Anime is no stranger to characters with unbelievable powers – some of which often defy the laws of physics. In fact, shonen, isekai, and fantasy genres are full of protagonists (usually young males) who possess huge amounts of powers that make them completely overpowered.
However, as is often the case in such anime, their powers seldom match their personalities. Characters who are usually shown dense, carefree, and sometimes even excessively cute, are often the ones that possess some of the most deadly powers out there. So, who are those characters, and what exactly makes their powers contrast with their personalities?
10 Saitama (One-Punch Man): A Nonchalant Man Who’s Also The Universe’s Strongest Being

The irony of Saitama’s power is that since he can defeat anyone and everyone with just one punch, he doesn’t take any threat seriously. For example, most people worry about their lives or their loved ones during a monster attack.
On the other hand, when Saitama is faced with a threat, he can casually be seen worrying about losing out on an important weekend sale at his neighborhood supermarket!
9 Yato (Noragami): A Goofball Who Used To Slaughter Countless Souls Without A Second Thought

Yato has shown to be a complete goofball, despite being a God. He rarely takes himself or his work seriously, due to which none of the Gods respect him for what he does. However, this nonchalant attitude of his hides a much darker past.
Many years ago, Yato was infamous as the God of Calamity, who slaughtered humans, Gods and shinki alike, with little to no remorse for his actions. He now compensates for his actions by helping people in need.
8 Hajime Kiryu (When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace): An Fool Who Possesses A Terrifying Power

Despite being a teenager, Hajime shows strong traces of his middle-school chuunibyou self. He talks about himself as if he’s some great warrior, often using exaggerations, which forces people to never take him seriously.
His ability is Pinpoint Abyss, where he’s able to create a wormhole that sucks people and leaves them back a few days in time. He also erases their memories, which helps him avoid any and every confrontation in his life.
7 Deku (My Hero Academia): A Crybaby Who Is Now The World’s Strongest Superhero

In the first few seasons, Deku is shown to be a weakling who doesn’t know when to give up. He’s an overemotional boy who often responds to dramatic situations by crying a river of tears.
Thanks to All Might, he received the world’s strongest superpower, the One For All. Most of his time is spent training and strategizing in order to become more powerful (both physically and emotionally) so that he can live up to All Might’s reputation.
6 Lily Angel (All Saints Street): A By-The-Book Angel Who Proves To Be A Deadly Foe On The Battleground

Lily is shown to be a typical angel – a sweetheart who does everything by the book. She’s friendly and instantly befriends the demon Niel.
On the battlefield, however, she shows a completely different side to herself. Even the monster that resides within Niel commented that he had never seen such a strong angel in his life. In fact, among all angels, werewolves and vampires, she was the only person who was able to land several attacks on possessed Niel.
5 Amira (Shingeki No Bahamut): A Childish Young Girl Who Also Happens To Possess The God Key

Amira was born only 5 years ago, which means she had to develop mentally very quickly. Despite that she often displayed childish traits, including eating as much food as she can.
But when push came to shove, her true powers terrified everybody, including her partner Favaro. Since she had the power of the God Key within her, she could destroy the strongest of demons in mere seconds, without ever batting an eyelid.
4 Xianming Lin (Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens): A Tsundere Who Also Happens To Be A Merciless Assassin

Due to his stunning looks, Lin is shown to be a vain man who often spends a lot of time on makeup and fashion. He is also a tsundere who hides his true feelings, and keeping most people at a distance.
He is also a trained assassin who has a high kill count. He killed many people mercilessly for his ex-employer, without ever caring who they were and what they were guilty of. At the end of the day, he only cared about getting paid for his kills.
3 Nezuko (Demon Slayer): An Increasingly Strong Demon Who’s Still Mentally A Child

Nezuko is an almost-demon who is as terrifying as she is adorable. While physically she looks like a 14-15 year old girl, mentally she isn’t older than a 7-8 year old child.
Yet, she has shown amazing survival and battle skills. Whenever Tanjiro was in danger, she wouldn’t hesitate to take on demons much stronger than her, and easily kill them within a matter of minutes.
2 Rem (Re:Zero − Starting Life In Another World): A Literal Demon Hides Beneath That Sweet Smile & Personality

On the surface, Rem is a hardworking and observant maid who does as she is told, despite her personal feelings on said subject matters.
She’s shown to hide a horrific demon personality (and powers) on the inside. This is displayed when she reveals her hatred for Subaru when they are alone. She also attacks and kills him mercilessly when she suspects him of being a spy who is out to harm Emilia.
1 Lian Xie (Heaven’s Official Blessing): A Genuinely Nice prince Who Also Happens To Be A Martial God

Despite being a prince, Xie was shown to be kind, gentle, and noble. He always put the welfare of his people first and never cared much for criticism, if it meant his people were happy with his decisions.
This is in sharp contrast to his near-obsession with sword fighting, as well as the fact that he is a Martial God. He also has a high pain tolerance, which means no amount of torture would have any effect on him, both physically and psychologically.