10 Marvel Characters Who Would Hate Their MCU Counterpart | CBR

Marvel's characters have become some of the most popular superheroes of all time thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The movies have differentiated themselves from the comics with unique plot twists and character changes that have made them exciting even for fans who know Marvel's comic output in and out. However, even with the changes, the MCU has gained a reputation for being extremely accurate, with many believing the comic and movie versions are quite similar.

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However, there are plenty of reasons that the characters of Marvel's comics would hate their movie counterparts, whether it be because of choices they've made or the type of people they are.

10 MCU Hawkeye Is Exactly The Kind Of Person That Comic Hawkeye Hates

Hawkeye in the movies and Hawkeye in the comics are quite different and those differences are what would make the comic Hawkeye hate his counterpart. MCU Hawkeye is the kind of stuffy, serious hero that comic Hawkeye spent years making fun of and he would hate the thought of himself being such a joyless killer.

In the comics, Hawkeye has always been a man who was all about saving lives and having fun while doing it but MCU Hawkeye can be quite dour. They would never get along, with comic Hawkeye just constantly belittling and making fun of his counterpart.

9 Comic Black Widow Would Think MCU Black Widow Is Weak

In both the comics and the MCU, Black Widow is one of the best spies around, but the MCU version of Black Widow is a bit more human, for lack of a better term. She feels sorrow over her actions, regrets the things that made her into Black Widow, and is shown to not be able to handle being leader of the Avengers, post-Snap. Comic Black Widow would take one look at her and hate her weakness.

That's not to say that the comic version of Natasha is some kind of heartless titan. Instead, she's a person who has learned to deal with the tribulations of her life and become a better, stronger person, one who can handle anything with no cracks showing, unlike the MCU version.

8 Baron Zemo Would Find His MCU Counterpart To Be A Sentimental Buffoon

Baron Zemo is the scion of a Nazi and a high-ranking member of Hydra. He's accomplished a lot of terrible things in his time as a villain, including nearly defeating the Avengers and Captain America on numerous occasions. He's proven to be smart and skilled, something his MCU counterpart is not and he would hate his doppelganger.

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Zemo would find his MCU version to be a fool who lets his emotions cloud his judgment and would laugh at his pathetic plan from Captain America: Civil War, which hinged on everyone being dumb and not any kind of good strategy. He would kill the man who he considered a stain on the Zemo name quickly and efficiently.

7 Comic Thanos Would Find His MCU Counterpart To Be A Deluded Moron

Thanos is one of the greatest villains in any Marvel Universe but the comic version would not only hate his MCU counterpart but actively try to kill him. Just to begin with, the MCU version is kind of simple-minded and this would drive Thanos mad — his plan to kill half the universe to save the other half is flawed and short-sighted and would show Comic Thanos just how sentimental and foolish his counterpart is.

He'd also find the MCU's Mad Titan to be weak — there's no way comic Thanos would have as much problem fighting the Avengers as the MCU one did. The fight would be short and brutal but in the end, as always, Thanos of Titan would stand triumphant. The comic Thanos of Titan, that is.

6 Comic Quicksilver Hates Everyone But His Sister, Which Would Include His MCU Counterpart

In the comics, Quicksilver is known for being mouthy and hard to deal with. Part of this is because of the nature of his powers — everyone seems slow to him — but it's also just because he's an imperious sort of person, always believing in his inherent superiority. While his powers make him a great Avenger, they also make him one of the team's most tempestuous members.

The number of people Quicksilver likes can be counted on one hand and he definitely wouldn't like his MCU counterpart. Both of them are arrogant men with attitudes and wouldn't mix well at all.

5 Comic Loki Doesn't Trust Anyone, Especially Not Other Versions Of Himself

Loki is the God of Mischief and for this reason, he would know better than to trust another version of himself. The two Lokis, though, could co-exist for a time because they would be trying to use each other for their advantages. However, the whole time each would be looking for the right moment to stab the other in the back.

Neither would want to co-exist with the other and the more villainous comic version would definitely try and kill his MCU counterpart before the MCU one could get him, because the comic version would want to be the only Loki left standing.

4 The Hulk Would Want To Prove He's The Strongest One There Is By Smashing His MCU Counterpart

The comic Hulk and the MCU Hulk are very different, as the comic one is often at odds with the heroes whom the MCU version helps. The chip on the comic Hulk's shoulder is pretty well earned, as more than anything, he just wants to be left alone. He would take one look at his counterpart, a happy, relatively well-adjusted Hulk, and want to destroy him for a lot of reasons, one of which would be to prove he was the strongest.

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It would be especially bad now, as the comic Hulk would see his MCU counterpart as the lackey of a system that gives power to those that don't deserve it and use it against others to keep the status quo intact, which would anger him even more.

3 Thor Would Think His MCU Counterpart Is A Fool

Thor in the comics is not the funny buffoon that the MCU version is; he's a cunning warrior who would get very angry at the way his counterpart acts. Comics Thor is no stranger to humor but he'd find the way his immature counterpart acts to be a stain on the honor of Asgard and himself, one that he would have to set right with Mjolnir.

He'd also look poorly on the way Thor quit after the Snap, abandoning the leadership of his people to drown his sorrows in alcohol. All in all, Thor would feel such contempt for his MCU counterpart that he could do nothing but beat him within an inch of his life.

2 Captain America Never Quits, So He'd Judge His MCU Version Harshly

Captain America never gives up. It's his defining characteristic; no matter what he keeps fighting for. So, his reaction to the MCU's Cap's fate would anger him immensely, especially given the fact that it didn't have to be that way.

Cap in the comics would have done the same thing that his MCU counterpart did with Sharon, except he would use the Time Stone to go back in time to the Ancient One after Sharon died, age himself back to fighting trim before he gave it back, and then would go back to the present. Seeing a version of himself who not only gave up but had a way to easily keep the fight going and have a personal life would anger him immensely.

1 Comic Iron Man Would Be Jealous Of His MCU Counterpart's Success

Iron Man in the comics is nowhere near as well-liked or respected as his MCU counterpart and that would drive him crazy. His MCU counterpart is a beloved hero whose alcoholism never got out of hand, whose mistakes didn't almost doom the planet to Skrull conquest, and who is considered the greatest hero on the planet.

Comic Iron Man's massive catalog of mistakes has changed the way everyone looks at him and seeing a version of himself that was successful, happy, and beloved would drive him to hate his counterpart.

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