Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Cursed Techniques That Don't Make Sense | CBR

Satoru Gojo's Limitless Cursed Technique and Aoi Todo's Boogie Woogie techniques are both powerful, but one is much easier to understand than the other. This is the case with a number of jujutsu cursed techniques.

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A cursed technique can usually be measured in terms of strength simply by determining how confusing it is to understand. The less that makes sense about the technique, the more difficult it will be for the opponent to figure out, therefore making it more powerful in combat.

10 Satoru Gojo's Limitless Cursed Technique Brings Infinity Into Reality By Distorting Space In A Way That Only A Physicist Could Make Sense Of

Satoru Gojo's inherited technique, Limitless, gives the young jujutsu sorcerer the ability to bring the concept of infinity into reality in order to bend space to his will. The concept of infinity is labeled as a concept that exists outside of human reality because it is impossible for a human being to make sense of true and absolute infinity.

For this reason, Limitless doesn't make sense because the concept that powers it is difficult to make sense of. Furthermore, the fact that Satoru Gojo is also the wielder of the Six Eyes technique makes it difficult to make sense of which abilities are a part of Limitless and which are a part of the Six Eyes technique.

9 Tengen's Immortality Cursed Technique Is Full Of Rules & Stipulations That Make It Difficult To Make Sense Of

Despite being one of the most powerful jujutsu sorcerers in all of Jujutsu Kaisen, Tengen is only name-dropped in the first season of the anime. Thanks to Tengen's mastery of barrier techniques, Tokyo Jujutsu High is able to stay relatively intact despite the ongoing war between cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers. The reason Tengen is as reliable as he is surely has something to do with the immortality cursed technique.

While immortality seems self-explanatory, the cursed technique that exists in Jujutsu Kaisen is difficult to make sense of. Unless Tengen replaces his physical body every 500 years, his body will begin a process of enlightenment that turns the jujutsu sorcerer into more of a cursed spirit than a human. It is a confusing technique that Akutami chose to set at the very center of his plot, forcing any would-be fans of the series to read through the manga in order to make any sense of Tengen's character and the Immortality cursed technique.

8 Idle Transfiguration Relies On The Fan's Understanding Of The Soul To Make Sense

Similar to how Satoru Gojo's inherited technique is confusing simply because the concept behind it is confusing, Mahito's Idle Transfiguration is difficult to figure out. By manipulating the human soul, Mahito is able to change the shape of a human's body into whatever form he sees fit.

Throughout the first season of the anime, Mahito stretches the human proportions to their very limit by manipulating the soul. He even manages to stretch his own body into a lethal killing machine when pushed to his limit. Still, the way Mahito is able to bend the body by manipulating the soul makes very little sense until it is made clear that the body has to flow alongside the soul. Mahito attempts to explain this phenomenon but fails to do so in any meaningful way, making Idle Transfiguration as difficult to understand as Mahito's random bouts of philosophy.

7 The Copy Cursed Technique That Yuta Okkatsu Uses Is Designed To Break The Brain Of Those Looking For Reason In Jujutsu Sorcery

The ability to copy cursed techniques has no right existing in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, but it seems Gege Akutami is hellbent on presenting Yuta Okkatsu as the penultimate jujutsu sorcerer. The world of Jujutsu Kaisen is rooted in the power of inherited cursed techniques. In fact, Yuji Itadori is still unable to use any cursed techniques other than Divergent Fist and Black Flash because his body is not attuned to any inherited techniques.

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Still, Yuta Okkatsu is able to copy even the cursed techniques that are well known for being passed down by certain bloodlines. Volume 0 of the manga shows Okkatsu using Toge Inumaki's cursed speech technique, something fans of the anime may believe is only possible for members of the Inumaki bloodline.

6 Reverse Cursed Techniques Offer A Jujutsu Sorcerer Access To Positive Energy In A Confusing & Convoluted Way

Reverse cursed techniques allow a jujutsu sorcerer to perform techniques that utilize positive energy rather than negative energy. For example, Gojo and Sukuna both use Reverse Cursed Techniques to heal themselves after taking damage.

By multiplying the power of a negative force like cursed energy, a skilled jujutsu sorcerer can create positive energy out of the negative. Still, it stands to reason that a skilled sorcerer should be able to simply manipulate positive energy, rather than having to invert cursed energy in some sort of convoluted and nonsensical way that fans will struggle to make sense of.

