Boruto: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Sarada (& 5 We Didn't) | CBR

Angst over parents is the main storyline to the first half of Boruto as both Boruto and Sarada undergo the issue with their fathers. In most cases, they are totally justified in feeling that way as well. Both Sasuke and Naruto don't hold up their end of the bargain as dads very well at all.

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While she's correct in feeling distant and bitter about her dad, there's plenty of cases where Sarada acted like a brat, making a big deal out of a situation that was anything but.

10 FELT BAD: Sasuke Was Never Around When She Was A Kid

It's hard not to feel for a kid who doesn't have their parent around for them. Sure, saying that Sasuke is on an important mission gives it a reason, but it's no different than what Naruto does with Boruto. Neither of them is there often enough for their kids, forcing their wives to pick up the slack in areas they can't. Sarada has every right to be upset at her dad, just as Boruto is with his, and Sasuke should feel equally as bad for choosing work over her.

9 DIDN'T: She Doubted That Sakura Was Her Mother

Sarada's assumptions about Sakura not being her true mother were wild and outrageous. She based them solely on a picture she saw of Taka, noticing Karin wore glasses as she does. She let her emotions consume her and ran with the idea that Karin was actually her mother while Sakura was a stand-in Sasuke used to get rid of her. The whole situation made so little sense, even for someone as young as she is, and made her look bratty as a result.

8 FELT BAD: Sasuke Scolded Her & Naruto During Their First Meeting

The first impression can mean a lot, and Sasuke didn't exactly make the best one when he nearly attacked Sarada when they first met. Sure, Sasuke had a reason for trying to interrogate her after Shin attacked him, but that doesn't excuse how he acts afterward.

RELATED: Naruto: 10 Times Sarada Was Her Father's Daughter

There was no need to scold both her and Naruto for her presence, acting as if he never wanted to see her. That's one of the worst things a parent can do to a child, let alone one who'd never seen them before.

7 DIDN'T: She Threw A Fit When Sasuke Didn't Know How To Connect With Her

When Sasuke made it a point to return for the newly created Parent and Child Day, both parent and child were confronted with a tough realization—they didn't know how to communicate with one another. Sasuke made every attempt he could, trying to be both the fun dad as well as the doting one. Sarada wasn't having any of that, acting like a brat because Sasuke wasn't acting how she'd always envisioned him. That completely shattered her illusion of him.

6 FELT BAD: Suigetsu Mistakeningly Told Her That Her DNA Matched Karin's

While Sarada's initial assumptions of Karin being her mother were unfounded and ignorant, the same can't be said when Suigetsu tested her DNA. He mistakenly tested Sarada against her own umbilical cord, thinking it was Karin's. Sarada was rightfully distraught at the news, thinking the entire life she'd been living up to that point had been a lie. It's hard not to feel for someone after the news gets broken to her like that from a man she never even knew.

5 DIDN'T: She Struggled To Figure Out Who To Help When Namida & Wasabi Were Fighting

Both Namida and Wasabi were some of Sarada's closer friends, making the fight the two had difficult for her to manage. She wanted to help but wasn't sure which one of them to help, inherently making it seem like she needed to choose a side in the matter.

RELATED: 5 Ways Sarada Is Different From Sasuke (& 5 She's The Same)

That's never the case as friends should be looked at evenly, and there was no need for Sarada to feel like she couldn't stay friends with both Namida and Wasabi. Surprisingly, Boruto was the one who told her she should look for a way to help both.

4 FELT BAD: She Was Disappointed In Boruto For Cheating

Boruto's use of the Kote during the Chunin Exams was his lowest point in the series, showing that he didn't care about anyone other than himself. It set back all the progress he'd made with Sarada up to that point, and rightfully so. Boruto had been selfish, making an embarrassment of more than just himself that day. Having a cheater of a friend is something that always stings to the core, making it hard to trust them again.

3 DIDN'T: She Wanted To Be Put On A Different Team From Boruto

The feelings of incompatibility with Boruto never made a whole lot of sense considering everything that had happened prior. Sure, the two of them weren't as close as she and Chocho were, but she'd spent plenty of time with Boruto and even taken his advice on occasion. It couldn't have been regarding his ninja ability either as Boruto proved he was capable during the genin exams. Sarada's dismay over it felt entirely out of place.

2 FELT BAD: She Was Forced To Fight Boruto While Under Kirara's Genjutsu

Of the filler arcs in Boruto, Mitsuki's is one of the best and felt right at home with the rest of the series. It introduced fabrications that Onoki felt would help save lives. One of them was Kirara, a girl who excelled at casting genjutsu. She did just that against Boruto and Sarada, forcing them to fight one another to the death. They never get that close thanks to Sarada's quick thinking, but it's still an awful position to be pushed into.

1 DIDN'T: She Was Angry At Sakura For Trying To Keep Her Save After Team 7's Defeat At Deepa's Hands

After Deepa handily defeated Team 7, all of them wanted to get stronger. Both Boruto and Sarada were driven to become strong enough to defeat the Kara agent, but Sarada reverted back to the brattiness she showed earlier in the series. She lashed out at both Sasuke and Sakura, complaining about how they went about training her. Sakura got the worst of it when Sarada told her she didn't want to be treated like a child anymore. That's not how one should behave toward people who are trying to help them.

NEXT: Boruto: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Sarada Uchiha

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