Katara and Aang’s relationship in Avatar: The Last Airbender is way more than just being the main couple. First and foremost, they were best friends, and then they gradually became each other’s chosen family. The two of them went through a lot together, through all the highs and all the lows.
Both of them took on the great responsibility of saving the world from the Fire Nation's wrath. During their adventures, there were many times when they were faced with life-threatening dangersーbut they always had each other’s backs and managed to pull each other out of some sticky situations.
10 Katara: Broke Him Out Of The Iceberg

Katara was the last remaining waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe. Only a handful of people left at the South Pole and outsiders barely visited it.
Aang had been frozen in the iceberg for a hundred years. It was only because she was in the right place at the right time with the right powers that he was finally able to break out of the iceberg. No one else would have been able to break the iceberg. If not for her, he might have stayed frozen there indefinitely.
9 Aang: Took On Bumi’s Challenges

In ‘The King of Omashu,’ Aang, Katara, and Sokka got held hostage in Omashu by its king, Bumi. He challenged Aang to complete a set of deadly challenges if he wanted to save his friends.
He put rings made out of Jennamite on the two siblings. The rock would keep growing until it covered them completely, causing them to suffocate. Even though the challenges were tough and deadly, Aang managed to complete them. He saved his friends just in time.
8 Katara: Saved Him From Drowning

In ‘The Warriors of Kyoshi,’ Aang was attacked by the Unagi when he was trying to ride the giant Koi Fish in the sea near Kyoshi Island. He could not fight the giant creature and fainted as he fell into the water. Katara immediately ran to help him.
When the Unagi came towards them to attack them, she waterbent them away from the creature and towards the shore. She also had to bend the water out of Aang’s lungs. He would have been eaten by the Unagi or drowned if she had not saved him.
7 Aang: Offered Himself Up To The Fire Nation

In ‘The Avatar Returns,’ Zuko showed up with his soldiers at the Southern Water Tribe village, searching for Aang, who had already left from there. They were about to attack the citizens when Aang showed up just at the last moment.
To protect Katara and everyone else, he offered to give himself up as a hostage in exchange for them leaving the Southern Water Tribe people alone. This was when Zuko wanted to find the Avatar by hook or by crook, and he could have killed everyone to get information about the Avatar.
6 Katara: Saved Him From Combustion Man

In 'The Runaway,' Combustion Man led Katara and Toph into a trap with Fire Nation citizens' help. After imprisoning them in a wooden jail, he went off to hunt and kill Aang. Katara made water out of her sweat to break out of jail. Meanwhile, Aang fell while trying to run from Combustion Man.
The mercenary walked up to him and was about to blast him into pieces when Katara intervened. She froze his head with ice, so he could not use his power, giving everyone time to escape safely.
5 Aang: Saved Her From A Fire Nation Soldier

In ‘The Painted Lady,’ Katara disguised herself as the Painted lady to help the people of a Fire Nation village. She asked for Aang to help her fight General Mung and his men.
When they were facing each other in an encounter, Mung shot a deadly fire blast towards her. However, Aang had been hiding nearby, and he managed to airbend her out of the way. This also sent the general flying into the water.
4 Katara: Saved Him From Being Impaled

In 'The Puppetmaster, when Katara found out about Hama’s nefarious plans, she rebelled against her. When herbloodbending did not work on Katara, she started bloodbending Aang and Sokka, who had just arrived on the scene.
Sokka had his space sword in his hand, and she used bloodbending to push him and Aang towards each other at an incredible speed. The blade was about to impale him when Katara stopped it using bloodbending on Hama. Even though she had not wanted to use such a twisted bending method, she did what she had to save Aang.
3 Aang: Saved Her From A Fire Nation Attack

In ‘The Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku’, the Avatar Gang was trying to reach the Fire Temple, but they were met with a Fire Nation navy blockade. General Zhao ordered his soldiers to fire cannonballs at them. Aang, with the help of Appa, dodged most of the balls.
However, one of the cannonballs was heading straight towards them with no option of dodging it. Aang jumped to action and blasted it away with his airbending. Without his intervention, everyone would have been toast.
2 Katara: Gave Him A New Life

In ‘The Crossroads of Destiny,’ Azula shot Aang with a bolt of lightning just as he was going into the Avatar State and killed him in doing so. Katara took his limp body and escaped the Dai Li agents, Zuko, and Azula with Uncle Iroh's help.
Once they were safely flying away on Appa, she used the magic water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole to bring Aang back to life. For several days after, she kept using her healing powers to heal him, and finally, she was able to revive him.
1 Aang: Saved Her From Drowning

In ‘The Storm,’ Katara, Sokka, and Aang were flying on Appa through a storm while the Fire Nation soldiers were chasing them. Suddenly, a giant wave came out of nowhere, causing everyone to fall into the ocean.
With such strong ocean currents, no one could swim out. It looked as if they would all drown. Aang went into the Avatar State and made a protective air shield around everyone and helped them resurface. He was the only reason they were able to escape alive.