10 Times Superman Was Better Off As Clark Kent | CBR

Before Superman was Superman, he was just a young boy named Clark Kent. He had superpowers and abilities beyond those of the human children around him, but he was still just a boy trying to learn and grow like any other child. He was human in his own way, even if he was technically Kryptonian.

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Clark Kent is not the most well-adjusted person ever, but he has more humanity than even some human members of the Justice League, and it could be argued that his time as Clark Kent is better for him than his time as Superman. Ultimately, the character is some combination of his personas as Clark, Superman, and as Kal-El, but Clark Kent probably has the best moments in his life.

10 Superman Was Much Safer And Well-Adjusted When He Was The Child Clark Kent

When Superman was still a little boy, learning how to adjust to the world around him, the only real concerns he had were figuring out how to handle everything. Like many children, he turned to his parents for guidance, and Ma and Pa Kent tried to help their son as best as they could.

While Clark Kent did still struggle as a boy, he was able to get a grip on himself and help others in more minor ways. Superman takes up a lot of his time and energy, but, as a child, Clark was able to live a much safer and more normal life than he could as an adult.

9 Could Have Kept Pa Kent Alive By Saving Him From The Tornado

One of the biggest tragedies that happened in a young Superman’s life was when Jonathan Kent, his adoptive father, was trapped by a tornado. Clark was able to save his mother, Martha, but his father stopped him from going back for him.

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Though Superman could have easily saved Pa Kent from the tornado, Pa didn’t want Clark to expose his powers that way. If Clark was just Clark Kent, he wouldn’t have to deal with the pain and guilt of having to make a decision like this. It would have been much easier for Clark to be Clark then than Superman, the man who could have helped — and yet, ultimately, couldn’t.


Clark Kent Had A Place In The World

After Clark Kent lost his father, he struggled to figure out what place he could possibly have in this world. As Superman — with the abilities that Clark Kent was born with as a child of Krypton — Clark struggled to find his place on Earth. He had abilities beyond any other human, and as such, his life was made infinitely more complicated.

Clark struggled to know what to do with his abilities, and as such could not really find a place he fit into the world. While Clark Kent had a place inherently, he felt that he had to take on different identities and travel the world before he could truly understand himself.

7 Humans Like Clark Don’t Have To Deal With Krypton Or Zod

As Clark Kent, the man’s biggest concerns really revolve around more Earth-bound problems. Celestial issues are not dilemmas that Clark has to cope with on a regular basis. Clark Kent’s only boss is Perry White at the Daily Planet, but Superman and Kal-El have a whole host of celestial obligations from across the universe.

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As a human, luckily for Clark, he doesn’t have to deal with problems like General Zod or the fate of the Kryptonian people. That’s all Superman stuff; Clark Kent is a human who just has to deal with humanity’s issues.

6 The Biggest Concern Clark Kent Has About Superheroes Is Batman’s Feelings On His Articles

While Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a rather clumsy and clunky movie overall, it did dive into Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent a bit in their personal lives. The movie’s Ultimate Edition did a better job at exploring these plotlines, especially Clark Kent’s journalistic dive into the underbelly of Gotham and Batman’s presence there.

Clark Kent is often stopped by Perry White in his search for the truth of Batman, he is curious about who he is and what he wants to do about the guy. Clark Kent’s biggest concern about Batman is whether or not the guy is doing the right thing; as Superman, Clark has much bigger superhero problems, especially concerning Batman himself.

5 With So Many Abilities, Superman Feels Obligated To Work At All Times

Part of the problem with Superman — both for the man himself and for society around him — is that he often becomes something of a godlike figure, a hero, a symbol to be idolized more than a man. While Superman is just a man, ultimately, many people believe he should be helping people as often as he can.

Since he has these abilities, he, too, feels that he has an obligation to help people frequently, because he’s the only person who can do exactly what he can do. Clark Kent, who truly is just a man in all ways, can live a normal life; Superman has no such opportunity in his day-to-day life.

4 Clark Kent Could Have Been Happy With Lois Lane

When Clark Kent loves, he loves deeply, which proves to be a problem for many of his love interests. Of course, Clark Kent is most frequently romantically paired with Lois Lane, who struggles to have a relationship with him in the DCEU. Lois even wonders out loud to Clark at one point whether or not Clark can still love Lois and be Superman at the same time.

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As Clark Kent, Clark doesn’t really have to worry about this problem; he can just be happy with Lois as anyone could be happy with a romantic partner. However, as Superman, he’s not too sure he can pull that off.

3 Bruce Wayne And Clark Kent Make A Great Team (And Batman Doesn’t Quite Trust Superman Yet)

When Batman and Superman were first introduced to one another in the DCEU, Lex Luthor was manipulating them both. He wanted them to hurt one another, and, if everything went right, Batman and Superman would end up killing each other. Lex Luthor almost even got what he wanted, as Batman didn’t trust Superman entirely yet and wanted to kill Superman for the threat he perceived him to be.

As soon as Bruce and Clark get to know each other even a little bit, they start working well together. Of course, they’re frequently best friends, and always work together as the “World’s Finest,” but even the DCEU proves that Bruce and Clark make a great team.

2 Superman Can Only Be Killed By Creatures Like Doomsday, Whom Clark Kent Doesn’t Even Know

On a regular day, human beings aren’t really threatened by monstrous creatures like Doomsday. As Clark Kent, Clark doesn’t really have to confront massive threats on a regular basis like he has to do as Superman.

While Superman is forced to confront creatures like Doomsday, who is capable of killing superpowered Kryptonians like him, Clark Kent would never be forced to confront such a creature. His worst problems would be somebody trying to mug or attack him.

1 Other People Don’t Feel Constantly Threatened By — Or Entitled To Share Their Opinions On — Clark Kent

In a world that feels that it has a right to Superman — and thus, has a right to make comments on what Superman says and does — Clark has to live up to everyone’s expectations at all times. Superman can hardly ever step a toe out of line. If he messes up even a little bit, which regular people do sometimes do, everybody watches him do it and judges him for it as if he should do no wrong.

They are threatened by his very presence, and so they watch his every move. Clark Kent is not monitored in such a way — except, perhaps, by Batman, but Bruce monitors everybody he cares about that way.

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