The show Assassination Classroom was one of Shonen Jump's major series for a time, but like many other series lately that are incredibly popular, it came to an end quicker than people expected it to. The premise of having a teacher who had to be killed or else he would blow up the planet was fascinating enough that everyone fell in love with it. The series even got its own live action film.
The class of 3-E really struggled over the series to come up with the right skills to take Koro-Sensei out. The women were already some incredible fighters, so the male students had to step it up in order to keep up.
10 Kotaro Takebayashi Is An Unseen But Excellent Planner

Takebayashi doesn’t get a ton of focus throughout the series. What is known is he’s the best analysis person in the class. He comes from a family of elites and the pressure on his shoulders caused him to fall to class 3-E. But that doesn’t mean he’s not great at figuring out the weaknesses of things around him.
His specialty is demolitions and he quickly understood how they worked and using them several times to help against Class 3-E.
9 Masayoshi Kimura Specializes In Speed And Wants To Bring Justice To Koro-Sensei

Masayoshi isn’t seen much in the series, but he’s got his own character arc and development. His name can be read as “Justice” over “Masayoshi”, which led to him getting teased a bunch. That comes from both of his parents being police officers and choosing to name him justice when he was born.
He doesn’t like the name, but takes pride in it after being told he could grow up to be justice if he took down Koro-sensei. His specialization is largely in knife-work, and he’s the fastest in the class.
8 Tomohito Sugino Uses His Baseball Skills To Take On Koro-Sensei

Sugino is a good planner on the group. The focus for Sugino is the desire to become a professional baseball player. And with that, there are entire chapters about him learning to get better and improve.
Sugino ranks third amongst the 3-E class with knifework, but he’s also quite good at utilizing his baseball throwing technique in combat. He tried to take advantage of Koro-sensei’s weaknesses to hit him with a baseball covered in anti-sensei material, but though it was a good idea, Koro-sensei was just too fast to hit.
7 Ryoma Terasaka Is Not Smart, But He's One Of The Strongest Members Of The Team

Terasaka isn’t the smartest in the class, and in fact his strong point is that he’s “an idiot”, as the show calls him multiple times. He can become a great ally to people when he wants to work with them, and Karma makes a great leader for him.
He’s somewhat good with explosives, but what makes him great is how durable he is. He can take blows from Itona’s tentacles and keep moving, and he’s also easily one of the strongest people in the class.
6 Hiroto Maehara Avoids Using Guns To Focus On His Specialty In Using Knives

The resident pretty boy of the group, Hiroto’s problem holding him back is he can’t help hitting on every girl he sees. He wanted to be on the soccer club before he was placed into Class 3-E, and that shows.
His speed and agility is top-notch among the class. Unlike many of the other members he prefers not to use guns, and in fact leans towards focusing on utilizing knives.
5 Itona Horibe Was Once The Equal Of Koro-Sensei In Power, But Now Focuses On

Itona is surprisingly smart and grew up as the son of an electronics factory owner. Itona’s time working with his dad has made him actually quite talented when it comes to the usage of any kind of electronics. At first, the character had tentacles that were made up of the same material as Koro-Sensei, given to him out of his desire to be the strongest.
Koro-Sensei helped him to separate from those tentacles and learn that strength wasn't the only thing that mattered, which was important because his powers were endangering him. At that time he was stronger than anyone else, but after losing them he was still a formidable member of Class 3-E, relying on his ability to create gadgets to win.
4 Yuma Isogai Is Both The Class Leader And All Around Good At All Forms Of Fighting

The leader of the class, he’s also one of the most well-liked members of the class. Isogai is basically an all-arounder in terms of abilities. He’s the best knife user in the entire class. He’s also the second best marksman, ranking only behind Ryunousuke.
He’s got great reflexes and agility, and in general, he’s such a talent that the rest of class 3-E is often jealous of him. As a poor kid constantly working, he was placed in 3-E because it’s against school policy to have a side job.
3 Ryunousuke Chiba Is One Of The Class' Best Snipers

Though quiet, Ryunosuke is probably one of the most dangerous members of Class 3-E because of his special talents. He’s incredible at shooting, and is largely known for exactly that. His specialty is triangulation, and he’s such a good shot he’s even been praised by actual sniper assassins.
His skill with calculation leans into his true goal of becoming an architect, but in the meantime the character has no problem taking advantage of his abilities to take out Koro-sensei.
2 Karma Akabane Excels At Everything, But In Particular Is The Best Overall Hand To Hand Fighter

Karma is unquestionably the ace of the class. From his introduction, he’s shown to be on a different level than everyone else, displayed to be a better fighter and stronger than everyone in the class.
He’s the third best marksman in the class, and the smartest of them all. The only reason he’s in 3-E to begin with is he snapped on a teacher who he felt wasn’t behaving as a teacher should. There’s no member of the class he couldn’t defeat in a straight-up one on one fight.
1 Nagisa Shiota Isn't Great At Hand To Hand Fighting But Has Mastered The Art Of The Silent Attack

Though he doesn’t look like it, Nagisa Shiota is one of the deadliest members in the class. In a school about being an assassin, he’s got the most skills of the entire group. He’s not physically strong, but he’s able to read people and react to what they’re feeling.
He can hide his murderous intent, and when he displays it he’s able to throw talented assassins off their game as well. With people being unable to know exactly where he’ll attack from, he’s the best in terms of pure skill.