Frozen is unarguably one of Disney's best creations of the most recent years. It has characters that capture the hearts of viewers of all ages, music that has probably been overplayed but still stands out a lot, and animation that is done on the highest level that Disney is notorious for.
On the other hand, Frozen is not without its own faults. There are some elements of the movie that definitely annoyed older and more experienced audiences while being ignored by younger viewers. But to understand whether the movie is overrated or underrated, it's worth looking at all of its elements separately.
10 OVERRATED: The Hype For The Movie Was Just Too Much

Sometimes the hype for a particular movie is much bigger than expected which inevitably affects the movie in some way. Some people watch the movie and think it lives up to the hype while others come out disappointed.
But for Frozen, the hype was just too much which did not actually translate to the movie being all that great. It even got to the point of being annoying with "Let It Go" coming from every place and merch being sold pretty much everywhere.
9 UNDERRATED: The Animation Quality Is Outstanding

As with virtually any Disney or Pixar movie, Frozen has outstanding animation quality. Even after eight years, the movie still looks pretty good and watchable, to say the least.
The colors are very vibrant with the color scheme throughout the movie changing according to the mood of the scene while still being consistent enough to give Frozen a distinctive look.
8 OVERRATED: Olaf Is Sometimes Too Annoying

Though most people loved the magical snowman Olaf, some actually hated the character and found him to be annoying. In fact, other characters feel annoying sometimes as well.
This is not big news for a very simple reason: Olaf is a comic relief character that was introduced for the sake of younger audiences. He is meant to be funny to kids, but parents can find him annoying just because of his naivety that feels like nonsense at times.
7 UNDERRATED: The Dynamic Between The Characters Is Quite Relatable

It's not often that Disney makes a movie with sisters, brothers, or just siblings at the forefront. Of course, there are exceptions (for example, Lilo & Stitch), but they are few and far between.
Frozen, however, has two sisters that both act as the main characters of the story - and the dynamic between them is quite relatable to anyone who has their own siblings. In addition to that, the relationships between other characters are quite lively too.
6 OVERRATED: Hans Only Diverts The Attention Of The Audience From Important Things

Hans being the villain of Frozen is both an advantage and a curse. Some viewers loved this plot twist while others felt it wasn't all that good - and who's to blame them?
Hans and his actions only divert the attention of the audience from important things like the relationship between Anna and Elsa. He wasn't even supposed to the villain in the first place!
5 UNDERRATED: The Twist With The Villain Is Actually Unexpected

That being said, the twist with Hans being the villain is still actually quite unexpected and even unusual for the likes of Disney and Pixar.
Most of the time, Disney princesses marry the first person they meet in their stories which is also somewhat true for Frozen. But the difference is that the first choice, Hans, turns out to be the villain that a stranger would probably be in a situation like that.
4 OVERRATED: There Is Absolutely No Plot Structure

One of the biggest complaints thrown towards the animated movie is that there is absolutely no plot structure. This is probably the result of the problems the creators experienced during the production of Frozen.
During the process, Elsa was changed from being the antagonist to being one of the protagonists. As a result, Hans was not set up as the villain at all which is why the reveal is so unexpected and somewhat illogical. The first and third acts are both fine, but the second act is clearly lacking.
3 UNDERRATED: It Sends A Very Important Message To Young Girls

As mentioned above, Frozen does not take as many stereotypical Disney approaches as the studio's other classic animated princess movies do. And one of such elements is the message.
Frozen sends a very important message to young girls showing them that the most important love is the one coming from their direct family and that they shouldn't trust everyone they meet and fall in love with.
2 OVERRATED: There Are Many Unanswered Questions Left At The End

Younger viewers don't usually pay attention to plot holes and the like, but unanswered questions can seriously annoy older audience members - and Frozen has plenty left at the end.
What is the significance of Olaf and why is he alive at all? What is the source of Elsa's powers, why are they considered bad, and why can't Elsa control them? And besides, Elsa and Anna's parents were erased too quickly from the story which is not justified by anything other than their ship being lost at sea.
1 UNDERRATED: "Let It Go" Is A Truly Incredible Song

No matter what anyone says, "Let It Go" is still a truly incredible song. It fits the character of Elsa perfectly and allows her to express her transformation in a beautiful and emotional way.
Though it was obviously played too often after the movie's mind-blowing success, it remains one of Disney's most memorable songs to date and will be remembered for years to come.