is no slouch in the brains department and Doctor Strange has forgotten more about magic than most sorcerers know. Add to that's Captain America's tactical acumen and the Avengers' brain trust is quite formidable.

3 Legion Of Doom: Bigger Brains

While the Avengers have some pretty smart cookies in their jar, the Legion of Doom blows them away in a lot of respects. Sure, Iron Man and Hank Pym are smart but Lex Luthor is one of the smartest people on the planet Earth and easily smarter than both of them. He isn't even the smartest member of the Legion, though.

That honor goes to Brainiac, a Coluan genius whose knowledge has been bolstered by traveling the cosmos and studying the technology of many races, a majority of which he also ended up destroying. No one on the Avengers comes close to matching his brains and this would be very bad for the team.

2 Avengers: A Well Balanced Team

The Avengers' biggest advantage over their foes is just how well balanced the team is. It mixes some of the most powerful heroes around with ones with less power but greater skill, as well as super-intelligent heroes who can solve any problem given enough time. This balanced approach to combating evil has allowed the Avengers to win most of their battles.

The Avengers can roll with the punches and come out on top because of the multiple ways they can react to a threat. There are few teams out there that have the kind of balance of skill and power that they have and this has let them tackle everything from superpowered criminals to mad gods to alien invasions.

1 Legion Of Doom: The Power Of Evil

The Legion of Doom is probably the greatest assemblage of villains in any comic universe. The caliber of villain they have on their team is pretty unprecedented. The Avengers' main team of antagonists, the Masters of Evil, is mostly just a bunch of B and C-list villains with numbers on their side but the Legion is a bunch of A-list villains doing what they do best—evil.

The Avengers have rarely faced a group that matches up against them as well as the Legion of Doom. Both teams are balanced and full of the best heroes and villains around. The Legion of Doom has some overwhelming advantages, though, ones that could spell doom for the Avengers.

NEXT: Marvel's Masters Of Evil Vs. DC's Legion Of Doom: Who Would Win?

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