Disenchantment: What Happened to Maru? | CBR

Now that fans have three parts of Disenchantment, the plot against Dreamland is starting to come into focus. At the core of it are the significant mystical resources that Dreamland has at its disposal. Unfortunately for them, there are a lot of enemies who want access to that incredible power. However, at least one of them, Maru, seems to have inexplicably faded into the background.

Part 1 of the series was primarily about Bean and her friends trying to resurrect her mother, Dagmar, who had been cursed and turned to stone. Bean even sacrifices Elfo to bring Dagmar back, but had she known that Dagmar was going to turn out to be evil, Bean probably would have left her frozen in stone and helped Elfo instead. As it turned out, Dagmar wasn't working alone in her efforts against Dreamland.

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Dagmar was born and raised in a kingdom called Maru. It's an ancient place filled with mystery and mysticism, and it was the source of Dagmar's own magical powers. She was sent to Dreamland to woo King Zøg and give birth to Bean. Her daughter would then fulfill a prophecy that Dagmar and her family were looking to take advantage of, one that was likely to allow them to take control of Dreamland's mystical reserves.

In Part 2, Dagmar took Bean to Maru, where she met her uncle and aunt. Slowly, Bean put their true intentions together and realized she was a pawn in their larger game. Bean and Luci escaped into Hell, where they rescued Elfo before returning to Dreamland. While Maru was a major player up until this point, this was the last time Maru was a real threat to Dreamland in any clear way.

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Later in Part 2, Steamland, a steampunk kingdom that believed in science, was introduced. Part 3 would continue to detail their plot against Dreamland and outright state that their goal was to acquire the mystical energies in the kingdom. At that point, Steamland became the main threat to Dreamland, not Maru. The reality was that Maru barely got mentioned in Part 3, feeling like a dangling plot thread that needed to be resolved.

Dagmar continued to appear, but she seemed to be working towards her own ends and not on behalf of her home. Furthermore, it became apparent that Maru was no threat to Dreamland at all. In fact, it became increasingly clear that Dagmar was manipulating her home kingdom to further her own plans, the same way she had manipulated King Zøg and Dreamland, but the full extent of those plans remain to be seen.

Regardless of the manipulations and machinations of Dagmar, Maru's sudden irrelevance to the plot is odd. Nothing that came up during Bean's time in Maru has been resolved, including what the complete prophecy is or how she fits into it. On top of that, there's now a curse related to Zøg's royal lineage. As it stands now, there are a lot of players in this game, and Maru may have fallen through the cracks.

NEXT: How Disenchantment Made Hansel and Gretel Even Darker

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