Mass Effect: Andromeda dropped its players into the middle of a galactic quagmire that went well beyond the Scourge and the threat of violent aliens. Pathfinder Ryder's arrival at the Nexus, which was meant to be established prior to the rest of the Andromeda Initiative's arrival in the Heleus Cluster, found the organization's base of operations in a state of chaos.
While moving through the Nexus, the player character was quickly drawn into details about a violent uprising that took place upon arrival in Andromeda. As the Nexus met with the Scourge, the majority of the Initiative's high-ranking officials were killed, including the organization's founder, Jien Garson. When trying to determine the next in line to take control of the Initiative, it quickly became apparent there was no one left with the skills (or the credentials) to adequately fill the spot.
The responsibility fell to a Sur'Kesh-born Salarian accountant named Jarun Tann, whose original title was Deputy Assistant for Revenue Management. Tann may well have been a whiz when it came to crunching numbers and managing budgets, but managing actual people wasn't exactly his strong suit.

Like many Salarians before him, Tann held a deep fascination with space exploration, but life seemed to have other plans for him. When he learned of the Andromeda Initiative's plans to travel to a whole new galaxy, Tann realized it was an opportunity to finally do the one thing he'd always dreamed of, and he submitted his application. While he didn't have much to offer in the traditional sense, even the Initiative's founder Jien Garson knew the need to balance budgets would be necessary where they were going, and Tann was offered a job.
All potential recruits to the Andromeda Initiative were required to fill out abundant applications and undergo numerous interviews. While interviewing, Tann avoided questions that prodded into any pre-existing prejudices he might have. Data forensics, however, exposed a deeply rooted prejudice against the Krogan, a not altogether uncommon viewpoint for most Salarians, but it would certainly rule him out for any position that might force his prejudice to the surface.
When the Nexus crew arrived in Andromeda and saw so many of its high-ranking members killed, Jarun Tann was thrust into position as the Initiative's Director. Those who had survived the chaos did not believe he was the right person for the job, and he met with opposition at every turn. Tann lacked the people skills required for such a position, and though he couldn't entirely be called uncompassionate, he possessed something of a superiority complex that often made him look dangerously power hungry.
As things on the Nexus grew more dire, Tann recommended they consider forcing people back into cryostasis to preserve their resources until the arks began to arrive and they could shift their focus to the necessary acts required for the survival of all who'd come to Andromeda. His suggestions prompted an uprising, as those who'd been woken feared they would never be woken again if they were forced back into stasis.
Tann struggled with the notion of working with the Krogan, but in the end, he sought their help in putting down the rebellion. He promised them they would have an active role on the Initiative's governing council, but when all was said and done, he went back on that promise.

Despite the Initiative's overall goal for the Milky Way species to start anew and work together to build a new life, Tann had no qualms about the Krogan leaving the Nexus to forge their own path. Krogan leader, Nakmor Morda, knew that, despite going off on their own, they would still need to maintain contact with the Initiative. She left Nakmor Kesh behind as their Initiative contact.
Kesh and Tann butted heads on a regular basis. By the time Pathfinder Ryder and their team arrived on the Nexus, it was clear that, though he'd grown somewhat complacent in his leadership, he struggled to maintain his strained composure and control over the Initiative. He had very little faith in Ryder, who had been granted their position against protocol when their father, Alec, died on Habitat 7. Despite his reservations, he struck a bargain with Ryder that would make him look good if they succeeded and force him to choose another human Pathfinder should they fail.
Throughout the game, Tann was incredibly careful in framing his opinions and responses to Ryder's deeds and their observations, never wanting to look bad because he definitely understood the need for diplomacy and forging allies in their new home. His prejudices against the Krogan were always there, however, and if Ryder recommended Nakmor Morda for the position of Heleus Ambassador to the Nexus after defeating the Kett, Tann was actually speechless for the first time in the game.
Jarun Tann was, at times, a difficult character to feel sympathetic toward. His open prejudice and seemingly underhanded nature when it came to making sure he came out smelling like roses no matter what, made it obvious that he had no business in a leadership position. Still, he rose to the occasion more often than not, proving that even someone like him could do what needed to be done in the face of tragedy and immense pressure.