10 DC Heroes Who Would Make Goku Sweat | CBR

Goku is one of the toughest characters in anime, having survived all kinds of battles that he probably shouldn't have over the years. The laundry list of bad guys he's faced down is legendary and he's proven to be one of the heaviest hitters in the Dragon Ball universe, the one who wins when everyone else is down. He's also a bone of contention between fandoms, as everyone loves to play the "who can beat Goku" game.

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The heroes of DC are some of the most formidable in all of fiction and there are plenty who Goku would be able to beat but some would easily make the Saiyan sweat.

10 Orion Is One Of The Most Powerful Beings In The Multiverse

Orion is one of the most powerful New Gods. Prophesied to defeat his father, Darkseid, in combat, there are few who can stand against his fury and the power of the Astro Force. Much like Goku, Orion's whole life is all about battle, and while he isn't an expert martial artist, he's a fierce and skilled combatant who would be able to defeat Goku before he got going.

Orion doesn't mess around. His powers don't have to charge up, and he's not going to allow his foe the time they need to use their skills against him. He's going to hit Goku hard and fast, making short work of the Saiyan.

9 Big Barda May Not Be As Powerful As Goku, But She's Got It Where It Counts

Big Barda grew up on Apokolips and joined the Female Furies, quickly becoming the most powerful member of the group. Goku has Barda beat in both power level and skill, but Barda's brutal upbringing on Apokolips has given her the skills she needs to not only survive just about any fight but win when the odds are down.

Barda can be quick and brutal, which is going to win the fight for her. Surviving Apokolips isn't easy and that prepared Barda for anything, even battling and defeating foes that should have been able to beat her.

8 Wonder Woman Is One Of The Most Formidable Heroes In The DC Universe

Wonder Woman is one of the greatest heroes in the DC Universe for a lot of reasons--she's skilled, powerful, and never gives up. While Goku is definitely more powerful than she is, they're probably on par when it comes to fighting skill, with Wonder Woman's skill with weapons giving her an advantage over the powerful Saiyan.

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Goku may get an advantage over Wonder Woman early, but this wouldn't be the first time a foe thought they had her beat. Wonder Woman has overcome the odds before and would go into high gear, coming back and getting the win over Goku.

7 Supergirl's Kryptonian Powers Give Her A Massive Advantage Over Goku

Supergirl doesn't get a lot of credit for just how powerful she is. Everyone thinks of her as a weaker version of Superman, but she's proven that she can be more powerful than her illustrious cousin on more than one occasion. On top of her power levels, she's also a trained Kryptonian martial artist; she might not be as skilled as Goku, but she'd be able to hold her own for a bit.

What would really win the fight for her is her speed and mobility. She'd be on Goku before he knew it, raining superpowered blows down on him and keeping the pressure up. He wouldn't even have a chance to use any of his more powerful moves against her.

6 Doctor Fate's Magic Would Let Him Win The Day

Many have worn the Helmet of Fate over the years and become the mighty Doctor Fate. Fate is powered by the Lord of Order, Nabu, who resides in the Helmet and shares his knowledge and power with the wearer. On top of that, Doctor Fate has access to the magical repository of the Tower of Fate. Goku is quite powerful, but he wouldn't be able to stand against Fate's magic.

Fate would be able to guard himself against Goku's attacks pretty much indefinitely and use his mighty power to quickly take the Saiyan down.

5 Zatanna Could Defeat Goku With A Few Words

Goku may be able to beat Zatanna in a straight-up fight, but powers like hers will make sure he never gets the chance to do so. Zatanna has been battling evil of all kinds for a long time, and the moment she sees a musclebound dude like Goku walking up, she's not going to mess around and let him fight the kind of fight he's used to.

Zatanna's skills would let her stop the fight at pretty much any time, just by telling Goku to, "Pots." That's just the beginning of what she could do to him once she's stopped him. Her powers give her so many options that she'd make Goku rue the day he ever thought about fighting her.

4 Shazam's Powers & Intelligence Would Him Let Beat Goku

Goku's martial arts skills make him hard to beat, but Shazam would be able to do it. Not so much because of physical prowess--which is quite formidable--but because of the Wisdom of Solomon. Goku is a lot of things, but smart isn't one of them. The Wisdom of Solomon has allowed Shazam to beat all kinds of foes who had his number, and he'd add Goku to that number.

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There's a good chance that Goku is stronger than Shazam and might be able to get an advantage over him, but the Wisdom of Solomon, combined with Shazam's speed and strength, would let him figure out a way to win the fight.

3 Martian Manhunter's Defensive Abilities Would Get Him The Win

Martian Manhunter has pretty much every cool power in comics and while his weakness--fire--is kind of mundane, there's no way Goku would know about it. On top of that, Martian Manhunter has years and years of combat experience, and he'll quickly surmise that duking it out with Goku is foolish so he'd improvise.

Martian Manhunter can not only turn invisible but also intangible, meaning he can keep himself from getting hit pretty much indefinitely. On top of that, his powerful telepathic abilities would allow him to mess with Goku's mind and shut him down before he could do too much damage.

2 The Spectre Would Beat Goku Before He Even Knew It Was A Fight

It's safe to say that the Spectre is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe. As God's Angel of Vengeance, the Spectre has been punishing evildoers in brutal and inventive ways for millennia and has been helping the heroes of the DC Universe battle the gravest threats for decades. Goku is powerful, but the Spectre is the next level.

If it ever came down to a battle between the two of them, the Spectre would make very short work of Goku. There's just not much he'd be able to do against the Spectre, and that would make it a rather easy battle for the Spectre to win.

1 Superman Would Eat Goku For Breakfast

Superman versus Goku is an eternal question in online debates and the answer is simple--Superman beats Goku every time. It's negligible who is more powerful--Superman has more powers while Goku's power levels keep getting scaled up--but the thing that isn't debatable is that Superman is way more clever than Goku, and that's going to allow him to beat the Saiyan.

Goku is powerful and skilled but Superman has been facing down foes like him for ages and always is able to come out on top because he's not just a bunch of really cool powers--he's an experienced and clever man, able to out-think his foes and use his powers to devastating effect, even when the odds are against him. Goku's attacks can be cataclysmic, but Superman's speed and intelligence would see him through, giving him the tools he needs to beat Goku.

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