There are few teams bigger than the Justice League. Composed of some of DC's most powerful and skilled heroes, the Justice League tackles the big threats, protecting the Earth, the universe, and the multiverse from the worst evil of all. The team has had many heroes on it, both ones that people expect like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman along with less well-known members.
In the DC Universe, a good way for a hero to know if they've made it or not is if they've been with the Justice League. The League has a very deep bench and there are some members of the team who should be brought back.
10 Hawkman

Hawkman has been around for a long time and his continuity has been known to be pretty twisted. However, he's also known for being one of the toughest heroes around and served with the Justice League with distinction. It's been a very long time since he was on the team, with the Hawk branch of the DC Universe represented by Hawkgirl with him hanging out more with the Justice Society.
Hawkman brings a lot of experience to the table as a member of the League. He's been fighting for a very long time, reincarnating across time and space, trying to make up for the sins of his past. He may get a little violent but there are few heroes who as fierce as he is.
9 Mera

For years, Aquaman was the butt of jokes about only being good for talking to fish. While this was a grave misrepresentation of how great a hero he is, one person who never would have had those jokes made about them is his lover, Mera. Mera's taken over on the team when Aquaman was away and her skill, fierceness in battle, and formidable powers made her more than worthy of the spot.
Mera's more than proven that she's worthy of a longer-term membership in the Justice League. Her Atlantean heritage gives her many of the same physical advantages that Aquaman has and her hydrokinetic powers, combined with her fighting skill, make her a more useful member of the team than her fellow Atlantean.
8 Shazam

Shazam isn't really known for his time with the Justice League but he's been a member of that team and the Justice Society. With his arch-nemesis Black Adam joining the group soon, now seems like the perfect time for him to rejoin, not only to keep an eye on Black Adam but also because someone as powerful as him is a boon to the League.
Shazam's magic-based powers have allowed him to give Superman a run for his money and give him and the team lots of options in their battle against evil. He's also the kind of wholesome hero that fits into the Justice League very well.
7 Booster Gold

Booster Gold can be pretty annoying but that doesn't mean he isn't a great hero. Sure, he's been known to mess around- a lot- but he's also saved the space-time continuum on more than one occasion. His time as a member of JLI has prepared him to deal with all kinds of threats and he's tougher than he seems.
Booster can be a lot to put up with, but he adds a fun dynamic to the team and there's no denying just how much of an asset he is in combat. Every team needs a troublemaker and there are few heroes out there who fill that role as well as Booster Gold. Besides, it's just a lot of fun to see him and Batman interact.
6 Big Barda

The New Gods are about to become a hot commodity again, so it makes sense for one of them to join the team. While several have been members of the team over the years, the best one to come back would be the toughest Female Fury, Big Barda. As a former servant of Darkseid, she's had to survive all kinds of hardships and is one of the most formidable warriors in the DC Universe.
Barda is more than ready to help take on some of the biggest threats around and her wherewithal and dedication to the battle against evil make her an asset to any group that will have her. Big Barda is the kind of muscle every team needs - a consummate bruiser with a lot of skill.
5 Nightwing

Technically, Nightwing has never been a member of the Justice League. However, Dick Grayson served on the team during his time as Batman and that makes him a former member. It's actually quite strange that Nightwing has rarely been a member of the Justice League- every hero likes him and he's one of the most smartest and skilled heroes around.
Some would make the argument that a team with Batman doesn't need Nightwing but that's kind of asinine as they both serve different roles in the team- Batman's much better at strategy while Nightwing would be more of a hands-on type of guy. Plus, a reunion of the Dynamic Duo would show other members of the League that powers aren't the most important thing - skill and teamwork are.
4 Vixen

Vixen is one of the great unsung members of the Justice League. Using the Tantu totem, she can tap into the Red and gain the powers of many different animals, including her teammates. She's also a very skilled and smart hero, one who has proven her mettle in all manner of pitched battle, serving the team on more than one occasion.
She's also a crusader for justice in her personal life, using the money she makes as a supermodel to open schools and help out people all over the African continent. She's not only a great hero but a good source of PR and her time with the League could lead her to do more good for the world.
3 Red Tornado

Every team needs a cool android and Red Tornado fills that place in the Justice League. Created to destroy the team, he would instead join the team and fill the role of the synthetic powerhouse. He would also eventually become the host of the Air Elemental, making his tornado powers even greater and becoming an even more formidable member of the group.
Red Tornado hasn't been a member of the League in a long time and that's a shame. He's a pretty great character - a synthetic man who was able to overcome his programming and become a man, even getting a wife and adopted daughter. He's one of the League's great success stories and deserves another chance to shine with them.
2 Kyle Rayner

For a time, Kyle Rayner was the last Green Lantern, keeping their fire alive as he worked to protect the cosmos on his own and as a member of the League. Since the return of the Corps, he's mostly worked in outer space but it's about time for him to come back and rejoin the team that showed the universe just how great he can be.
Although John Stewart is the current resident Green Lantern of the Justice League, nothing says there can't be two Lanterns on the team, and Rayner and Stewart work very well together. Rayner's skills and experience make him an excellent member of the Justice League and he should return to the team ASAP.
1 The Atom

One of the things the Justice League is sorely missing is a scientist. Sure, Batman can do a lot of science stuff, as can the Flash, but neither of them are actually scientists. However, the League has had members of the team who were scientists, with the best of them being the Atom. While the Atom prefers science to being a superhero, he's always been down to help his friends in the Justice League.
His shrinking skill makes him an expert infiltrator and he's a much better fighter than most people would imagine a university professor to be. The Atom brings scientific know-how to the team and would help them figure out how to defeat their enemies in new ways.