WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #114 by Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Sophie Campbell, Ronda Pattison, and Shawn Lee, on sale now.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been dealing with a lot lately, and their immediate concerns just keep stacking up. Aside from the day to day struggles of life in Mutant Town, they've also just run into one of their youngest wards all grown up and back from the future. Time travel is never a good sign, and this time is no different than any other as Lita has come back with some dire warnings for her mentors. Thankfully, the Turtles are all willing to do whatever they can to save the future, even if one of them does have a habit of making things far more difficult than they need to be.
Saving Karai from the wreckage of a helicopter crash was not part of the Turtles' agenda for their evening, but it's where they've found themselves after Lita's arrival. Back at the Splinter Clan Dojo, Donatello attends to Bludgeon's wounds, and hears him out when the hammerhead tells him that Tokka and Rahzar are on the loose. The two overgrown mutants might only be children, but their massive size and short tempers make them a serious threat to anyone who gets in their way. Though Bludgeon does answer to Karai, he seems far more concerned with getting Tokka and Rahzar off the streets than he does any blowback he might get from the leader of the Foot Clan, further driving home just how bad things might get if the two aren't dealt with quickly. It doesn't take much time for the Splinter Clan to hunt the two down considering their size, and the Turtles discover that the giant mutants really are just a couple of kids.

Mikey approaches the two with a smile on his face and a donut in his hand, winning them both over with ease. As children, all Tokka and Rahzar want to do is be reunited with Karai, who they've decided is their mother. They might be well over ten feet tall, but the two infantile mutants are still just that, with attention spans that last as long as a commercial break and tempers that could go off for the smallest of reasons.
Before Mikey can find another snack for them or Leonardo can work up a way to get everyone moving, Rahzar playfully snatches Raphael's mask off of his face, completely enamored by it being the same color as his "mama's" clothes. Raph's reflexes get the better of him when he snatches the bandana back, sending Rahzar into a bawling meltdown, just like the toddler that he is. Rahzar might be sad, but seeing his brother cry just made Tokka very angry.

Like the worst of kids, there is no time to avert Tokka's temper tantrum before it begins, and the overgrown snapping turtle lashes out with full force. In a matter of seconds, Rahzar has gone from bad to worse himself, now growling at Raphael for the mask as his brother launches Jennika through the air with ease. Where most adults might try to reason with out of control children or try to calm them down, the Splinter Clan can only hope to survive the encounter entirely.
Karai has never been above subjugating others to further her own goals, especially mutants, but picking the biggest of the bunch without regard for their age or intellect was a decision made with a surprising lack of forethought on her part. It might be Raphael's fault for setting them off, but Karai was still the one who thought creating them in the back of an aircraft was a good idea.