5 Ways Zeno Sama Could Defeat Saitama (& 5 He'd Get Destroyed)

Anime is a medium that frequently features individuals of unbelievable strength and Dragon Ball Super and One-Punch Man are two of the more extreme examples of this. Both of these series are satisfying examples of the action-filled shonen genre, but they apply different slants to their stories and One-Punch Man can often feel like it’s a parody of shows like Dragon Ball. One-Punch Man’s Saitama is an anime protagonist that’s actively frustrated over never being able to find a worthy opponent.

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Dragon Ball Super has slowly expanded the franchise’s scope and it’s introduced Zeno-sama as the ultimate being at the head of all universes. A showdown between Zeno and Saitama would reach catastrophic proportions, but it’s a battle that could also go either way.

10 Ways He Could Defeat Saitama: He Erases His Universe

The most practical way for Zeno to get rid of someone as powerful as Saitama is to simply put his erasure powers to use. The beings in Dragon Ball reach such heights of power that Zeno is treated like a failsafe in case anything ever gets out of line.

There isn’t a single thing that he can’t destroy and he’s used as the ultimate answer against Fused Zamasu. The Tournament of Power shows that Zeno can erase an entire universe, so whichever approach he takes against Saitama is still going to end in his end.

9 Ways He’d Get Destroyed: Saitama Punches Him

Much like how Zeno has a very clear and destructive ability, Saitama has a notable reputation because of the supreme power that’s contained in his punches. His anime gets its name from the fact that it’s very rare that Saitama needs to use more than a single punch to take out his opponent and even then he’s not using all of his strength.

Zeno’s cosmic skills are vast, but it doesn’t look like his physical strength or defense are that impressive. All that Saitama would need to do to win is make contact with his attack.

8 Ways He Could Defeat Saitama: He Puts Him In A Multiversal Tournament

Dragon Ball Super treats Zeno-sama like a watchful eye over all existence that’s not dissimilar to previous celestial beings like Kami, albeit on a much grander scale. Dragon Ball Super’s final arc involves the construction of a tournament between multiple universes that Zeno puts together.

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Saitama may prefer a one-on-one match, but if Zeno forced him to compete in such a competition then other universes might finish him off before Zeno needs to personally handle him. Saitama would likely do well in this scenario, but it’s unclear if he’d survive in a battle royale against the universes’ best.

7 Ways He’d Get Destroyed: Saitama Takes Out His Support Staff

Zeno is billed as the celestial being that’s at the very top of all creation, but he still has a powerful support staff that guards over him due to his unassuming appearance. Attendants are by Zeno’s side at all times, who make sure that no one makes contact with the Omni King.

However, there is also the Grand Priest that is present. Zeno has depended on these individuals to look after him, and if Saitama focused on them, it’d leave Zeno vulnerable in a way that he’s never been before. Saitama could then take advantage of this confusion and strike.

6 Ways He Could Defeat Saitama: He Sends A God Of Destruction After Him

Dragon Ball does an effective job at explaining the hierarchy of celestial beings that exist. Zeno is more than capable of handling any problem on his own, but due to his child-like mentality and indifference, it’s not unusual for him to get others to do his work for him.

Everyone absolutely fears Zeno due to his unpredictable nature and so any God of Destruction would easily jump at the opportunity to erase Saitama if Zeno made such a request. One God of Destruction would likely be enough here, but Zeno could unleash 12 Gods of Destruction and Angels against Saitama.

5 Ways He’d Get Destroyed: Saitama Entertains Him

Dragon Ball Super creates a compelling dichotomy in Zeno-sama in the sense that his overwhelming power is balanced out with child-like innocence. Goku is able to connect with Zeno on this level and understands that he loves entertainment and resents boredom over everything else.

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The whole reason that the Tournament of Power occurs is to give Zeno satisfying entertainment. Saitama just needs to put on an effective enough show to keep Zeno enthralled and then could land a blow during the distraction. It’s a big weakness that few have been able to exploit so far.

4 Ways He Could Defeat Saitama: He Strands Him In Another Dimension

Zeno holds unbelievable power, but he’s largely a passive character and only turns to confrontational measures when it’s necessary. Zeno has many skills and some of them get quickly brushed past due to the scope of the Tournament of Power.

Zeno is involved in the construction of the tournament’s battleground as well as the neutral space that it exists in, which leaves no universe with an advantage. This is done for practical purposes, but it stands to reason that Zeno could drop Saitama in this same neutral zone and leave him with no means to escape and return to Earth.

3 Ways He’d Get Destroyed: Saitama Turns To Genos & The Hero Association

One-Punch Man often has to take Saitama out of the picture so that every villain isn’t immediately extinguished. Saitama can usually handle a problem on his own, but the series is full of powerful heroes, whether S-Class ranked or otherwise.

If Saitama feels like he can’t defeat Zeno then he could turn to his faithful partner, Genos, or any of the Hero Association’s strongest fighters for help. Zeno’s destruction powers still might be too much for them, but Saitama fighting alongside every S-Class hero would definitely give Zeno pause.

2 Ways He Could Defeat Saitama: He Rewinds Time To Guarantee Victory

To be fair, time reversal isn’t explicitly shown to be a power that Zeno-sama possesses, but it’s a skill that Angels like Whis are able to use in incredibly rare situations. Angels are meant to not intervene with the events on Earth, which is similar to Zeno’s position, yet he is allowed to have a more active role.

It doesn’t make sense that an Angel would have a power that Zeno doesn’t, so Zeno can likely rewind time too and use this to guarantee defeat against Saitama. Any time that Saitama gets the upper hand could be reversed by Zeno.

1 Ways He’d Get Destroyed: Saitama Challenges Him To Video Games

The fate of the world is often at stake in One-Punch Man, but Saitama loves to relax and take things easy whenever possible. He arguably enjoys fighting evil in video games just as much as he does in real life and some of the more entertaining moments in One-Punch Man involve Saitama and King locked in combat in video games.

Zeno loves games and it’s easy to picture Saitama posing a challenge where video games are used to determine the winner. Saitama has more experience in this regard and it’s a clever way to remove Zeno’s powers from the equation.

NEXT: One-Punch Man: 5 Shonen Heroes Saitama Could Defeat In One Punch (& 5 That Might Take A Second)

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