Thor: 10 Most Dangerous Villains He's Ever Fought | CBR

Thor has often been the heaviest hitter in the Marvel Universe, battling foes that test him to his limits and always triumphing. A founding member of the Avengers, Thor has fought in every major conflict the heroes have been in and proven his worth many times over the years. Ask anyone who has fought alongside him and they would all say the same thing; there's no one they'd rather have watching their backs than Thor.

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Thor has been battling evil for millennia, facing down some of the gravest threats that any hero has ever faced. While it takes a lot to challenge the God of Thunder, there are some villains who have been able to.

10 Malekith Is Always A Challenge For Thor

While Malekith's magic and fighting skill make him dangerous, they aren't his main threat — his command of the armies of the Dark Elves is. Malekith is a cunning foe, one who has challenged Thor every time he faced him. Always on the lookout for powerful artifacts like the Cask of Ancient Winters, Malekith is always a dangerous test for the God Of Thunder.

He's been battling Thor long enough to know just what strategies to use against him and the last time he showed up, it almost spelled doom for the entire Marvel Universe.

9 Absorbing Man Is Dangerous But Dumb

Thor and the heroes of the Marvel Universe are actually very lucky that the Absorbing Man is as dumb as he is. Granted the power to absorb the properties of anyone he touches, as well as fantastic strength and a magic ball and chain by Thor's brother Loki, Absorbing Man has been a dangerous, yet dimwitted thorn in Thor's side for years.

If he was smarter and used his powers better, Absorbing Man would have long ago defeated Thor and the Avengers but instead, he's more interested in brawling and robbing banks. However, he's still a dangerous foe any time he shows up.

8 Apocalypse Almost Killed Thor With One Punch Before He Had Mjolnir

Apocalypse and Thor have clashed several times over the years, with the ancient mutant once completely outclassing the young god in a battle in the 15th century (one which was witnessed by one of Wolverine's ancestors, strangely enough) and almost knocking his head off with one punch. This caused Thor to have his weapon at the time, the ax Jarnbjorn, enchanted so it could pierce Celestial armor like the one Apocalypse wore.

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For years, Apocalypse was one of the most dangerous villains on the planet and there were few heroes who could stand against him one on one. Thor was able to, but even his power almost wasn't enough against En Sabah Nur.

7 Ultron's Been Responsible For Countless Deaths

The Avengers have battled many foes over the years but the enmity between them and Ultron is intensely personal. Created by Avenger Hank Pym, Ultron has made it his mission in life to destroy the team and all biological life on the planet. Constantly bettering himself through modification, Ultron has proven to be a match for the entire team.

Thor has been a big help in the battles against Ultron but defeating the mechanical menace often takes more than the kind of power Thor brings to the table. However, he has been able to keep his teammates safe by taking the brunt of the android's assaults.

6 The Void Is The Dark Side Of One Of The Most Powerful Heroes On Earth

The Sentry is one of the most powerful beings on Earth, the man with the power of a million exploding suns. However, he has as many mental problems as he does amazing superpowers and they manifest themselves as the Void, one of the deadliest villains to bedevil the Avengers. The Void's threat was so great that for years, the Sentry had to be mindwiped and not even know he was a hero to keep the beast from breaking loose and jeopardizing all life on the planet.

During the Siege of Asgard by Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers, the chaos of the battle would draw the Void out. It was a touch-and-go battle for the heroes but in the end, Thor was able to end the threat of the Void with one mighty blow of his hammer.

5 Hela Is The Goddess Of Death

The Asgardian Goddess of Death, Hela, and Thor have been battling on and off for years. A cunning and powerful foe, Hela has often tried to ensnare the God of Thunder in her machinations, yet he always is able to foil her plans. Armed with the Nightsword, her magical might, there are few bigger threats to Thor than Hela.

Thor is lucky to have beaten Hela as many times as he has. Her powers and skills make her a frighteningly difficult foe to fight and her plans can be quite complicated and grandiose. Luckily for living, Thor has always triumphed but as a death goddess, Hela can be very patient.

4 Loki Is Thor's Most Tenacious Foe

Loki and Thor's rivalry has a long and storied history; in fact, the feud is responsible for the formation of the Avengers, as Thor needed help to unravel his brother's schemes. Loki and Thor have been fighting each other for years, with Thor's sheer strength and power challenged by Loki's cunning and magical might. Even though he isn't as strong as his brother, Loki is no slouch in the hand-to-hand combat either and will punch it out with his brother if need be.

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Loki and Thor's relationship has also had a lot of ups and downs over the years. Recently, it's swung in a less antagonistic direction but Thor is always reticent of his brother's treacherous nature and ready for the God of Mischief to live up to his name.

3 The Destroyer Once Killed Thor

Destroyer isn't one particular villain; rather it is a powerful suit of Uru armor that was created by Odin to help in Asgard's wars of millennia past. Anyone can wear it, and once activated, Destroyer is one of the most dangerous threats imaginable. Nearly impregnable, it also gifts its wearer with amazing strength and energy powers that make it a threat at close and long range.

Thor has battled the Destroyer many times over the years and every single one of the battles has been harrowing for the God of Thunder. In fact, the Destroyer was once able to kill Thor, forcing him to bond with nearby paramedic Jake Olsen.

2 Thanos Is One Of The Greatest Villains In The Marvel Universe

Thanos and Thor have clashed several times over the years. It's rare for a hero to be able to stand toe to toe with the Mad Titan, but Thor is able to do so. The battles between the two have been violent affairs, with both giving as good as they got. Thanos often has an advantage over the God of Thunder because he'll do just about anything to win.

Thor has rarely been able to defeat Thanos on his own but that's never stopped him from trying. For his part, Thanos isn't scared of Thor but he'd rather not have to face him; he may be able to defeat the God of Thunder most of the time but it's never easy.

1 The Celestials Are One Of The Most Powerful Forces In The Cosmos

The Celestials have traveled the universe for countless eons, experimenting on all the life they've come across. Responsible for the creations of powerful beings like the Eternals, even gods fear the Celestials. With their nearly impenetrable armor and amazing cosmic powers, they're one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Thor has gone up against the Celestials many times over the years — he even has a weapon that can pierce their powerful shells. Thor has survived every encounter he's had with the Celestials but sometimes only by the skin of his teeth. They challenge him like few other foes he's faced.

NEXT: 5 Ways Thor Is Better In The MCU (& Why He's Better In The Comics)

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