After the conclusion of the sequel trilogy, many fans have been curious as to the future of the Star Wars universe. Oftentimes, their clamoring for more content has been answered through shows such as The Mandalorian and the scheduled Bad Batch.
With the overwhelming success of the former, there are many possibilities for new series and characters to be explored - even using those who already exist in the canon universe. By identifying ten individuals who would make an excellent main protagonist in their own live action adaptations, we can speculate as to what the future might hold.
10 Mace Windu

Mace Windu is an excellent candidate to become the main focus of a live action adaptation for a number of reasons. Not only has Samuel Jackson expressed interest in returning to the role, there are a number of angles by which to explore his story.
We could view his days on the Jedi Council and his fight against the Separatists or alternatively glean what became of him after Anakin Skywalker sliced off his hand and nearly took his life. The latter would provide a gritty window into existence on Coruscant after the Empire's coup.
9 Plo Koon

Plo Koon was a Jedi Master much like Mace Windu. He has a number of qualities which make him distinct and deserving of his own live action adaption, including his unique relationship with the clones and the abilities at his disposal.
He is one of the few jedi capable of casting Electric Judgment, the light side iteration of the sith's famous Force Lightning. Such controversial practices would provide an enormous amount of plot potential, both for his battles against villains and how his constituents might observe his actions.
8 Jango Fett

A potential spinoff with Jango Fett has the potential to distinguish itself from The Mandalorian for the context it can give its viewer as to the prequel trilogy. Specifically, it allows us a window into the man's relationship with his son, who would become a legend across the galaxy in his own right many years into the future.
Additionally, we would gain more information about the clones themselves since Fett was the genetic template used to create them. Therefore, there are a number of twists that a Jango Fett adaptation could take to make him stand out from a generic bounty hunting series.
7 Darth Maul

Initially designed to be a one-off villain in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul quickly made his potential known when he was reintroduced to The Clone Wars. There is an enormous amount of potential for his character, especially exploring his origins on Dathomir.
Though his rivalry with Kenobi has already been accounted for under existing canon material, we could still explore his life with Sidious before the fateful match against Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice. It would create an opportunity for an alien-centric series that does not yet exist.
6 Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was Anakin Skywalker's apprentice and a brilliant prodigy in her own right. She was able to escape Grievous, outmaneuver her clone pursuers (before and after Order 66), and was even one of the few Jedi to defeat Darth Maul in a duel singlehandedly.
This provides her an enormous amount of potential, especially if Darth Vader is cast as the main antagonist of the series. Even if she wouldn't explicitly defeat him, their sobering and complex relationship would gauge just how much humanity is left inside the newly christened Sith Lord.
5 Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn was the former master of Obi-Wan Kenobi and apprentice to Count Dooku. Both present staggering possibilities for exploration, whether following his young student's journey to becoming the Separatist-defeating hero we see in the Clone Wars or of his own master's descent into evil.
When introduced, Jinn was presented as the ideal Jedi and one who could see past its usual corrosive bureaucracy—proven through his refusal to take a seat on the Council. This illustrates his humility and how he embodies all aspects the Order claims to uphold. His modesty would make him a likable protagonist and one already familiar in the universe.
4 Rex

Rex was a clone trooper who distinguished himself for his ability, intelligence, and above all, critical thinking skills. He was featured in Rebels as a supporting character along with the other soldiers that dissented from Palpatine's massacre.
The man stands out for the way he circumvented Order 66. By nullifying the chips in his forehead and that of his colleagues, he was able to honor Fives' death and prevent himself from living a life of dishonor and slavery under the onerous thumb of the Empire. His past provides ample opportunity for storytelling, especially through his conflict with the clones that did not defect.
3 Count Dooku

Count Dooku was one of the Separatist leaders during the Clone Wars and the direct apprentice to Lord Sidious. Despite the evil that he unleashed on the galaxy, he has proven to be a morally nuanced character.
He only defected to the sith after becoming disillusioned by the ways of the Jedi. If there is a series about his younger years in the service of the Order, we can better understand his decisions and critically analyze how his path to the dark side paralleled Anakin's own.
2 Darth Vader

Ironically, the most plausible candidate for a live-action series is Star Wars' most notorious villain, Darth Vader. After Order 66's conclusion and his subsequent defeat by Kenobi, we glimpsed his anguish and despair for what he had done—specifically, the death of Padme.
Though it may be difficult to present him in a redeeming light on account of his frequent and unrepentant brutality, his humanity had never truly left him. This was demonstrated through his betrayal of Palpatine at the end of Return Of The Jedi.
1 Grand Admiral Thrawn

Thrawn was the Grand Admiral of the Empire and a man appointed by Sidious himself. In spite of his maligned allegiances, his story is actually one worthy of admiration.
Discriminated against for his alien ancestry, he ascended through the imperial ranks in spite of the many obstacles in his way. Moreover, he respects foreign cultures, composing himself with much more decency and respect than most of his peers. The man's most prodigious asset is his vast and terrifying intelligence, providing limitless possibilities to dazzle audiences as he leads his forces to victory against impossible odds. While he may not be a hero, he is likable of a villain to make for a prospective main character.