5 Projection Sorcery Will Surely Make More Sense Once Naobito & Naoyo Zenin Are Animated

Projection sorcery has yet to make it into the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, but once it does, it may fall off this list of cursed techniques that don't make any sense. As the second overpowered inherited technique of the Zenin family, projection sorcery is nearly on par with Megumi's Ten Shadows Technique.

When Naobito Zenin explains projection sorcery in the panels of the manga, he ties the technique to old animation practices. Since each frame of animation is traditionally broken down into 24 frames, anyone with this cursed technique is able to break each second down into 24 digestible parts. How the sorcerer wielding this technique takes advantage of breaking down each second is hard to make sense of, but it is clear that it offers speed buffs that can challenge the best of the best cursed techniques.

4 Though Domain Expansion Clearly Borrows From The Barrier Technique, The Ability To Manipulate The Environment With Cursed Energy On This Scale Deserves A Better Explanation

Sukuna and Satoru Gojo are not the only two to demonstrate the true power of jujutsu sorcery in the first season of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime by creating a domain, but they are the two that push the Domain Barrier Technique the furthest.

By creating a small barrier large enough to trap an opponent or two inside, a jujutsu sorcerer can manipulate the very ground they walk on. This level of sorcerer is unmatched by any other cursed technique. How a sorcerer is able to bend cursed energy into a completely new setting is well beyond the knowledge of manga and anime fans. It is especially hard to make sense of when considering the negative feedback a character like Mai Zenin experiences when using her construction cursed technique.

3 Cursed Sound Amplification Is Easy To Understand In Practice, But The Hypocrisy Of Principal Gakuganji Is Impossible To Make Sense Of

The cursed sound amplifying technique that principal Gakuganji utilizes in combat is not difficult to make sense of in terms of its application of cursed energy. It is difficult to make sense of simply because of its reliance on the electric guitar. Though Gakuganji stands as the representative of the older generation for the entirety of the anime's first season, he utilizes one of the least practical items possible with his cursed technique.

Naoyo Zenin makes it clear in the manga that the older generation of sorcerers look down on those who use cursed weapons and items to enhance their jujutsu. Still, the oldest of the bunch uses the most impractical weapon of all. Even funneling a cursed technique through a cell phone makes more sense than funneling it through an electric guitar. At least the former offers more utility in combat without being enhanced by cursed energy than simply making noise.

2 Black Flash Forces Cursed Energy To Flash Back, But Until A Sorcerer Is Able To Wield It On-Command, This Cursed Technique May Never Make Sense

Black Flash is one of the easiest cursed techniques to make sense of in terms of its combat utility. By applying cursed energy to his already impressive physical strength, Yuji and other skilled jujutsu sorcerers are able to incite a reaction out of the cursed energy itself.

RELATED: Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Confusing Things About Cursed Energy, Explained

The manga and anime both explain that Black Flash is a technique that relies on Cursed Energy responding to the force of a jujutsu sorcerer's attack, effectively enhancing the attack by responding. It is a simple idea, but until cursed energy is explained more in the future the idea of an energy source rebounding may not make sense to some viewers. Furthermore, there seems to be a reason that jujutsu sorcerers cannot use Black Flash on command, but that reason has yet to be disclosed, making what could be a simple technique even more difficult to make sense of due to its scarcity of use.

1 Cursed Rika Manifestation Should Have Disappeared After Volume 0 Of The Manga, But Reappears During The Shibuya Incident Arc

For fans of Jujutsu Kaisen that have yet to read the manga and still struggle to understand how cursed energy manifests itself into cursed spirits, Volume 0 of the manga is the place to go for more information. By introducing Yuta Okkatsu before Yuji Itadori, Gege Akutami makes it significantly easier to understand cursed energy with the introduction of Rika.

After watching his childhood crush die, Yuta used his cursed energy to turn Rika into a powerful curse. The combination of Yuta's powerful negative emotions and his unprecedented cursed energy levels creates the queen of curses. Volume 0 sees Yuta work at controlling Rika and ends with the young jujutsu sorcerer setting Rika free. Still, when Yuta reappears during the Shibuya Incident Arc, Rika moves with him, breaking apart the resolution fans were given in Volume 0.

NEXT: Jujutsu Kaisen: 5 Characters On Yuji Itadori's Level (& 5 Nowhere Close)

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