Jupiter's Legacy: Blackstar's Powers and Weaknesses | CBR

Jupiter's Legacy features a dizzying array of characters in the series' first trailer and there's such a blinding assortment of action it can be hard to keep up with them. Not all of those characters are heroes, and the villain at the heart of much of that action is every bit as powerful as he looks. No, that wasn't Darkseid in the new Netflix series trailer. It was Blackstar, and there are few characters in the series who can shine so brilliantly.

Featured primarily as a punching bag for many of the heroes, Blackstar's role in the trailer is completely true to his comic book form. Given that the series focuses more on the generational shift from the first heroes known as the Union to their children, there is not nearly as much emphasis on the hero-versus-villain tale that defines so much of the genre. But just like in the trailer for the adaptation, the comics put a major brawl with Blackstar front and center.

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With an anti-matter battery built into his chest, Blackstar produces unbelievable amounts of energy that make him a threat no one hero can face alone. At the start of the comic series, it takes almost a whole team of heroes to stop him, and given what is said of his reputation, it's understandable why they need to lock down such a major threat so securely. Blackstar is said to have killed an entire alien race, and the last time he escaped from prison, he supposedly leveled half of Missouri.

As is clear in the trailer, his anti-matter battery allows Blackstar to release waves of explosive energy. On top of that, he is a considerable physical threat, going toe-to-toe with several of Earth's greatest heroes all at once. This includes the Utopian, said throughout the series to be the strongest hero in the world, and the mere fact that the Utopian cannot stop Blackstar alone speaks to the villain's power. Taking that much punishment from the Utopian is no easy feat, and it's not only on the physical plane that Blackstar proves so powerful.

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During the battle, Brainwave uses his unparalleled psychic powers to infiltrate Blackstar's mind, but he finds it far more difficult than usual. Describing Blackstar's mind as a lock built into another lock a thousand times over, Brainwave struggles to find the different keys to penetrate Blackstar's mind more than he does against almost anyone else in the series. It is only when he finally manages to surpass all those defenses that Brainwave paralyzes the villain and enables the Utopian to unleash a full physical assault on him.

Given that the Netflix series will likely give its characters more room to breath than the comic, there will certainly be even more to Blackstar's story in the adaptation. Featured as such a dominant physical threat, the villain at the very least promises the riveting action that superhero fans look forward to. With a bit more development to get at his heart, there's no doubt that Blackstar is a character who can really shine.

Netflix's Jupiter's Legacy stars Josh Duhamel as The Utopian, Ben Daniels as Brain-Wave, Leslie Bibb as Lady Liberty, Elena Kampouris as Chloe Sampson, Andrew Horton as Brandon Sampson, Mike Wade as The Flare, Anna Akana as Raikou and Matt Lanter as Skyfox. The series premieres May 7 on Netflix.

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