Attack On Titan: 5 Dragon Ball Characters Who Could Stop The Rumbling (& 5 Who Couldn't)

Dragon Ball and Attack on Titan are two of the most successful manga franchises ever made, though they are very different. Dragon Ball has a lot of action, and the series mostly revolves around the battles the characters fight in. As the series has expanded into sequels, such as Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, a lot of stronger characters were introduced while those who used to be really powerful no longer fight.

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Attack on Titan's characters are much weaker, making the series feel more realistic than Dragon Ball, despite still having many fictional and fantasy elements. The biggest threat in Attack on Titan was known as The Rumbling, which resulted in many deaths. If The Rumbling was in Dragon Ball, some of the characters would be able to stop it, while others would not.

10 COULD STOP THE RUMBLING: Goku Is One Of The Strongest Characters In The Universe

Goku is the main character of Dragon Ball and definitely one of the strongest. He's a Saiyan who was supposed to destroy Earth. However, upon arriving there, he lost his memory and became Earth's defender, defeating any threat that the planet faced. Once he learned that there were other worlds, he saved them too and became one of the strongest beings in the entire franchise. He also has a pure heart and tries to see the good in life. Seeing as how The Rumbling came to an end when Armin and Zeke talked about how the small things they lived for gave them purpose, Goku could easily destroy Eren and the Colossal Titans who were used in the Rumbling or stop it the same way Armin and Zeke did.

9 COULDN'T: Master Roshi Isn't Strong Or Pure Enough

When Goku was a child, he trained under Master Roshi, who taught him a lot of things that Goku knew in the beginning of the franchise. In fact, it's even possible that Goku wouldn't be the fighter he is today without Master Roshi's training. However, the student surpassed the master in every way, and Roshi wouldn't even have a chance to stop The Rumbling, seeing as how his heart isn't pure nor is he strong enough. He'd probably get stomped on by a Colossal Titan early in the fight.

8 COULD STOP THE RUMBLING: Vegeta Could Defeat Eren If He Wanted To

After Goku, Vegeta is the main character of the series and is almost as great of a fighter. Unlike Goku, Vegeta is very serious and ruthless, so he'd only be able to stop The Rumbling by fighting.

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When he was first introduced, he didn't care about anyone or anything and would have easily let any planet be destroyed after the world he was meant to rule was annihilated. Though he's changed throughout the series, there was a time where Vegeta would have allowed Eren to destroy Earth, so even though he could stop The Rumbling, that doesn't mean he would.

7 COULDN'T: Yamcha Would Be Helpful In The Fight But Couldn't Win Alone

Yamcha was one of the main characters in the original Dragon Ball series and was a decent fighter throughout it. However, he is very weak compared to characters that came into the story later on, such as Vegeta. Yamcha is still helpful and tries his best to defeat the enemies he faces, and he would certainly assist Goku and Vegeta if they fought Eren, but he'd probably only be able to take out a few Colossal Titans rather than stop The Rumbling on his own.

6 COULD STOP THE RUMBLING: Future Trunks Could Stop It Before It Started With Time Travel

Trunks is a great fighter and, like the Survey Corps soldiers from Attack on Titan, uses a sword. While he could stop The Rumbling with his abilities, similar to the other Z Fighters, Trunks would also be able to strike the Colossal Titans in their necks, which is the traditional way to defeat them. As he had also gone back in time to help his friends fight the androids and Cell, Trunks could also travel back to a time before Eren started The Rumbling and kill him before he could.

5 COULDN'T: Krillin Would Be Able To Kill Colossal Titans But Not Eren

Like Master Roshi and Yamcha, Krillin seemed to be one of the strongest characters when the franchise first started, but many have proven to be more powerful since. Though Krillin would certainly be able to defeat some Colossal Titans, it's highly doubtful that he'd stop The Rumbling on his own and is no match Eren's Founding, Attack, and War Hammer Titans. He'd simply help his friends like he's done throughout the majority of the franchise while leaving them to take on the greater threat.

4 COULD STOP THE RUMBLING: Beerus Could Annihilate The Colossal Titans

In Attack on Titan, the Colossal Titan was considered to be a "God of Destruction," so it's only fitting for Dragon Ball's own God of Destruction to destroy an army of Colossal Titans. Beerus was a great threat when he first met the other characters in the series but would become one of their greatest comrades.

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As even Goku and Vegeta have had a difficult time fighting against him, Beerus would easily be able to defeat Eren and stop The Rumbling.

3 COULDN'T: Tien Couldn't Stop It Despite Being One Of The Strongest Humans In The Universe

Tien was first introduced as a student of Mercenary Tao and Master Shen, who was Master Roshi's rival. He fought Master Roshi's students in a tournament, where he brutally hurt Yamcha and could have killed Goku, but realized that Shen's teachings were wrong. He changed his ways and became one of Goku's most helpful allies for a while. However, like many characters who had so much potential, Tien is no longer seen as the fighter he once was and isn't strong enough to stop The Rumbling.

2 COULD STOP THE RUMBLING: Gohan Has A Lot Of Similarities To Armin

Gohan was one of the best fighters in the series, even though he didn't want to become as strong as he did in the first place. He only trained so hard because he had to help save the world multiple times, and after finally doing so, he was able to live the life that he wanted. Even if he isn't as strong now as he used to be, Gohan is one of the smartest and purest characters in Dragon Ball, making him very similar to Attack on Titan's Armin. He'd probably do the same thing as the newest commander of the Survey Corps and find a more peaceful way to stop the Colossal Titans.

1 COULDN'T: Piccolo Would Have Been Able To Defeat Eren In The Past But Not Anymore

Out of all of the characters that should have become better fighters in the series but didn't, Piccolo was the one that deserved it the most. Similar to Vegeta, he was one of Goku's strongest enemies in the first half of Dragon Ball's story. When he learned about Vegeta, he knew that the world was in danger and trained Gohan to be the fighter he became. After that, however, Piccolo was basically replaced by the Saiyan prince as he no longer fought as much as he used to, ultimately becoming weaker. Though there was a time that Piccolo would have been able to stop The Rumbling, he can't anymore.

NEXT: Attack On Titan: 5 Characters That Will Probably Die Before The Series Ends (& 5 That May Live)

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