Up is often considered to be one of Pixar's best works both by fans and casual viewers alike. It has the classic charm of Disney and Pixar animation, the fun parts enjoyable by all family members, and the unforgettable music to accompany it all.
And yet, there are some things about Up that make it an inferior movie to the one that it is actually perceived to be. In fact, these aspects of Up could potentially make it out to be quite overrated - or, on the other hand, they might actually prove that the movie is underrated.
10 OVERRATED: There Are Too Many Scary Parts To Be Overlooked

At the time of its release, Up was advertised as the most fun movie of the summer. Many parents, however, were surprised to find out that there are too many scary parts in the movie that simply can't be overlooked.
First, there's Ellie dying in the opening sequence of the movie. There's a bunch of terrible things happening to Carl's house like it breaking gradually and even burning. Carl himself abandons Russell and there are many instances when characters could easily fall to their death. There's even a pack of scary dogs that look surprisingly realistic. Kids who don't respond well to themes of death and loss can find it hard viewing this movie.
9 UNDERRATED: The Animation Quality Is As High As It Could Be

It's an established fact by this point that both Disney and Pixar consistently create movies of the highest animation quality - and Up is not an exception.
All the colors in the movie are vibrant and the character designs fit perfectly with the personalities of said characters. Moreover, some parts look so detailed and real that animation holds up to this day.
8 OVERRATED: Characters Tend To Be Quite Annoying

There's an interesting element that many comic relief characters possess and that is being annoying. But with Up, this quality seems to extend to other characters as well with almost everyone being annoying at one point or another.
Carl is constantly grumpy while Russell is overenthusiastic. Dug and Kevin are both a mixture of weird and naive which often translates to ridiculous behavior from them both.
7 UNDERRATED: Character Interactions Are Exceptionally Genuine

That being said, the interactions between characters are still exceptionally genuine which is what made so many viewers fall in love with this movie, its story, and, of course, its characters.
Carl is the kind of shy guy that so many people can see themselves in while Ellie is the hyperactive adventurous kid that so many people wish to be. Russell, with his need to be loved by his father, is the embodiment of one of the biggest child fears anyone could have - the fear of not being loved by their parents. All of this makes the interactions between these characters feel sincere and real.
6 OVERRATED: At Times It Becomes Way Too Sentimental

Another thing that Disney and Pixar are so well-known for is the blatant sentimentality of many of their works. People love telling stories about crying in the theater while watching a Pixar movie, but sometimes, it becomes too obvious when the movie is trying to make the viewers cry.
Up has plenty of moments that focus on sentimentality too much. The opening sequence is by far the most obvious part, but there are other scenes closer to the end that take a very similar approach to that of the opening sequence.
5 UNDERRATED: The Soundtrack Is One Of The Best Of Pixar

Speaking of sentimentality, a huge contributor to it was the soundtrack which was composed by Michael Giacchino who also composed for The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Inside Out, Zootopia, Coco, and others.
By far, Up's soundtrack is one of the best of Pixar. It has sentimental notes and a simple melody that stay with the viewers for years while at the same time bringing out the emotions when they are needed.
4 OVERRATED: It Covers Very Sensitive Topics

As mentioned earlier, Up features some scenes that can scare younger viewers quite a lot, especially if they aren't ready for such scenes or expected something fun and lighthearted.
But at the same time, these scenes are tied to the very sensitive topics covered in the movie. Death, loss, loneliness, and depression are all present here. In addition to that, the relationship between parents and children is also touched upon with some scary aspects of it present too.
3 UNDERRATED: It Has The Classic Disney/Pixar Magic

No matter what anyone thinks about Up, there is one thing that stays constant throughout the entire movie - the classic Disney/Pixar magic element.
Up has the kind of atmosphere that almost all Pixar movies have: the ups and downs of the character journeys, the beautiful animation, the powerful messages, and the enjoyment for the entire family.
2 OVERRATED: There Is Not Much Of A Plot

One of the rare yet still prominent complaints about Up is that there is not much of a plot. Of course, there is the opening sequence and the hook, but throughout the story itself, the characters are mostly just struggling with each other.
The jokes sprinkled all about usually conceal this aspect of the movie, making it enjoyable nonetheless, but some viewers may still find Up uneventful.
1 UNDERRATED: The Opening Sequence Is One Of The Best In History

The first thing brought up when Up is mentioned is obviously the opening sequence. And without doubt, it is absolutely brilliant, but it is way more than that - it is perhaps one of the best in history.
The way the audience is introduced to Ellie and Carl is so powerful that when the sequence ends with her death, it feels very impactful even though she was on screen not even for half of the movie.