JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 10 Best Uses Of Heaven's Door, Ranked

Heaven's Door was the Stand of Rohan Kishibe and one of the strongest in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It possessed unparalleled versatility, able to read one's life-like pages and make edits that would define their future.

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Rohan has employed its considerable power at numerous points throughout the anime. By identifying his most clever and useful Stand's applications, fans can appreciate the manga artist's boundless imagination. It is important to distinguish that the rankings account for how useful Heaven's Door was to him and do not necessarily factor for the morality of harnessing it.

10 When He Attempted To Blind Josuke To Avoid His Wrath

Rohan Kishibe's Stand has a second utility that is often less appreciated; by presenting his manga to his opponent, he can simulate Heaven's Door's effects without actually touching them.

This was a strategy he used against Josuke, which should have been viable since the Morioh student was across the room. However, he could not have anticipated that Higashikata's blind rage made him immune to his visual effects. Therefore, as intelligent as his strategy may have been against virtually any opponent, it did not work in this specific instance.

9 When He Used Koichi As An Inspiration For His Work

Rohan was fascinated with Koichi much more than he was Hazamada. After reading his life, he determined that the contents therein would be the perfect inspiration for his upcoming artwork and decided to rip out his pages so that he could study them further.

Naturally, he could not keep Koichi hostage since others would come looking for him. Accordingly, he wrote that the young boy would return to his house every day, forgetting the previous afternoon's ghastly encounter and how his body was slowly being diminished.

8 When He Uncovered Yoma's Murderous Intent

Rohan had known Yoma for many months and took pleasure in competing against him (on account of how ardently his foe tried to succeed). Their first encounter was a bench-pressing contest and one that left his opponent humiliated.

During their second match on a treadmill, Kishibe sensed something different about his competitor. There was an aura of murderousness that radiated from his body. Using Heaven's Door, he discovered that Yoma had indeed killed many of his personal acquaintances, including a client of his gym instructor and even his previous girlfriend.

7 When He Confirmed The Identity Of Masazo

Masazo was an architect who intended to appraise Rohan's house. However, his peculiar behavior piqued his curiosity, notably since he refused to show him his back.

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This made Kishibe suspicious of his intentions and identity since he was already investigating Yoshikage Kira's whereabouts. As a result, he used Heaven's Door to confirm the veracity of Masazo's presentation. He found that the man had no deformity on his back, incensing his curiosity even more. Ultimately, Rohan would Cheap Trick without the man's consent, leading to his demise and the manga artist's own mortal peril.

6 When He Taught Koichi Italian

Jotaro instructed Koichi to go to Italy and investigate Giorno Giovanni. The son of DIO's hair recently turned blond, compelling Kujo to probe whether this had any ramifications for his behavior.

Unfortunately, Hirose did not know how to speak Italian, making it virtually impossible to navigate the country and find the subject in question expediently. To circumvent this complication, he asked Rohan to use Heaven's Door on him to know Italian. This made his role in Golden Wind considerably more coherent.

5 When He Used Okuyasu As A Hostage

Initially, the plan Josuke and Okuyasu devised to free Koichi was to assail Rohan from both angles. Nijimura would take the window, and Higashikata would go through the front door. If the former had been more aggressive with his Stand, he might have been able to pacify (or even kill) the manga artist before he was placed in danger.

However, Rohan capitalized on his incompetence, using Heaven's Door to make Okuyasu light himself on fire. This would inevitably draw Josuke out and force him to fight on Kishibe's terms, as doing nothing would result in his friend's immolation.

4 When He Saved Koichi From The Haunted Alley

During Koichi's first foray into the haunted alley, he made the cardinal sin of turning around. This nearly got him dragged into a nightmarish hell from which there was no escape, and Rohan was not physically powerful enough to rip him from the spirits' grasp.

Instead, he wrote that Hirose was blind so that the apparitions' paralyzing powers would be thwarted. Once they escaped to safety, Kishibe quickly restored the vision of his stunned friend.

3 When He Forced Yoma To Deactivate His Treadmill

Rohan and Yoma's bid to outdo one another rapidly became dangerous with the latter's dilapidating mind. To punish his competitor for humiliating him, he shattered the glass behind the treadmills so that the person to lose their contest would plunge to their death.

Ultimately, Yoma was able to seize the treadmill control first, allowing him to decide Rohan's fate. However, because the manga artist had already used Heaven's Door to force him to slow his machine down, he was able to save his own life - but not his opponent's.

2 When He Forced Ikkyu To Break His Own Customs & Saved Lives

Ikkyu was a representative of the gods of the mountain. Though the game he established for potential buyers to the region's many large and affordable homes may not have initially been clear, the rules and results were. Failure to practice perfect manners would result in the deprival of something close to the offender.

He was able to claim the lives of Kyoka, her boyfriend, and even her mother. However, by using Heaven's Door, Rohan removed his ability to perceive the lines on the floor and therefore made him break his own rules. This forced him to restore what he had stolen.

1 When He Brought Naoko Back To Life

Naoko accidentally killed her partner during a domestic dispute. After Rohan encountered one of them near her house, she promptly tripped over a stone, cracked her head, and died.

This was a curse passed down by her mother that made it appear as if Kishibe killed her. To remedy this, he wrote that she never saw him, thereby undoing the spell and returning her to life. Without his quick thinking, Rohan's future would have been changed forever.

NEXT: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Josuke's 10 Best Uses Of His Stand

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