The CW's Trickster Encounters 'Stranger Things' in Episode 2 Photoset

Some strange things will occur in Trickster's second episode of the season.

The synopsis for Season 1, Episode 2 — aptly titled "Stranger Things — find Jared (Joel Oulette) trying to ignore the weird happenings while dealing with the revelation that Wade (Kalani Queypo) may be his real father.

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The photos and synopsis for "Stranger Things" can be found below:

Episode 2 (Ep# 102)

STRANGER THINGS - While trying to ignore increasingly weird happenings and with Richie (Joel Thomas Hynes) invading his home, Jared (Joel Oulette) experiences an even bigger upset when he meets Wade (Kalani Queypo), who claims to be his real father. The episode was directed by Michelle Latimer and written by Tony Elliott and Michelle Latimer (#102). The CW broadcast airdate 1/19/2021.

Created by Tony Elliott and Michelle Latimer, Trickster follows Jared, an Indigenous Haisla teenager and local drug dealer in Kitimat, British Columbia, who discovers that magical events happen around him. The series originally premiered in Canada on CBC Television in Oct. 2020, where it was renewed for a second season. The first season will air in the United States on Tuesdays on The CW.

Trickster premiered in CBC in October 2020, and will be released in the US by The CW starting Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 9 pm ET/PT. Based on Eden Robinson's Trickster trilogy and directed by Michelle Latimer, Trickster stars Joel Oulette as Jared, Kalani Queypo as Wade, Crystle Lightning as Maggie, Georgina Lightning as Sophia, Anna Lambe as Sarah, Nathan Alexis as Crashpad, Craig Lauzon as Phil, Gail Maurice as Georgina, Joel Thomas Hynes as Richie and Jamie Spilchuk as Mr. Good.

KEEP READING: Trickster Is a Powerful Indigenous Superhero Story

Source: The CW

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