Star Wars Writer Defends Yoda's Role in the High Republic | CBR

Though Star Wars: The High Republic takes place 200 years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, the new era of stories features a familiar character in the form of Yoda. Cavan Scott, who writes the Star Wars: The High Republic comic book series for Marvel, recently discussed Yoda's role in the High Republic era and how the Jedi Master still remains a fountain of wisdom for others, despite his failings in the prequel trilogy of the "Skywalker Saga."

"There has been there's been a lot of discussion about Yoda online and Yoda's part and The High Republic and the sense that Yoda is somehow to blame for what's happened. But I don't think we've ever said that. And I don't think we ever would because that's not what we believe," Scott told "Yoda has cast a very long shadow for such a small being, and every time Yoda's in a scene he's the most important person in that scene. So we've been very careful how we treated Yoda and tried very much to treat him with respect."

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Scott also talked about how Yoda is viewed by other characters in The High Republic. "He is on the council, but has decided to take a bit of sabbatical from that and is teaching Padawans, which is what we know he loves doing. So there is also a sense that when Yoda isn't there the rest of the Jedi - our Jedi we've created - are going, 'I wish Yoda was here,' because they all still look to him and there's a familiarity with them and Yoda because he's their peer in a lot of ways, but he's still also a master. He's more trained in some way or another than most of these people, because let's face it: even though he's in High Republic, and we keep talking about 'Young Yoda,' he's still quite old and he's been around for a very long time."

Scott's fellow High Republic writer Daniel Jose Older previously described Yoda as a "journeyman" who travels with Padawans to give them a "hands-on approach" in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures for IDW. Currently, Yoda and other Jedi are embroiled in a mystery surrounding the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station.

KEEP READING: Star Wars: The High Republic Makes One Jedi as Impressive as Yoda


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