There have been countless crossovers between different properties over the years. Just recently, fans saw a crossover between Star Trek and Green Lantern. Many properties crossover with Star Wars, as well, and none more so than comics properties like Marvel and DC.
If there were a long enough crossover between Star Wars and Justice League, there are undoubtedly more than a few characters from Star Wars who would make great Justice League members. While their actions in the Star Wars universe stand on their own, they exemplify the behaviors most befitting of a member of a team such as the Justice League.
10 Cassian Andor Is Willing To Make The Necessary Sacrifices

When the Star Wars universe first introduced Cassian Andor, he was one of the bravest Rebel spies audiences had ever met before. Not only is Cassian a skilled Rebel fighter, but he has the tactical ability and intelligence skills to be a masterful member of a team, as well.
As the movie Rogue One proved, Cassian is a great leader. He would fit perfectly along with the Justice League. His actions at the end of Rogue One also prove that he is appropriately willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, as members of the Justice League must do.
9 Din Djarin Is A Hero, Even If He Doesn’t Think So

Like other Mandalorian bounty hunters, Din Djarin doesn’t think much of himself as a hero. However, whether he believes it or not, Din has proven himself to be heroic time and time again. Even when he is given jobs to complete, he makes the calls he knows are necessary along the way.
Din Djarin is willing to challenge bad people and help good people, a crucial trait for Justice League members. Not only that, but his essential adoption of the Child, Grogu, indicates that he is much like Batman —he wants to help kids, to support and raise the next generation. He would fit in perfectly with the rest of the League.
8 Han Solo Shows Up When He’s Needed Most

Han Solo may be someone who seems like he prioritizes himself first but, when he’s needed, Han Solo will always be there. No matter what, he follows through. Even if he gets turned around along the way, it’s inevitable that Han will help when he is needed. Luke Skywalker was saved by Han Solo’s ability to return just in the nick of time.
It was even Han Solo who tried to stop Kylo Ren, even knowing what his son had become —and dying in the process. While Han struggles at times with how much other people genuinely do like him and rely on him, he will always be a help, which the League could always use.
7 Leia Organa Is Not Just A Rebel, But Also A Practical Tactician

If anyone would be the perfect Star Wars character to be on the Justice League, it would be Princess Leia. Referring to Leia as a princess exclusively does a great disservice to all that Leia did throughout her life. Leia was a diplomat, a tactician, a politician, a Rebel, a general, a mother, a leader, and so much more.
She had Force abilities, and she was shown to have incredible tactical and diplomatic skills from a very young age. Leia was the best of both of her parents —as well as strong in her own right, growing on her inheritance to become one of the most powerful figures in the galaxy. The Justice League would consider themselves lucky to have Leia on the team.
6 Obi-Wan Kenobi Spent His Life Dedicated To The Cause

There have been many people, over the years, who dedicated themselves to the Rebel cause in the Star Wars universe. However, there have been few characters that have been as dedicated as Obi-Wan Kenobi. When he was just a boy, he was trained by Qui-Gon Jinn to become a powerful Jedi.
He fought in the Clone Wars, he served on the Jedi Council, he survived Order 66, and all for him to end up in self-imposed exile over his feelings of failure and guilt regarding Anakin Skywalker’s fall from grace. Even after he exiles himself, he specifically places himself to keep watch over Luke Skywalker, and he dies at Anakin’s hands protecting Luke. The kind of dedication Obi-Wan displayed throughout his life comes along once in a generation, and would be invaluable to the Justice League.
5 Padmé Amidala Would Be Invaluable As A Hero & A Diplomat

Like her daughter after her, Padmé Amidala was more than her royal titles. She may have been a queen, but she was also a politician and a diplomat, like her daughter. Padmé would become the Senator of Naboo, as well as the wife of a Jedi —Anakin Skywalker, something that Jedi actively discourage.
Padmé spends her life gaining skills, becoming as powerful and intelligent as she can become before Anakin Skywalker kills her. Padmé was a Rebel fighter and never let her royal titles get in the way of her work. The League would do well with Padmé on the team —and possibly as their leader.
4 Poe Dameron Is Just The Kind Of Daring Character The Justice League Wants

The Justice League couldn’t function without people willing to take risks, and nobody’s more daring than Poe Dameron. When the character was first introduced, in fact, it was as Leia’s “most daring pilot.” He’s incredibly skilled —not only as a pilot but as a Rebel fighter.
Poe embodies the best of Luke, Leia, and Han from the original trilogy —he’s an incredible pilot, a brave leader, and a loyal friend. He would do anything for the Resistance, as he showed time and time again, and the audacity Poe showcases would be right at home on the Justice League.
3 Qui-Gon Jinn Could Be An Excellent Mentor For The League

Someone like Qui-Gon Jinn would be a perfect fit on the Justice League, though some might think him too peaceful, or perhaps even too old, to take a place on the team. However, if the Justice League were composed entirely of hotheads and daring rebels, they would quickly burn out and possibly endanger their lives.
The Justice League, like any team, needs mentors, needs guidance, and Qui-Gon could provide this. Even after Qui-Gon died, he became one of the very first Jedi to ever come back as a Force ghost. This unique power, ability, and leadership would be incredibly helpful to the Justice League —especially a roguish one.
2 Rey Skywalker Has Incredible Skills That Could Be Put To Good Use

From birth, Rey inherited incredibly powerful Force abilities. Because of her secret ancestry, and the fact that she apparently had Palpatine’s genetics making her an immense threat, Rey has always been somebody that could be valuable as a fighter, even if she didn’t know it.
However, it is not her ancestry, but her choices that make her a good Justice League member. Despite not knowing her parentage, Rey chose to join the Resistance and oppose Kylo Ren. Fate or not, Rey chose to do everything she did, she chose to fight the First Order, and these abilities make her a great Justice League team member. She not only has many inherent skills but many learned ones, as well.
1 Rose Tico Is Dedicated To The Cause & Will Do Anything To Help

From the moment Rose Tico was introduced, it was obvious that she would be willing to do absolutely anything for the Resistance. However, as the story continued, it was revealed that Rose knew more, and understood more than she initially seemed to.
Much like Batman, she understood how grim the universe was, and it was because of this that she was so eagerly dedicated to making it better. The Justice League would find great value in a member that may have no great powers but simply wants to dedicate their life to doing good.