My Hero Academia: 5 Ways Stain Deserves Redemption (& Why He Doesn't)

Stain was a memorable villain of the My Hero Academia universe on account of his unique worldview and approach toward the heroes he contended with. Instead of seeking to destroy them outright (as Shigaraki or Overhaul might), he appointed himself as their judge, jury, and when necessary, executioner.

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His main philosophy oriented around the idea that hero society was flawed, and the bloodcurdling villain did not seek personal fame, glory, or monetary compensation for his many crimes - instead, he doggedly pursued the "purity" of those who would defend Japan from its enemies. Considering his distinct motivations, one may wonder whether or not it's possible to redeem him.

10 CAN'T BE REDEEMED: He Radicalized Others

Though Stain's ideology would not be successful under peaceful circumstances, it proliferated through violence well. The despicable actions he took against Japan's heroes granted him publicity, and with that exposure, he was able to spread his ideals to the rest of the world.

Consequently, he was able to amass a number of admirers that would later join Shigaraki's League of Villains, such as Himiko Toga and Spinner. Were it not for his poisonous rhetoric, they may never have been indoctrinated into evil in the first place.

9 DESERVES REDEMPTION: He Could Influence Villains To Do The Right Thing

While the pervasive effects of Stain's ideology may have twisted innocent minds against hero society, it would also hypothetically work to his favor if he sought redemption. Many antagonists, such as Twice and Spinner, have only defected to Shigaraki since there are no more attractive alternatives.

If Stain were to convince them in abandoning their path and joining the heroes (or if he were to even assimilate them into his own exclusive team of vigilantes), the bloodcurdling legend would considerably detract from Tomura's efforts and make him a more manageable threat to deal with.

8 CAN'T BE REDEEMED: He Has A Dark Past Of Demoralizing Heroes

In Stain's brief criminal career, he has already accrued a prolific list of crimes. Having slaughtered dozens of professional heroes, the fall of Tenya Iida's brother, Ingenium, was particularly devastating to him.

As a result, though he may be able to galvanize some villains into turning against the League, his activity would be simultaneously demoralizing for the heroes who had suffered firsthand under his evil. Ironically, this could cause division within Japan's ranks that have the potential to lead to their own defections.


Stain's bloodlust was not exclusively reserved for the heroes. When the nomu ran rampant across the city, he had also directly attacked them along with whatever heroes he determined were unworthy of living.

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Poetically, the nomu would be his final targets before his detainment once the pro heroes had arrived. This would significantly enhance his public image as a man of the people, as his final moments of freedom were glimpsed doing the same job that his enemies were supposed to be responsible for. Similarly, it demonstrates his capacity for good under the correct circumstances.

6 CAN'T BE REDEEMED: He Resorted To Domestic Terrorism

Should Stain be forgiven or his crimes excused, it would set a harrowing precedent for Japan as its tenuous future continues to unfold. Whether or not one agrees with his philosophy of heroism, he was using violence in order to perpetuate his beliefs, effectively qualifying as the textbook definition of terrorism.

Therefore, even if the heroes do absolve him of his actions and agree to collaborate, this may have the unintended effect of inspiring other dangerously volatile mentalities to crop up. It would be an unsustainable disaster that compromises the authenticity and strength of Japan's defenders.

5 DESERVES REDEMPTION: He Held Heroes Accountable

An unfortunate reality of Stain's dogma is that it's at least - in part - correct. Many heroes are unabashedly self-interested, leveraging their personal ambitions over those they are sworn to protect.

Though this hypothetically wouldn't make them any worse than a police officer or standard soldier, there are a limited number of people who can qualify to become a hero at any given time, with most others being turned away. As a consequence, many people with noble hearts will never have the opportunity to protect their countrymen unless they sign up with the vigilante.

4 CAN'T BE REDEEMED: His Quirk Is Quite Villainous

An important aspect of becoming a hero is through inspiring ordinary people and winning their trust (as Mirio explained when justifying why he carried a cape). This establishes a symbiotic between citizen and protector, one which ideally would be mutually productive.

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Though Stain's methods may be attractive to a radicalized few, he is a horrifying sight to behold for most of Japan's residents. His Bloodcurdle Quirk is innately villainous and forces one to reevaluate their standard of what a "hero" should be in order to justify him being on their side.

3 DESERVES REDEMPTION: He Recognized Deku's Noble Heart & Spared Him

When Stain and Izuku Midoriya fought against one another, the vigilante had ample opportunity to kill his opponent, extinguishing the flame of One For All permanently. Instead, he spared him, allowing Deku to recover from his wounds time and again and thereby significantly complicating the fight.

This was because he was able to correctly identify Midoriya's noble heart and would even risk his own freedom in order to stand by his ideals. It was a stunning display of integrity and one that proves he will remain true to his values at any cost.

2 CAN'T BE REDEEMED: He Heard Shigaraki Out

During Shigaraki's hunt for new allies, he acknowledged Stain's usefulness and attempted to recruit him. Though this would expectedly result in a violent exchange between them (interrupted by Kurogiri in an anemic effort to ease their tensions), nothing would come of their potential partnership.

Conversely, Stain was also never willing to give up the League's whereabouts to the heroes even after he had been captured. It would have expedited their efforts to liberate Bakugo if he had been compliant. Ardently as the vigilante may have rebuked Tomura, his silence spoke much about his blackened heart.

1 DESERVES REDEMPTION: He Admired All Might More Than Most

Amusingly, Stain was one of All Might's most emphatic supporters. Toshinori's heroics embodied his preconceptions of what a hero should be, and given that many of the Symbol's constituents did not share his values, he would ultimately fall into darkness.

Since All Might survived his fateful battle against All For One and continues to counsel Midoriya (even making the occasional trip to Tartarus, where Stain is held), it stands to reason he might convince him in abandoning his current path and joining a more noble one. With how highly the vigilante views him, such a conversion may be possible if the effort is made.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 5 Ways Bakugo & Endeavor Are The Same (& 5 They're Different)

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