10 Anime Characters Who Could Qualify As A Pro Hero | CBR

The superhero genre is alive and well in the anime world, with My Hero Academia being the most prominent and popular (but not the only) example of this. In that universe, talented and brave people with powerful Quirks can train to become peace-keeping pro heroes, and a hero must value justice, peace, the law, and sacrifice above all else.

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So, it takes much more than just combat strength to qualify as a pro hero, or even a sidekick, such as Sir Nighteye (who rarely fights in person). Students at U.A. and Shiketsu high are all training to become heroes, but what if the pro hero world could recruit characters from other animated series to join the fight against the League of Villains and patrol the streets? Only strong characters with the right attitude can become a pro hero and fight alongside All Might or Endeavor.

10 Yoruichi Shihoin, The Rogue Soul Reaper (Bleach)

It's true that at some point, Captain Yoruichi Shihoin broke the law and saved the accused criminal Kisuke Urahara from twisted justice, thus becoming a rogue rather than a hero of the Soul Society. But Yoruichi acted out of pure conviction, valuing her innocent friend's safety over her own rank or prestige. Now that's heroic.

Time and again, Yoruichi demonstrated that she'll take any risk and face any enemy to protect the innocent and stand up to villains, such as the brutish Yammy Llargo. That, and her incredible martial arts and stealth capabilities, would make Yoruichi an outstanding pro hero.

9 Shikamaru Nara, A Born Leader (Naruto)

At first, Shikamaru Nara was depicted as a dryly goofy and lazy fellow who refused to make the most of his talents, but he's done some growing up since then. Shikamaru is brave and knows his duty, and he has no mercy on villainous shinobi who threaten his friends and comrades in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Shikamaru's heart is certainly heroic, despite his lazy streak, and his brilliant tactical mind is perfect for leading a pro hero agency to sniff out League of Villains plots and foil them. Tomura Shigaraki can't outrun Shikamaru's 200+ IQ.

8 Major Alex Louis Armstrong, The Burly Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

Major Alex Louis Armstrong knows his duty as a state alchemist, but he's not the type to follow unethical orders without question. During the Ishval Civil War, Major Armstrong broke down in the face of countless atrocities, and he refused to use any more alchemy to slaughter innocents. He's already thinking like a hero.

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Major Armstrong understands that innocence and justice must always be defended, even if his own superiors are the villains. On top of that, Major Armstrong has a tough and strong body for fighting villains, plus natural charisma to set innocent bystanders at ease. He's like a miniature All Might.

7 Erza Scarlet, The Fairy Tail Guild's Top Swordswoman (Fairy Tail)

Many of the wizards of the Fairy Tail guild are eccentric and wild, such as the feuding Natsu and Gray, or the lovestruck Juvia Lockser. Fortunately, they all have Erza Scarlet to serve as their big sister role model, and Erza has incredible strength of spirit and body alike.

Erza had a difficult childhood, and she is determined to protect all innocents from the kind of suffering and exploitation she faced. Now, as a battle wizard, Erza has fierce battle magic, thick armor, and many different swords to defeat the forces of evil. She would take her duty as a pro hero quite seriously.

6 Bruno Bucciarati, Who Wields Sticky Fingers (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Bruno Bucciarati, a clever Stand user, would make a fine pro hero for the same reasons as Erza Scarlet and Shikamaru Nara. Like Erza, Bruno has seen the dark side of humanity, and his family suffered for it, meaning Bruno will give anything to quell that darkness as a pro hero. He won't let any innocents suffer ever again.

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And like Shikamaru, Bruno has natural leadership qualities, being the commander of his own Stand-using squad in the rough streets of Italy. Bruno can think ahead, cut his losses, predict enemy movement, and far more. And, of course, he's a fierce and creative fighter with his Stand, Sticky Fingers.

5 Diane, The Giantess (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Some heroes work best in infiltration or espionage roles, such as Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead. Others are best-suited for smashing things, such as Mt. Lady the giant. Diane is another titanic warrior who could take the fight to the League the best way she knows how: with the might of Megadozer's giant race.

Diane specializes in melee combat and earth manipulation, but she is not a bloodthirsty brute like most Megadozer giants are supposed to be. Diane values peace, love, and friendship, and she will fight hard to uphold those values. Fighting isn't fun or glorious; it's a way to protect the beautiful things in this world. Diane is practically a pro hero already.

4 Tanjiro Kamado, The Gentle Swordsman (Demon Slayer)

Tanjiro Kamado is a demon slayer who has a healthy perspective on the art of killing demons. He doesn't derive bloodthirsty glee from the act of killing these beings; he understands that demons are also victims, all being cursed minions of the villainous Muzan. Most demons were once ordinary people with their own hopes and dreams.

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Tanjiro's unusually empathetic approach to fighting would make him an ideal pro hero, believing that all villains are suffering inside and must be saved from themselves and their cursed lives. He is also a disciplined and fearless fighter who's not afraid to get dirty. Just because Tanjiro is gentle, doesn't mean he's soft.

3 Mako, The Firebending Orphan (The Legend Of Korra)

Although Mako the Firebender isn't terribly charismatic compared to some pro heroes, his heart is in the right place. Mako grew up fast on Republic City's unforgiving streets, making him practical and street-wise while also looking out for his brother, Bolin.

Mako could easily lead a team like Shikamaru or Bruno as a pro hero, and Mako's understanding of criminal life would allow him to easily predict what local villains and criminal gangs are planning. He has insights most other pro heroes would lack.

2 Kotaro Amon, The Ghoul Hunter (Tokyo Ghoul)

In a way, Kotaro Amon is a pro hero already. In his world, villainous ghouls stalk and eat innocent humans in the cover of night, and only CCG investigators like him can find and slay these ghouls to bring peace to the streets. It's a never-ending battle, but it's a battle worth fighting.

Kotaro could transition easily from fighting ghouls to fighting regular villains, and with the right partner by his side, Kotaro would clean up the streets in a hurry. As a consummate professional, Kotaro is disciplined, fearless, practical, and clever while hunting ghouls (and now villains).

1 Maki Oze, The Fire Soldier (Fire Force)

Maki Oze, a second-generation fire soldier, also has experience with the Tokyo Empire's military, meaning she is a disciplined and purposeful fighter in many ways. Maki takes her duty seriously and has remarkable pyrokinetic abilities to fulfill that duty time and again. She fears no Infernal or white-clad cultist.

Maki would have no trouble switching careers to join a pro hero agency, and her fire powers would lead most villains into submission, even a low-level Nomu. Maki is tough, but she is also kind and cooperative, and that charisma can only accelerate her new career as a pro hero.

NEXT: 10 Times Anime Heroes Inadvertently Helped the Villains

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