She-Ra: 5 Marvel Heroes She Could Defeat (& 5 She Would Lose To)

For the Honor of Grayskull! Less than a year after the finale of the Netflix animated series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, a revival of the 1980s cartoon heroine, fans are still wanting more from Adora and the princesses.

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While many things were changed about the character between the original and the reboot, one thing about She-Ra remained - she is a very powerful hero. But just how powerful is she? When looking at superpowered heroes of the Marvel universe, many variables and possibilities lie in just who She-Ra could and couldn't defeat. So, who could stand up to She-Ra?

10 Could Defeat: Captain America

When it comes to fighting skills, few can go toe-to-toe with Captain America, but there's evidence that She-Ra, especially when considering Adora's extensive combat training from her time with the Horde, could be Cap's fighting equal. What gives She-Ra an edge over Cap is her immense super-strength, her superhuman speed, stamina, and the fact that her Sword of Protection is capable of transforming into any weapon that could be used against Cap's shield. Combine this with She-Ra's durability, it doesn't look like Cap could win.

9 Defeated By: Captain Marvel

As shown in season 4 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, She-Ra is the key to the Heart of Etheria's power and she is the only being that can withstand the full magical power of the Heart, which is possibly capable of destroying the entire universe. That is a lot of power going through one 8-foot-tall warrior. She-Ra's powers are impressive, but they pale in comparison to Carol Danvers' energy absorption, her photonic blasts, and her ability to fly - a huge advantage over She-Ra.

8 Could Defeat: Wolverine

This one is tricky because Wolverine is truly the best at what he does, with that savage tenacity and those adamantium claws, but ultimately, the fight would go to She-Ra. She-Ra's biggest advantages over Wolverine are her Sword of Protection, her energy blasts, her super-strength, and superhuman speed.

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What makes this pairing an interesting one is that how Wolverine's adamantium claws would fair against She-Ra's Sword of Protection as the only thing that has been proven to break it has been She-Ra's own strength and will.

7 Defeated By: Jean Grey as Phoenix

While She-Ra is able to withstand the full magical power of the Heart of Etheria, it's difficult if this also applies to the cosmic energy of Jean Grey and the Phoenix force. She-Ra may be able to do some amazing and fantastical things with her powers and weapons with energy blasts, it seems unlikely that she would be able to take on Phoenix or even Jean Grey, an Omega-level telepath. She-Ra's can't transform if her mind isn't clear, which Jean could take full advantage of.

6 Could Defeat: Spider-Man

Spider-Man has some pretty incredible powers that help keep him mostly out of harm's way, thanks to a combination of his super-strength, agility, web-shooters, and Spidey-sense. However, when going up against someone as powerful and skilled as She-Ra, it doesn't look too good for Spider-Man. He could try to outmaneuver her, but with She-Ra's superhuman speed and energy blasts from the Sword of Protection, it doesn't seem likely that she wouldn't get him eventually, even with his Spidey-sense or webs which her sword could probably dissolve.

5 Defeated By: Iron Man

What gives Iron Man a crucial edge over She-Ra is his brilliant knowledge of technology, which has been proven to be one of She-Ra's weaknesses. While the First One tech within the original Sword of Protection was able to be corrupted by a virus that in turn corrupted She-Ra, it's unknown if her new Sword of Protection has this same weakness. The thing about Iron Man though, is that if there's a weakness in the new sword's tech, then he would undoubtedly find it.

4 Could Defeat: Deadpool

Yes, Deadpool is basically indestructible and always comes back with a hilarious one-liner, but that doesn't mean that She-Ra can't beat him in a fight and defeat him. She-Ra's powers, weapons, and her Horde training should be enough to defend against whatever Deadpool can possibly throw at her... except maybe his smart mouth.

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The biggest advantage that She-Ra has is the magic within her which allows her to manipulate energy blasts and weapons. Deadpool may not stay down but She-Ra would still knock him there.

3 Defeated By: Thor

Out of all of the characters in the Marvel universe, Thor and his powers as the God of Thunder are perhaps the most analogous to Adora and her She-Ra powers. Both have immense strength, speed, durability, are highly skilled fighters, and they both have long blonde hair that's the envy of all. She-Ra is extremely powerful and her Sword is more adaptable than Mjolnir, but the big advantage Thor has over her is his godly manipulation of lightning as well as his ability to fly.

2 Could Defeat: Hulk

The thing about the Incredible Hulk in the comics is that he's pretty tough to beat. However, a number of the times that he's been taken down by other heroes have been after they've been imbued with cosmic power, like Spider-Man or Silver Surfer. While She-Ra's powers aren't necessarily cosmic the way their powers were, the gemstone in her sword could be powerful enough to help her take down Hulk. While Hulk and She-Ra are both strong and durable, She-Ra's weapons would allow her victory.

1 Defeated By: Doctor Strange

While She-Ra herself is magic, even after powering up in season 5 of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power she wasn't able to fully control or understand her inner magic. With this in mind, it only makes sense for Doctor Strange to be able to defeat She-Ra in a battle. Not only because of his Sorceror Supreme magical expertise and command over the mystical arts but also because of Strange's other, lesser-known abilities like telepathy which, like with Jean Grey, could prevent Adora's She-Ra transformation.

NEXT: She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power: The 10 Best Episodes Of The Series, According To IMDb

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