The 2015 Peanuts movie marked an interesting moment in the history of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Woodstock, and animated films in general. Not only was this the first Peanuts production to be done in full on CGI animation, but it is also the first time that Charlie Brown got to take home the victory despite all the odds going against him like always.
In classic fashion for a series with so much history behind it, the film is littered to the brim with little Easter eggs everywhere for readers of Peanuts comics and fans of the Peanuts cartoon specials to find and geek out over. Thankfully, many fans have searched the film high and low and found many instances of it.
10 The Water From The Sprinklers

One aspect of Peanuts comics Easter eggs being scattered everywhere in the film shows up during the sprinkler system scene of the film that leaves Charlie Brown in utter despair. Everyone knows that Peanuts creator, Charles M. Schulz, had a very unique comic art style that even was noticeable in the way he drew rain.
In fact, fans noticed that the sprinkler system was a direct reference to his very unique style. For those that don't notice, the way that the water coming down from the sprinklers looks is exactly the same as the way that Charles Schulz drew rain.
9 A Reference to Tom Everhart

Tom Everhart met Charles M. Schulz at Schulz's studio before ever becoming a cartoonist. However, before he knew it he ended up a freelancer drawing and presenting Peanuts renders to his studios. His ability to completely copy the Schulz style with these presentations impressed Schulz and resulted in the two becoming friends and Tom Everhart becoming the only other person truly authorized to draw the Peanuts.
This legendary man and student of Schulz was given a big shout out in the 2015 Peanuts film with this shot of Lucy in a rage and covered in paint. This scene perfectly reflects Tom's art style.
8 Snoopy & His Cookie Obsession

One thing that fans of the Peanuts comic strips can tell anyone about Snoopy among the other facts about him is that Charlie Brown's dog best friend is head over heels in love with cookies. In fact, this love can even be called an obsession.
Of course, this obsession had to be referenced in the Peanuts' 2015 celebration of the entire series. The reference is done by Charlie Brown when he tells a very excited Snoopy that he left some cookies for him in his supper dish.
7 That Same Bathroom

One great reference showcased in the film that only the biggest Peanuts comics fans would be able to catch is that of Franklin's bathroom.
This scene showcases a borderline copy paste of a bathroom shown in a particular Peanuts comic strip. However, instead of Charlie Brown being the one in the tub, it's Franklin here.
6 Snowy Snoopy Reference

Another awesome visual reference to the classic comic strips showcases Snoopy and his classic snow gag. Many times in the classic Peanuts comics Snoopy is completely covered in snow while sleeping atop his iconic dog house, leaving his iconic and unmistakable outline in the white powder. This was referenced immediately at the beginning of the film.
5 Schulz & His Zambonis

No one truly knows why, but Charles Schulz absolutely loved throwing Zamboni gags— the vehicles that drive across ice to smooth it out, most famously in between the periods of hockey games— into his Peanuts comic strips as quick visual gags.
A reference to this ongoing gag from the man himself was showcased in the film with Woodstock driving a Zamboni across the ice lake, just as he was in a comic strip.
4 References Everywhere

The pictures showcased in Charlie Brown's classroom are a huge testament to how many referenced are thrown into this impressive film.
Many of them are from comic strips, different parts of the animated specials, and even random art pieces by Charles Schulz featuring his famous characters.
3 Snowman Gag

Another little known gag from the classic Peanuts comics strips had to do with snowmen. For some reason, Charles Schulz loved having his cast interact and play with small snowmen on a multitude of occasions in his comics.
For the fans that actually had the eye and awareness to notice this Easter egg, this little callback served as a huge surprise and treat.
2 The Classic Clothes Explosion

One reference that most fans probably noticed is the old clothes explosion that Charlie Brown went through in the film. This is one of the most popular and constantly used Peanuts gags there is.
There is no chance that any fan that saw the film missed this one, as it's always awaited eagerly.
1 Linus's Crazy Hair

Easily, one of the most hilarious gags of the Peanuts series is Linus's crazy hair standing up throughout the animated films and comic strips.
This was one that got big laughs in the film and is a great callback to Charles Schulz and how much he loved drawing Linus with his "scary" hair.