It is that time of the year again; love is in the air as Valentine's Day approaches, even in the DC Universe. Like in the real world, there are relationships that are great and those that are dysfunctional, at best. For those relationships that exemplify the best of the best, there are many common factors that are the same, but some do the relationship thing just a little bit better than others.
While every relationship is different and can change over time, the ones that remain strong do so largely in part because the two care and respect the other. If anything, some couples in the DCU become stronger when faced with adversity, while others still have a lot to learn.
10 Green Arrow & Black Canary

To say that the history between Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance is complicated would be an understatement. However, despite this, the two always seem to find their way back to each other's arms. When the two left the Justice League and moved to Seattle, Oliver's past and inability to give up the vigilante life, along with Dinah suffering a brutal attack, drove the two apart soon after their move.
Years later, when Oliver returned from the dead, the two finally made plans to get married, which didn't go as planned initially. During the New52, their relationship was done away with, but they rekindle the relationship during the Rebirth Era. While it was anything but smooth sailing from there, the two remained together and continue to have feelings for each other.
9 Metamorpho & Sapphire Stagg

Rex Mason, better known as Metamorpho, and his wife Sapphire Stagg Mason have a healthy relationship even though Sapphire's father is always trying to kill or take advantage of Rex's abilities. Add in the fact that Sapphire's dad's right-hand man, Java, a revived prehistoric man, who is jealous of Rex and trying to win Sapphire's affections, doesn't make it any easier. Despite these and other obstacles, like the obvious fact that Rex is a walking science experiment, the two face whatever issues together as Rex searches for a way to return to normal.
8 Swamp Thing & Abigail Arcane

Swamp Thing and Abigail Arcane have one of the stranger relationships in the DC Universe, given their history and the fact that Abigail's uncle is Swamp Things arch-nemesis. Before they began their relationship, Abby was married to Alec Holland's best friend, who was obsessed with destroying Swamp Thing before learning it was his friend Alec. Abby and Swamp Thing eventually fell in love after her uncle killed her husband.
Swamp Thing and Abigail went to great lengths to have a child, a process involving Swamp Thing taking possession of John Constantine's body so that their daughter Tefe could be born. During the New 52, their relationship faced a new obstacle as Abigail became Queen of The Rot, the elemental force in direct opposition to Swamp Thing and The Green.
7 Mister Miracle & Big Barda

Scott Free and Barda met through fate on the fiery planet of Apokolips under the rule of Darkseid. The two would meet when Barda was being trained by Granny Goodness, who was also given the task to subject Scott to an endless amount of cruelty on a daily basis. After the two's paths finally crossed, a connection between the two was formed, and the two escaped Apokolips for a life together on Earth. While life after the escape hasn't been all sunshine and good times, as the two are constantly drawn back into the battle between Darkseid and High Father, they somehow manage to make it work despite the challenging circumstances.
6 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy have been causing trouble together in the DCU for years now, but only recently was it established that they are a romantic couple. The two shared their first official romantic kiss in Bombshells #42 by Marguerite Bennett and their first kiss in the regular DC continuity in Harley Quinn #25 when Ivy plans a surprise birthday party for Harley.
Since that time, their relationship has grown through good times and heartbreaking ones, but in the end, it has strengthened their bond and relationship. Ivy has been instrumental in helping Harley move on from The Joker, and Harley has helped Ivy reconnect with her humanity.
5 Midnighter & Apollo

Apollo and Midnighter may be archetypes of Superman and Batman, but that doesn't mean that the "World's Finest Couple" never have obstacles in their relationship that they must overcome. Before their introduction in the regular DC continuity as part of the New52, the two were married in the Wildstorm Universe. It wasn't until the end of the New52 and the Rebirth Era that the couple would be reunited courtesy of scribe Steve Orlando, first in the Midnighter solo series's pages, the follow-up Midnighter and Apollo miniseries, and multiple Valentine Day specials. The relationship between the two is so strong that Midnighter traveled to Hell to rescue Apollo from the clutches of Neron.
4 Superman & Lois Lane

The relationship between Lois and Superman is one that goes back to the beginning of Clark's career as a reporter and Superman. The Lois, Clark, and Superman's love triangle was a hallmark of the Superman mythos until 1991 when Lois finally figured out that Clark and Superman were one and the same. The two would eventually marry only to have it undone in the 2011 relaunch. However, as the Rebirth Era began, the couple were reunited and became parents.
Their relationship has weathered many tough times over the years, such as Superman's death, multiversal crisis, and parenthood. Even as close as the two have become, there are still instances where Lois's ambition or Superman's overprotectiveness can cause some rough spots for the couple, but they eventually work through things in the end.
3 Ralph & Sue Dibny

Ralph and Sue Dibny have been together since they first met in The Flash during the Silver Age. After their adventures with the Justice League, Ralph as a member, and Sue as the League's administrator, the two faded into obscurity until tragedy struck when Sue was murdered, which was made even more tragic when Ralph discovered that Sue was pregnant. The two were reunited in the afterlife following Ralph's death at the end of 52, as the ghost detectives. Since their untimely deaths, the duo has made brief cameos over the last couple of years but remains a prime example of one of the greatest relationships in the DCU.
2 Jon & Martha Kent

The only superpower that Jonathan and Martha Kent possess are love, kindness, and compassion, but that was enough to raise a young Clark Kent, who would become the strongest and most iconic character in the DC Universe. Even though there have been times where either one of them, usually Jonathan, or both, have been removed from the story, their influence on Clark and other members of the Superman Family continues to be evident.
In Elseworlds stories, such as Red Son and Speeding Bullets, the idea of how Superman would have turned out with other adoptive parents as the premise have all shown how these two shaped a young Clark into the man and hero the world needs.
1 Buddy & Ellen Baker

Buddy Baker, the superhero Animal Man and his wife, Ellen, are the paragon couple of the DCU for many reasons. First, Ellen is well-aware that Buddy is and enjoys being a superhero and using his abilities to help others and is supportive of these endeavors most of the time. Secondly, Buddy's connection to The Red has caused many issues that have affected the whole family, such as Maxine, his daughter acquiring similar abilities, and the death of their son Cliff. Finally, Ellen sticks with Buddy through thick and thin, even when Buddy is believed to be dead but eventually returning or the time he transformed into a winged-beast and worshipped as a non-human animal god. Through it all, the two always find a way to come out together on the other side.