Every Time Naruto Was Stronger Than Sasuke (In Chronological Order)

As the main character of the series, it isn't surprising that Naruto ends up being one of the strongest characters. That's the whole point of a shonen protagonist, to be the one who defeats the big bad to save the day. That's precisely what Naruto does on several occasions, often showing the villain how poor their ideals were.

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The only character that ever comes somewhat close to him is his chief rival, Sasuke. Even then, it's a rivalry that Naruto tends to come out on top of, despite his defeat in part 1.

10 Naruto Accesses Nine-Tails Chakra For The First Time Against Haku

During the Land of Waves Arc, Naruto was shown as a coward, one afraid of fighting multiple times. In the fight with Haku, both of them were stumped on how to get past Haku's ice mirrors.

It took Sasuke sacrificing himself to protect Naruto to find the solution. With Sasuke's apparent death, Naruto accesses his Nine-Tails chakra for the first time, destroying the mirrors in the process and defeating Haku. It's Naruto's first real show of power.

9 Naruto Showed He Can Defeat Geniuses By Beating Neji

The Chunin Exams, as a whole, have many memorable fights, such as Rock Lee against Gaara. One of the others is Naruto's battle with Neji, pitting the Hyuga genius against the dunce Naruto.

It's a fight that shows how much perseverance Naruto has, overcoming Neji's superior skill with savvy strategy. His use of Shadow Clones showed just how intelligent a fighter Naruto was, that he should never be underestimated in a fight again.

8 Naruto Finds His Power To Change Minds Against Gaara

Of all the characters Naruto helped shape with his words, none of them come close to Gaara. He was a psychotic killer during the Chunin Exams, not caring about who he killed in his path.

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That all changed with his battle against Naruto, who not only defeated him physically, but he did so mentally as well. Their fight is a perfect glimpse at what makes Naruto such a special character. He always views his foes through a sympathetic light, no matter what they did. That's something Sasuke could never do.

7 Naruto Perfects The Rasengan To Defeat Kabuto

To this point, Sasuke had already learned to use the Chidori from Kakashi, Naruto needing something to keep pace. He did that and more with how fast he learned to use a Rasengan.

It took him only a week to master the ability, using it in a way that both impressed Tsunade and also defeated Kabuto. Sure, he collapsed afterward, but that's no different than the limits that Sasuke had on his Chidori use. It also doesn't diminish the accomplishment, showing he picked up abilities even faster than Sasuke did.

6 Naruto's Rasengan Does More Damage Than Sasuke's In Their Hospital Battle

When Sasuke's jealousy became too much for him to handle, he challenged Naruto to a fight atop the hospital. He needed to prove to himself that he was the stronger of the pair, so he decided to have their Chidori and Rasengan clash.

Kakashi managed to arrive before they did,  sending them both flying into separate water towers. Initially, it seemed as if Sasuke's was stronger, but close inspection showed Naruto's Rasengan blew away the entire back half of his tower.

5 Naruto Nearly Killed Two Sannin With His Version 2 Form

Naruto doesn't deserve full credit for this as he loses all semblance of being in this form. His body is overtaken with fury, helping the Kyubii gain a small level of control over it. However, the Nine-Tails is part of him, and the feat itself can't be discounted.

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He went toe-to-toe with Orochimaru at the Tenchi bridge and nearly killed Jiraiya during their training. Given how strong they both were, it shows how high a level Naruto had achieved at the time.

4 Naruto Defeats An Akatsuki Member Before Sasuke

While Sakura surprisingly has the first Akatsuki kill among Team 7, Naruto still managed to get his before Sasuke. During Team 10's attempt for revenge against Kakuzu and Hidan, Naruto came to the rescue of his mentor, Kakashi.

It took two attempts to land, but Naruto's Rasenshuriken obliterated two of Kakuzu's hearts, leaving a third on the brink of death. It may not have been a solo battle, but the sheer devastation of Naruto's ability can't be ignored.

3 Naruto Saves The Village By Taking Down The Leader Of Akatsuki

The entire Pain arc is incredible from start to finish, especially if you include his battle with Jiraiya along with it. The fight between Naruto and the leader of the Akatsuki will always take the cake though.

It proved once and for all what a powerful ninja Naruto was, allowing him to become the hero of the village he'd always wanted to be. As with Gaara, he managed to defeat Pain both physically and mentally, a resounding win that Sasuke would never be capable of.

2 Naruto Defeats The Nine-Tails In His Subconscious

The battle between the Nine-Tails and Naruto had been brewing for some time, finally coming to a head at the start of the war. After accepting Dark Naruto as part of him, Naruto confronted the Kyubii, leading to a heated conflict.

Just as it looked like he might be overcome by the beast's hatred, his mother appears, giving him the confidence he needs to come out on top. This battle and the ensuing form Naruto received help put him on another level from Sasuke.

1 Naruto Senses Kisame Via His Negative Emotions

One of the most powerful abilities in Naruto's new merged form was its ability to sense negative emotions. He taps into it extremely fast as he senses Kisame's presence inside Samehada right away, attacking the Akatsuki member.

That wasn't the last time the ability would come into play either, as he was able to root out the hidden White Zetsu's as well. It's a power that Sasuke couldn't hope to compete with, making foes unable of hiding from Naruto.

NEXT: Naruto Uzumaki's 9 Strongest Rasengan, Ranked

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