The Vision has generally been much more benevolent than his villainous creator, Ultron. The Avenging Android stands on the side of good, using his powers to help humanity.
In some scenarios, however, The Vision was quite forceful in his efforts, taking over the entire Marvel Universe.
The Vision almost took over the Earth in Avengers #254, by Roger Stern and Bob Hall. The Vision had nearly died when he attempted to breach a barrier created by Annihilus around the Baxter Building. To save him, Starfox linked The Vision to Isaac, a supercomputer from his home planet of Titan. Unfortunately, there were side effects of this mindlink, as Isaac filled The Vision's head with ideas about controlling the Earth. To fulfill his plans, The Vision linked his mind to all of the world's computers before the Avengers convinced him to stop.
While The Vision was talked down by his teammates, What If? #19. by Roy Thomas, R.J.M. Lofficier and Ron Wilson illustrated two different outcomes to this scenario. The first instance was a utopian outcome in which everyone agreed to go along with The Vision's plans for a better world. Together, Earth's heroes helped The Vision guide mankind to its destiny. Captain America dismantled the world's nuclear arsenals, X-Factor worked to help the homeless, Black Panther provided aid for impoverished nations, the Fantastic Four created more solar panels and Thor provided rain to grow more crops.

Additionally, mutants were the first wave of space colonizers, as Wolverine and the New Mutants planted the Earth's flag on Mars. Going into the 22nd century, The Vision led the Cosmic Avengers, who became liberators of both the Kree and Skrull empires. After defeating these empires' tyrannical rulers, Earth welcomed the Kree and Skrull into the "Family of Worlds."
Of course, this first tale was immediately followed by a bleak, dystopian story. In this version, The Vision's takeover was seen as a threat by Genosha. The Genoshan government sent a thermonuclear device to the heart of New York City, killing millions, including most of Marvel's heroes.
Still, The Vision survived within the world's computers. The Avenging Android chose to ally himself with villains such as Doctor Doom, The Mad Thinker, Supreme Hydra and The Kingpin. Together, these villains used their resources to conquer the world.
In the 22nd century, The Vision and his sinister allies expanded their influence to outer space. The Vision conquered entire empires, destroying the Shi'ar while taking control of the Skrulls and the Baddon. To dominate the Kree, The Vision went so far as to take over The Supreme Intelligence.

Overall, while The Vision dominated the galaxy in both versions of this tale, he did so in very different ways. The outcome of The Vision's rule greatly depended on his allies. In the utopian scenario, The Vision worked with Marvel's heroes, solving many of Earth's major problems.
Moreover, mutants became accepted within society, indicating how far Vision helped humanity grow. Not only were mutants accepted, but they were also chosen to pioneer Earth's colonization of planets like Mars. In the dystopia, meanwhile, The Vision had the same plans, but his partnership with villains such as Doctor Doom corrupted the android's grand designs. Rather than help others, The Vision oppressed the whole planet.
Comparing the utopian version of the 22nd century to the dystopian 22nd century, The Vision executed his plans in a radically different manner. The utopian future saw the Cosmic Avengers liberating planets and welcoming them as allies, while the dystopian future saw the villains conquer these same planets.
All of these differences demonstrate how morally ambiguous The Vision's plans truly were. Depending on who The Vision worked with, the idea of world domination could take on two entirely separate meanings.