La Squadra was a group of villains seeking to usurp Diavolo and among the strongest characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure act five, Golden Wind. Each of them possessed a unique and sinister ability that made for a viable addition to their team and distinguished their personal merits.
Even individually, the criminals nearly overcome Bucciarati's entire group on a number of occasions. Through prioritizing La Squadra based on the power at their disposal, we have a better idea of Giorno's most dangerous adversaries and an appreciation for the tenacity required in overcoming them.
8 Sorbet & Gelato Were Killed Before The Story Began

Sorbet and Gelato are often regarded as the most obscure and unknown members of La Squadra. This is for good reason - they were murdered by Diavolo before the beginning of Golden Wind, compelling Risotto and his comrades to avenge their deaths to begin with.
While little is known about their abilities, they were likely unimpressive combatants given how brutally and meticulously Diavolo was in engineering their destruction. By the time they were returned to their friends, their bodies were almost unrecognizably mutilated.
7 Formaggio's Stand Was Powerful But Took Time To Have An Effect

Formaggio's "Little Feet" Stand allowed him to shrink his targets until they could fit inside the neck of a bottle. This was a power he visited against Narancia, forcing him to fight for his life and reducing the capacity of his "Aerosmith."
However, the drawbacks to the villain's power are considerable. Not only is his shrinking an excruciatingly slow process, but he also has no natural defense mechanisms beyond reducing his own size and hoping he remains undiscovered. Predictably, this is a risky gambit that might yield disastrous consequences against shrewd enemies.
6 Melone's Stand Is Deadly But Has Massive Prerequisites

Melone's "Baby Face" Stand requires some of the most tremendous prerequisites of any ability in the entire series. Not only must he find a compatible woman to use, but her DNA sample must also be a match for what the villain hopes to create.
However, should his conditions be met, the Stand itself is a force of nature. It can reduce its adversaries into tiny cubes, having the potential to dice through most of Bucciarati's team. Were it not for Giorno's newfound talent for using Golden Wind to heal his comrades, Melone would have killed them.
5 Illuso Could Separate Victims From Their Stands

Illuso's Stand allowed him to pull targets into a "mirror dimension." Once inside, they could not activate their own power to fight back, allowing for a lopsided victory in his favor.
However, the criminal himself has admitted that outside of his terrain, Man In The Mirror is lacking and comparatively weak. This forces him to rely on guile and ambushing techniques in order to achieve success, though, can provide a comfortable victory after his prey has been delivered into his clutches.
4 Prosciutto Was A Decent Melee Fighter With A Wide-Ranging Ability

Prosciutto's "Grateful Dead" Stand was as horrifying as it was useful. Capable of secreting a noxious fog, everyone in a nearby radius would be reduced to withered husks through exposure. Direct melee combat with the villain would only exacerbate this effect, rendering him virtually untouchable.
However, the Stand's mechanism to avoid affecting cold targets can be utilized against him, a fact that Mista and Bucciarati would exploit. This provides a massive inhibition to what would otherwise make for an unbeatable power.
3 Ghiaccio Balances Overwhelming Offense With An Impervious Suit Of Armor

Ghiaccio's "White Album" was an impregnable suit of armor that could resist most conventional attacks. Additionally, he was able to produce a massive quantity of frigid ice that would cause frostbite to victims even with brief contact.
Further, the criminal mastered a formidable defense against ranged attacks by surrounding his body with reflecting ice crystals. The Squadra member's only weakness is the breathing apparatus in his armor, though it required dozens of Mista's bullets striking the same location before it showed signs of being meaningfully damaged. Without Giorno's recently uncovered healing affinities, the two men would have died in their encounter.
2 Pesci Had One Of The Strongest Offensive Abilities In The Entire Series

Pesci's "Beach Boy" Stand had boundless destructive potential and overshadowed his brother's Grateful Dead, a fact emphasized by Prosciutto himself. By castling out his hook, he could gouge the hearts of his enemies, passing through armor and natural barriers to do so.
This allowed Pesci to instantly kill almost anyone and rendered him among the strongest offensive Stand users in the entire series. His only limitation was his low confidence in his own abilities and lacking defenses.
1 Risotto's Attacks Were Impossible To Avoid & He Had Many Methods Of Protecting Himself

Risotto's leadership of La Squadra was well-founded for the many abilities of his Metallica Stand. By manipulating the iron in his adversaries' bodies, he could force excruciating razor blades through their skin and inflict unprecedented pain against them. Not only would this attack cause grotesque harm, but it would also weaken their ability to retaliate since it drained their energy.
Moreover, he was sufficiently capable of defending himself, as his Stand allowed him to turn invisible and reattach severed limbs. In the unlikely event that harm is dealt to him, Risotto's uncanny healing allows for an opportunity to reverse it.