Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Characters With The Hardest Techniques To Control

Not all cursed techniques are as complicated as Fushigiro's shadow shikigami or Toge's cursed Speech, but all cursed techniques require some training to control. Why else would powerful jujutsu sorcerers like Satoru Gojo commit their time to educate young sorcerers at Tokyo Jujutsu High?

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Controlling a cursed technique requires an understanding of cursed energy. After learning the basics, a jujutsu sorcerer can begin innovating within their technique. This isn't always easy though. One can only imagine the carnage that took place before Toge learned to limit his vocabulary, and he is only one of the ten characters that make this list.

10 Master Tengen's Immortality Technique Requires Him To Switch Bodies Every 500 Years

Master Tengen is well known for creating the barriers that hide Tokyo Jujutsu High from outsiders, but few know that his cursed technique actually grants him immortality. This may seem like a blessing to some, but it comes with a few drawbacks in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen.

In order to maintain his will, Master Tengen has to assert his ego's dominance every 500 years. After finding the appropriate Star Plasma Vessel, Tengen can transfer his own consciousness into a new body and continue to live. Unfortunately, this leaves the donor's consciousness without a body to reside in. The moral and ethical dilemmas that must be overcome to control this technique complicate what is otherwise a very simple cursed technique.

9 If Kiki & Harry Potter Taught Viewers Anything, It Is That Momo Nishimiya's Cursed Technique Is Not Simple

Jujutsu Kaisen has proven already that it is not scared to embrace classic anime and genre tropes. In fact, JJK does better than most new gen anime when it comes to repackaging tropes in ways that will both shock and entertain viewers.

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Even some things as conceptually simple as a flying broom make it into Jujutsu Kaisen in the form of Momo Nishimiya's Cursed Technique, Tool Manipulation. Nishimiya makes flying atop a broom look easy, but fans of Kiki's Delivery Service and Harry Potter know that mastering the art of flying a broomstick is anything but easy.

8 Dagon, The Special Grade Cursed Spirit, Makes Controlling The Flow Of Water Look Easy

Though anime fans have yet to see Dagon do anything but float around the waters in his domain, manga fans know that Dagon's control of the ocean extends well outside of this domain. To explain just how difficult the cursed technique Disaster Tides would be to control, fans should consider that humanity has had trouble controlling the flow of water since ancient times.

Dams, bridges, and canals are all examples of man-made structures that attempt to control the flow of water and none of them function nearly as well as Dagon's cursed technique. A young jujutsu sorcerer would surely have a hard time manipulating water with the precision and power that Dagon exhibits in the JJK manga.

7 Aoi Todo's Makes Boogie Woogie Look Simple, But Yuji Shows Viewers How Disorienting The Teleportation Technique Can Be

When Todo finally shows fans his Powerful Cursed Technique Boogie Woogie, he and Yuji use it together to overcome a Special Grade cursed spirit named Hanami. By clapping his hands, Todo can force two objects imbued with cursed energy to switch places. These objects include cursed spirits, jujutsu sorcerers, and even cursed items/weapons.

A teleportation skill like this may seem simple, but Yuji makes it very clear in his tag team battle with Todo that it can be disorienting. Furthermore, it requires that Todo be able to consistently stay aware of the way the cursed energy is shifting around him. Though this may be natural for a jujutsu sorcerer, it cannot be easy while constantly shifting positions and stances during combat.

6 Nobara Utilizes One Of The Most Complicated Cursed Item Techniques In All Of Jujutsu Kaisen

Though the idea behind Nobara's Cursed Technique is not difficult, understanding wielding a hammer and nail as a melee weapon and a projectile would be extremely difficult to master. Each of the nails that Nobara fires is riddled with her cursed energy, making them extremely lethal.

The fact that Nobara also carries around a rubber mallet proves how difficult it is to control the amount of lethal energy she puts behind each attack. This makes it even more important for whoever is wielding this cursed technique to attack with an accuracy that few other techniques demand.

5 Naobito Zenin & Naoya Zenin Can Use Their Cursed Energy To Manipulate The World Around Them Like The Kings & Queens On Jujutsu Kaisen's Post-Production Team

When Naobito Zenin and his son, Naoya Zenin, finally make it on-screen, fans may finally be able to make sense of their shared Cursed Technique. Projection Sorcery appears to give its user the ability to see each second as 24 separate frames of visual data, but the manga medium makes it difficult to show viewers exactly how this technique works.

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Just like the editors behind Jujutsu Kaisen are able to break each second of JJK into individual frames in order to gain more control over the incomplete anime episodes, Naobito and Naoya can utilize this cursed technique to gain more control over the battlefield. To take full advantage of this power, a jujutsu sorcerer has to land a palm strike on their opponents. While this isn't hard for either of these powerful sorcerers, an average user would struggle to use this cursed technique at full power.

4 Megumi Fushigiro Is Required To Maintain A Constant State Of Focus In Order To Control His Shadow Shikigami

The very first episode of Jujutsu Kaisen demonstrates how difficult Megumi's shikigami is to control when the young sorcerer is injured by a spirit while fighting for possession of Sukuna's Finger. After getting his head smashed into a wall, Megumi loses control of his demon dogs entirely, leaving them no choice but to fade back into his shadow.

It seems that an incredible amount of concentration is necessary to maintain control of the Ten Shadows Cursed Technique. Even Megumi, who maintains a stoic and calm personality throughout most of the first season, fails to maintain the form of his Shikigami at all times.

3 Understanding The Concept Of Infinity Opens The Door To A Powerful List Of Abilities For Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo makes looking cool and kicking butts appear to be simple, but there is nothing simple about the concept of Infinity. The absolute nature of Gojo's Limitless Technique gives this heartthrob of a sensei an incredible sense of power, but it may also cripple him more than viewers have assumed.

If Gojo's technique grants him access to the infinite void that makes up his Domain Technique, one can imagine that behind Satoru's beautiful blue eyes is the conviction to overcome the existential weight of infinity. If it takes overcoming infinity to wield Limitless, this may be the most difficult cursed technique to control of them all.

2 If Yuta's Adventures With Rika Proved Anything, It Is That Okatsu's Cursed Technique Is As Difficult To Control As It Is To Understand

Despite being introduced in the very first chapter published within the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuta has yet to make it on-screen. News of a prequel movie should have Yuta Okatsu fans thrilled, as the young special grade sorcerer finally makes his way off the page and into the hearts of anime fans.

By the end of Volume 0 of the manga, Yuta discovers that not only can he negotiate with cursed spirits, but he can create them as well. The information fans have on cursed spirits as of today implies that cursed spirits are created by powerful negative emotions. That means to control his cursed technique, Yuta will have to work through and control all of his negative emotions, a task many spend their entire life avoiding because of how difficult it can be to accomplish.

1 Toge Inumaki Is Forced To Limit His Speech To Rice Ball Ingredients To Fully Control His Cursed Speech Technique

The version of Toge Inumaki fans see in the first season of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime has already learned to control his cursed speech technique, but it is clear that he has had to sacrifice quite a bit to rein it in. Toge's backstory is full of sacrifices, but the greatest sacrifice he may have ever made is the loss of his own language.

By reducing his vocabulary to the ingredients of rice balls, Toge has managed to avoid harming his allies with his cursed speech. Still, living a life in a constant state of misunderstanding would make limiting one's vocabulary extremely difficult.

NEXT: Jujutsu Kaisen: 5 Characters On Yuji Itadori's Level (& 5 Nowhere Close)

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