American Dad: Roger's Persona Sidney Huffman Was His Worst Enemy

When it comes to dealing with Roger Smith on American Dad!, there are two truths that are inevitable. First and foremost, the alien has a virtually endless series of personas to work with. Secondly, Roger has a lot of enemies in each of those personas. But as it turned out, Roger had an enemy he didn't even know existed, mainly because he was that enemy.

In the early seasons of American Dad!, Roger didn't leave the house much. A gray alien wandering the streets would have been kind of noticeable, after all. But eventually, he started wearing disguises and discovered a lot more freedom. The weird part was that he had been using disguises for years before meeting Stan Smith and moving in with his family. Why he wasn't using them when he first joined the Smiths has never been discussed.

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Regardless, Roger continued to develop an increasing number of alternate personas over the years. Most of them made only one appearance while a select group like Ricky Spanish and the Legman popped up a few times. Knowing Roger, it's entirely probable that he burned too many bridges in some of his personas, so that he could never use them again. It also possible that something more traumatic happened, which was the case with Sidney Huffman.

In Season 4, Episode 2, Roger discovered someone had maxed out his credit card. He immediately assumed he was the victim of identity theft, and he was technically right. What Roger didn't know at the time was that one of his personas had taken over -- a nice, well-meaning bible maker named Sidney Huffman. Roger was living a double life that even he wasn't aware of. Unfortunately, he didn't figure it out until it was almost too late.

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Roger went on a rampage to destroy Sidney Huffman's life and was quite successful at it. Not willing to take it lying down, Sidney hired a hitman to take Roger out before he could finish the job. At this point, neither of them knew that they were the same person, but the realization hit them both like a ton of bricks.

In the end, Roger quite literally stabbed Sidney in the back, and they became one alien again. Sidney Huffman never made another appearance on American Dad!, which was probably for the best. When Roger believed some rando was stealing from him, he dressed up like Charles Bronson and went looking for revenge. That's a dangerous situation for Roger, who -- with one slip-up -- could end up back in the CIA's clutches.

What was truly scary about this situation was how completely unaware Roger was of Sidney. It's enough to make fans wonder how many other rogue personalities Roger could have and what they're up to. The most horrifying scenario would be if someone like Ricky Spanish got loose without Roger's knowledge. At least Sidney was a nice guy with a moral compass. Some of Roger's alternate personas just want to watch the world burn.

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