Spider-Man: Norman Osborn Tells His Grandson About Some Harsh Family Secrets

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #59 by Nick Spender, Marcelo Ferreira, Wayne Faucher, Morry Hollowell, Andrew Crossley & VC's Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

Spider-Man is up to his ears in danger, having barely escaped a battle with Sin-Eater and Kindred and now involved in a major encounter with Mister Negative and the Inner Demons. Meanwhile, the web-slinger has also been keeping an eye on Norman Osborn. Even though an encounter with the Sin-Eater seemingly took away Osborn's demons, he still doesn't trust his longtime nemesis.

There are plenty of reasons for not trusting Norman Osborn, but it seems the former Green Golbin is doing everything right on the surface. Norman went to warn Spider-Man that there was an attack planned by Wilson Fisk on Aunt May's F.E.A.S.T. Center, leaving him alone with Liz Allen and his grandson, Normie Osborn, who he just told some harsh truths to.

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Norman then took the chance to take Liz and Normie to see Harry while Spider-Man was off trying to save the F.E.A.S.T. Center. Norman has said from the start that he wanted nothing more than to save Harry Osborn and help his son find the peace that he has gained since he was cleansed of his sins and the mental instability that created the Green Goblin. After taking Liz to see Kindred's body at Ravencroft, trapped in the Darkfroce cage, he took the time to talk to Normie.

Normie Osborn ran when he saw his mother break down in front of the cage holding his father. He went to a ledge on the roof and was sitting alone when Norman came out. After Norman agreed to keep his distance, the two began to talk. Normie pointed out the truth, saying they all lie and do whatever they want to do, and none of them are who they say they are. Norman thought about this and admitted he likes to sit up there because it reminds him of things, although he struggles with that lately.

Norman pulled out a photo of Harry as a child, when he was Normie's age, and hands it to him. Norman admits that Harry was a lot like Normie is now, and then he unloaded the truth onto Normie. He told the boy that he is at the age where he knows that, no matter how much people try to hide it, he sees the adults around him with all their flaws. For the Osborn family, that is especially terrifying and disappointing. He told the boy that his father and mother wanted to be better for Normie. Norman then explained the photo was from Coney Island, and if he comes back inside and Liz allows it, he could take him someday.

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It was the harsh truth that someone always needed to tell Normie. The Osborn family is not a good one, and there are more dark secrets in that family than others. It is not something Norman or Harry can hide from, and it is not something they need to hide from Normie. However, it's not clear how truthful Norman Osborn is being here.

When they walked back in, Norman looked up to where Spider-Man was watching them. If Norman know that Spider-Man was watching, this could all be a show. Norman helped Wilson Fisk capture Kindred, and it was Norman who knew to send Spider-Man to Martin Li, where he turned back into Mister Negative. It is hard to trust Osborn with his past deceptions, but in this case, the former Green Goblin might have given his grandson the advice that he needed most right now.

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