Shang-Chi is the Master of Kung Fu and is the most skilled martial artist in the Marvel Universe. Or at least he is one of them. In a world filled with superhumans, inhumans, and other such characters, there is quite a bit of competition.
However, when one thinks of Marvel's top martial artists, raw strength is not enough. There are characters with superhuman speed who could not land a single blow on Shang-Chi and there are others with incredible strength who he could easily defeat. Only a few Marvel characters could even hope to stand in the ring with him.
10 SHANG-CHI: He Spent His Entire Life Training In Kung Fu From Early Childhood

For some people, martial arts is a sport or a hobby. For others, it is a form of self-defense. But for a few, it is a lifetime pursuit that they dedicate themselves to entirely.
Shang-Chi is not merely skilled in martial arts. He spent his entire life training, and those years of training have paid off. Even as a child, he was better than most adults. Today, he is unsurpassed in his abilities.
9 JUST AS GOOD: Iron Fist Is The Champion Of Kun-Lun Who Punched A Dragon

Danny Rand became the immortal Iron Fist after he punched the dragon Shou-Lao the Undying and ripped out the creature’s heart. Now, his every attack is infused with chi.
Of course, superpowers are not what makes one a skilled martial artist. In the case of Danny Rand, he became Iron Fist only after training in kung fu for years and surpassing every other kung fu student in the heavenly city of Kun-Lun. Shang-Chi has more skill, but when Danny’s chi combines with his kung fu skills, the two are equals.
8 SHANG-CHI: He Has Fought Against Multiple Foes In Altered Gravity

One of the most unique stories to feature Shang-Chi was issue #18 of the original Secret Avengers title, written by Warren Ellis and with art by John Cassaday.
In this story, Steve Rogers led a small unit into a base in another dimension that had its own unique rules of physics. Shang-Chi fought his way through hordes of enemies, moving through a new environment with its own rules of gravity, and actually making it work to his advantage.
7 JUST AS GOOD: The Prince Of Orphans Is The Immortal Weapon Of Z’Gambo

One of the early heroes of the '40s is John Aman, once known as Amazing Man. In the years since then, he has taken on a new identity, the Prince of Orphans, who is the Immortal Weapon of Z’Gambo, one of the Cities of Heaven.
All of the Immortal Weapons serve a different one of the Heavenly Cities as their champion. Each must be a world-class martial artist. The Prince of Orphans is one of the most skilled of all the Immortal Weapons.
6 SHANG-CHI: He Has Years’ Of Experience Fighting Alongside Other Superheroes

It is one thing to fight alongside ordinary people. It is quite another to fight beside (and against) superhumans, many of whom are capable of wielding semi-trucks as improvised weapons or shooting atomic blasts from their fingertips.
Shang-Chi has not only fought alongside multiple teams of superheroes, but he has surpassed most of his superhuman teammates when it comes to his fighting abilities in the field.
5 JUST AS GOOD: Colleen Wing Is A Sword Master Who Once Led An Elite Group Of Ninja Assassins

Colleen Wing is dramatically underappreciated. Along with Misty Knight, Colleen is one of the superhero duo known as the Daughters of the Dragon.
While Misty is a skilled brawler and detective, Colleen is much more skilled and disciplined in her martial arts moves, using her katana to deadly effect. Beyond her swordsmanship, she has trained in judo and karate and can tap into her chi. Furthermore, she once led a group of the Hand’s elite assassins known as the Nail.
4 SHANG-CHI: He Has Worked As A Spy And Fought Against The Criminal Underworld

Most people who practice martial arts do so either through competitive sports matches or serious intense fights. Each of these has a different approach. While Shang-Chi can beat pretty much anyone else in either of these formats, he developed another skill set while working for MI-6.
As a super-spy, Shang-Chi learned a whole set of new abilities that—while separate from kung fu—were helpful to him, as he could combine these abilities with his martial arts knowledge.
3 JUST AS GOOD Daredevil Has Been Training In Martial Arts Since He Was A Child

Daredevil is arguably the greatest street-level hero in the Marvel Universe (though this is admittedly a point hotly debated among fans, all of whom have their own personal favorites).
The vigilante is blind, but has learned to use his other senses. He was trained as a child to be a skilled martial artist, and has since fought against ninja assassins, mechs, alien invaders, and demons. He is one of the most impressive martial artists in the Marvel Universe, and is easily the most skilled one living in New York.
2 SHANG-CHI: He Embodies The Mysticism And Philosophy Within Kung Fu Traditions

Kung Fu has mystical and philosophical components as well as martial qualities. This is not saying that everyone who trained in Shaolin kung fu is a wise mystic. Most people are more focused on the physical components.
Shang-Chi was never limited to worldly concerns. He has sought wisdom throughout his life, taking inspiration from Buddhism, Taoism, and Chinese medicine. To him, the spiritual components of different kung fu schools are as important as the physical aspects.
1 JUST AS GOOD: Taskmaster Can Master Any Move He Sees Someone Use Without Training In It

The supervillain Taskmaster has a truly unique superpower: photographic reflexes. This means he can copy any martial arts or gymnastic moves someone performs in front of him.
If Shang-Chi and Taskmaster ever fight one another, Taskmaster will be able to use every single move that the hero employs in their fight without ever training in them.