The shonen genre is full of some of the most popular series—and My Hero Academia is a recent classic that beautifully deconstructs the superhero tropes included in the medium. My Hero Academia looks at Izuku Midoriya’s gradual growth into a professional hero, and each season increases the stakes and puts U.A. High’s exceptional students through tougher trials.
The anime effortlessly juggles a cast of well over a dozen characters, and it figures out when to let certain individuals step into the spotlight. Mirio “Lemillion” Togata is one of the most popular heroes in the anime—and there’s a strong case to be made for why he’s actually My Hero Academia’s best character.
10 He’s Considered To Be A Suitable Candidate To Be One For All's Successor

Izuku Midoriya is My Hero Academia’s protagonist. He’s such a significant figure in the series because All Might has deemed him worthy of being the successor to his One For All Quirk. Season four reveals that Nighteye heavily urged All Might to shift his power over to Mirio Togata instead of Midoriya.
This turns into insecurity for Midoriya that he learns to overcome, but Togata must be close to receiving such power.
9 He’s A Member Of The Big 3

Individual strength is important in My Hero Academia, but the anime constantly emphasizes the importance of teamwork and the value of working with others as a unit. Many hero groups have contrasting levels of strength for unique scenarios. However, U.A. High’s Big 3 is one of the more prestigious organizations, despite its still just students.
The Big 3 comprises U.A. High’s three strongest students—Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, and Nejire Hado. They have earned a respectable reputation for themselves, and Togata’s association with the group is a point of pride.
8 The Origins Behind His Hero Name

My Hero Academia looks at the full spectrum of heroics, and it emphasizes how a hero’s costume and name can sometimes be just as important as their Quirk. A hero’s attire is a great way for characters to exhibit their more creative impulses. Some names and outfits are ridiculous in nature, but Togata’s Lemillion moniker is just heartwarming.
Togata was saved by a hero when he was just a child, and it’s inspired him to save one million people. He’s not in it for fame and wants to better the world and inspire others to become heroes.
7 He Sacrifices Himself To Save The Innocent

My Hero Academia is full of amazing battles, but one of the most suspenseful showdowns involves Mirio Togata’s initial duel against Overhaul before Midoriya takes over. The battle highlights the truly evil nature of Overhaul and his Shie Hissaikai members.
Eri is treated as collateral damage and gets a bullet shot at her, only for Togata to intervene and take the hit to keep Eri safe. It’s easily one of the most heroic moments from the entire series, especially considering what Togata lost as a result.
6 His Permeation Quirk Is Incredibly Useful

Strong morals and unflappable courage are important for a noteworthy hero. Yet, in a world full of special powers, it’s increasingly relevant to have a valuable Quirk to fall back on. Some heroes can turn a disappointing Quirk into something dangerous, but Togata benefits from Permeation, which allows him to phase through matter.
This Quirk helps Togata travel around unnoticed, but he also knows how to manipulate the physics behind it to double as a powerful form of transportation and unexpected physical attack. It’s the type of versatile ability that it seems like is reserved for someone important.
5 He Carries The Stress Of Eri With Him

The public often sees superheroes on television, but the truth is that real heroes carry the weight and burden of the job with them at all times, even when they’re not in costume. Season four of My Hero Academia looks at Togata’s growing guilt over his inability to rescue Eri from Kai Chisaki.
Togata is determined to bring Eri happiness, and even after the defeat of Overhaul, he’s overcome with sadness in regards to Eri’s traumatized nature. A lesser hero would forget about Eri after she’s rescued, but Togata lives with her pain and will always fight for her.
4 He Still Wishes To Be A Hero After Losing His Quirk

Mirio Togata undergoes one of the biggest tragedies of any character in My Hero Academia after his heroic actions lead to his Quirk's erasure. Quirks are integral in My Hero Academia, and several characters feel defined by their special abilities.
The loss of a Quirk would devastate most characters and cause them to give up. Togata continues to practice and keep his path in life, even when he doesn’t have a Quirk to fall back on. It’s Togata’s dedication that’s what’s truly important here.
3 He Has A Great Arc

My Hero Academia has characters that look cool and others with amazing Quirks. Still, sometimes their purpose will amount to brief appearances or purely help during battle with no characterization to fall back on.
Growth is fundamental for any good character. Even though Togata gets introduced later into the series, he’s still someone with a fleshed-out arc that’s arguably even stronger than Midoriya’s journey. Togata loses his Quirk, accepts his fate, only to regain his ability and be more inspired than ever. The loss of his mentor, Sir Nighteye, is also a pivotal moment for Lemillion.
2 He Functions As A Beacon Of Positivity

There are characters in My Hero Academia that cover as many diverse temperaments as there are Quirks. Some of the most productive heroes have impulsive and hot-headed personalities, and just because someone is powerful or revered by the public doesn’t mean that they’re always pleasant to be around.
Mirio Togata leans into a blindingly optimistic attitude that could be annoying from some but is encouraging from Togata. Togata doesn’t even become bitter or go down a dark path after losing his Quirk, and his rational attitude towards his lot in life is deeply admirable.
1 He’s Not Afraid To Take On The Big Villain

My Hero Academia has so many characters that it’s not unusual for some individuals to disappear during certain arcs and for everyone not to receive the same level of attention. Some of the strongest people Midoriya knows are absent for battle or never personally take on the major villains that terrorize heroes.
Togata single-handedly took on Overhaul and Chronostasis without a second thought because it’s what’s the right thing to do. He’s equally brave when he helps save the day during the raid on the Paranormal Liberation Front.