Though Star Wars: The High Republic takes place 200 years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, the new era of stories features a familiar character in the form of Yoda. Cavan Scott, who writes the Star Wars: The High Republic comic book series for Marvel, recently discussed Yoda's role in the High Republic era and how the Jedi Master still remains a fountain of wisdom for others, despite his failings in the prequel trilogy of the "Skywalker Saga."
"There has been there's been a lot of discussion about Yoda online and Yoda's part and The High Republic and the sense that Yoda is somehow to blame for what's happened. But I don't think we've ever said that. And I don't think we ever would because that's not what we believe," Scott told "Yoda has cast a very long shadow for such a small being, and every time Yoda's in a scene he's the most important person in that scene. So we've been very careful how we treated Yoda and tried very much to treat him with respect."
Scott also talked about how Yoda is viewed by other characters in The High Republic. "He is on the council, but has decided to take a bit of sabbatical from that and is teaching Padawans, which is what we know he loves doing. So there is also a sense that when Yoda isn't there the rest of the Jedi - our Jedi we've created - are going, 'I wish Yoda was here,' because they all still look to him and there's a familiarity with them and Yoda because he's their peer in a lot of ways, but he's still also a master. He's more trained in some way or another than most of these people, because let's face it: even though he's in High Republic, and we keep talking about 'Young Yoda,' he's still quite old and he's been around for a very long time."
Scott's fellow High Republic writer Daniel Jose Older previously described Yoda as a "journeyman" who travels with Padawans to give them a "hands-on approach" in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures for IDW. Currently, Yoda and other Jedi are embroiled in a mystery surrounding the destruction of the Starlight Beacon space station.