The Vision's MCU return in WandaVision is full of many disturbing questions. After the android's death at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, his resurrection was likely not a particularly pleasant process.
The original comics, however, feature the most heartbreaking resurrection of The Vision.
After the Vision attempted to take over the world governments' computer systems in Avengers #253, by Roger Stern and Bob Hall, the Avenging Android came to be feared. Out of this fear, a government organization called Vigilance kidnapped the Vision, in West Coast Avengers #42, by John Byrne. The Scarlet Witch then led the West Coast Avengers on a mission to find her husband.
Unfortunately, by the time the Avengers found Vision he had been completely dismantled. This was quite a horrifying sight, as The Vision was essentially dead and had his inner working pulled apart. Hank Pym attempted to reassemble him, but The Vision didn't return as the same android he once was. Indeed, Wonder Man denied the use of his brain patterns in The Vision's body, leaving him cold and emotionless.

It's one thing for The Vision to be taken apart and pieced back together, but The Vision was denied his own individual emotions and personality. Rebuilt in an all-white body, The Vision's physical form reflected the blank slate of nothingness he had become. To further The Vision and Scarlet Witch's plight, in Avengers West Coast #53, by Byrne, Wanda and Vision's children were revealed to be fabricated by pieces of Mephisto. Tommy and Billy were taken back to their source and removed from existence.
With their children gone and no love remaining, The Vision and The Scarlet Witch separated. The Vision was robbed of his emotions and his family, completely stripping the android of his identity. While Wanda remained on the West Coast Avengers, Vision moved back to the east coast and remained, essentially, a robot.
The Vision continued his inhuman existence until Avengers Spotlight #40, by Len Kaminski, Carrie Barre and Gavin Cutris, when he was implanted with the brainwaves of Alex Lipton, a deceased scientist. While he still wasn't quite himself, at least The Vision regained some individual personality.
In Avengers #360, by Bob Harras and Steve Epting, The Vision's mind was swapped with that of the Anti-Vision, an android from an alternate universe. The Anti-Vision, in The Vision's white body, attempted to infiltrate the Avengers but was ultimately stopped. Out of these events, The Vision regained a more colorful body. After a period of cold detachment, the Vision was back to his old self.

Still, even after regaining his emotions, The Vision never completely reconciled with The Scarlet Witch. For a great deal of time, The Vision hid his emotions from Wanda, despite his mounting jealousy of Wonder Man and The Scarlet Witch. This jealousy came to a head in Avengers #23, by Kurt Busiek and George Perez, when The Vision got into conflict with Wonder Man.
Even after Wanda and The Vision reconciled in Avengers #60, by Geoff Johns and Kieron Dwyer, their reunion was short-lived. In Avengers #500, by Brian Michael Bendis and David Finch, Wanda had a nervous breakdown, resulting in the death of The Vision, among others. When The Vision returned in Avengers #19, by Bendis and Daniel Acuna, he was far past reconciliation with The Scarlet Witch. The two served on several Avengers teams together, but their relationship was over.
If not for The Vision's dismantling and reassembly, The Scarlet Witch and The Vision wouldn't have separated. Without this separation, the following series of events wouldn't have occurred. The Vision may have recovered from his horrifying resurrection, but his relationship with Wanda would never be the same. This fractured marriage shows the lasting, heartbreaking impact of The Vision's original resurrection.
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