X-Men: Marvel's Mutant Homeland Still Has One GLARING Weakness

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for X-Force #18 by Benjamin Percy, Garry Brown, Guru-eFX & VC's Joe Caramagna, on sale now

Despite being a relatively new country, Krakoa has already racked up a number of enemies that the X-Men and their allies have been contending with. And while they've been able to fight off most kinds of threats, there's one particular blindspot in their defenses that the mutant nation seriously needs to figure out how to address.

As X-Force #18 underscored, a series of deadly psychic assaults against Krakoa have proven that telepathic attacks are a genuine weakness to the defenses of the mutant nation, and Professor Xavier and the leaders of the nation need to find a way to counter them if they want their nation to survive.

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Krakoa is one of the ultimate safe-habors for mutants in the history of the Marvel Universe. By embracing all the mutants of the planet as citizens across Krakoa, the X-Men more or less gained an entire army's worth of engaged soldiers. The living island of Krakoa can defend itself, as well as preventing humans from invading the island by passing through the Krakoa Gates. On top of that, major mutants have formed programs like X-Force, X-Factor, the Marauders, the Hellions, and the upcoming roster of X-Men to confront and deal with various other threats that come to endanger the island nation. This has resulted in the X-Men being incredibly capable in battle.

However, there are still some weaknesses in the defenses of the island nation. Despite having some of the world's most potent and powerful telepaths, Krakoan citizens and agents appear to be particularly vulnerable to telepathic assaults. A number of powerful new telepaths have targeted Krakoa in recent months. Wolverine and X-Force came up against the mind-control of the Pale Girl. The New Mutants were barely able to survive the chaos caused by Cosmar's newfound power that brings about psychic projections from the nightmares of those caught in her orbit. Mastermind brought down the Hellions all on his own. Quinten Quire has come up against a monstrous and demented copy of himself, who was able to use the stolen Omega-Level telepathy to physically attack the inhabitants of Krakoa.

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All of these psychic assaults have resulted in pain and bloodshed, such as when the Pale Girl forced Wolverine to slaughter some of his allies by briefly taking control of him. Despite all the best attempts made by the X-Men and their allies, these psychic attacks have proven Krakoa is open to these sorts of assaults. This is especially surprising since one of the chief architects of the modern Krakoa is Charles Xavier, a powerful telepath who's fully aware of how dangerous those powers can be when used for nefarious purposes. But despite his presence -- as well as the prominence of other major telepaths like Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Cable and Quinten Quire in powerful positions across the island -- this weakness still strikes at the heart of the island.

It's vital that the leaders of Krakoa locate this problem and find a way to overcome this weakness. By identifying this fault -- which has resulted in the deaths and suffering of multiple mutants because of these telepathic ambushes -- the X-Men and their allies could figure out how to better prepare themselves and their allies for such attacks. Sage even notes all the possible ways that a psychic assault could steal information or sew the seeds of discord across the mutant nation. Telepathic attacks might be the most dangerous and unexpected threat to Krakoa, and it's something the X-Men need to figure out sooner than later if they want to keep Krakoa safe.

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