WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Spider-Woman #10 by Karla Pacheco, Pere Perez, Frank D'Armata & VC's Travis Lanham, on sale now.
Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, has been a terrible friend for the entire run of her current series. As a side effect of the serum that's keeping her alive, her personality has changed, and she's lashing out at her friends like Captain Marvel.
However, the way she has treated those closest to her doesn't allow for much room for excuse. It also doesn't help that even before she was addicted to the drug she wasn't always the most reliable or honest person in the world. Now that she has found her cure, she has to apologize to the one person she hurt the most: her best friend, Carol Danvers, in Spider-Woman #10.

When Jessica's friends had a sort of intervention to keep her from continuing to take the drugs that were hurting her as much as they were saving her, Spider-Woman attacked those friends and had an all-out battle with her own allies. This happened during the battle with a symbiote dragon during the King in Black event. After using her powers to beat a symbiote dragon, Drew lashed out at her friends, blasted War Machine out of the sky and turned on Iron Fist and Hawkeye. Finally, her friends stopped her and put her in a cage meant to hold the Hulk.
They did it to help her, but then Spider-Woman said something to Captain Marvel that was hard to take back. Drew heartlessly brought up the fact that Carol cannot have children and taunted her for never being able to have a child who loves her. This deeply wounded Carol, and elicited a heartfelt response in which Danvers told her friend that she could no longer be around people who loved her. After High Evolutionary cured Spider-Woman and she was able to return home, no longer dying and no longer addicted to the Merchand Serum, she went to make amends.

With most of her friends, it only took cookies and apologies to make things right for relatively less harsh words. Her best friend understandably required more, however, prompting the two to meet at a diner to talk. Jessica tried to joke her way out of things, but Carol wanted nothing to do with it, pointing out that she always runs from her problems and the people who care about her and then tries to make light of it after the fact.
According to Carol, this is how it always is with Jessica. She has a tendency to run from her friends, and the pattern never changes. She once again pushed Carol away and lashed out without cause to keep her best friend at arm's length. Jessica admitted that what hurt her the most wasn't realizing what she said to Carol but knowing she might never get to make things right between them. Carol doesn't know if she believes that things will change, but the two hugged and agreed to try, giving both heroes hope for the future of their friendship.