Melascula is one of the strongest Demon warriors in The Seven Deadly Sins. She started off as a tiny snake but grew in size and power after absorbing the Demon Realm's miasma for hundreds of years. The Demon King made her one of the Ten Commandments, and she possesses the Commandment of Faith.
This Commandment has the power to punish anyone who shows faithlessness in front of her, by having their eyes set ablaze. She is completely immune to the effects of her own commandment due to her strong loyalty to the Demon King. Melascula is one of the Commandments who appears the most in the series, but some of her actions do not make any sense.
10 She Looks Like A Human

When Melascula is first introduced, she questions Fraudrin about his human body. Upon hearing that the humans rule Brittania, she expresses her surprise, noting that humans, out of all of the races, were the weakest and had the shortest lifespan. She looks down on humans and won't hesitate to use them to her advantage, as she doesn't consider them to be any kind of threat. Despite her views, she chooses to have a humanoid form over her snake form.
9 She Can't Catch Up With Jericho

After Ban's fight with Melascula and Galand, he and Elaine are unable to move. With the two Demons in pursuit, Ban and Elaine tell Jericho to save the other. Unable and unwilling to make that decision for them, Jericho instead decides to carry the both of them on her back. Somehow, she manages to keep some distance between her and the Demons until she reaches My Sweet Gluttony, the bar conveniently run by Escanor.
8 She Doesn't Die After Eating Escanor's Soul

Melascula makes the mistake of assuming that Escanor's soul was an ordinary human soul like Ban's. Thinking that she can easily win against him, she expels Escanor's soul from his body and consumes it. However, the power of Sunshine, which is powerful enough to melt stone, is too much for her body to handle. Her body is lit ablaze and she falls off a cliff, only to split in two. However, she somehow manages to survive this.
7 She Doesn't Recognize Elizabeth Until The Corand Arc

The Ten Commandments had no idea that 3,000 years passed until Fraudrin told them. This makes it surprising that Melascula, like many others, fails to recognize Elizabeth despite the fact that she looked the same. Melascula doesn't notice until she sees Elizabeth use her goddess powers in order to save Diane from the possession she was under. Although Melascula doesn't recognize Elizabeth at first, she does remember the curse that Elizabeth is under.
6 She Was Never Aware Of Zaratras

Melascula has the ability to revive the dead to use as her own army, who are each fueled by their own personal grudges. When she notices that Elaine is resisting her magic, Melascula personally goes to the anomaly to investigate the cause. Zaratras, one of the strongest Holy Knights, is revived as well. Despite the fact that he is not like the other angry souls, Melascula never goes to check up on him.
5 The Quality Of Her Zombies Varies

The souls of the dead that Melascula summons return to their original bodies. Most of the zombies look exactly as expected: they rise from their graves as rotting, animated corpses. However, the atypical zombies, with more lasting plot relevance, look immaculate.
Elaine and Zaratras look like they never died in the first place, which is strange since they were both deceased for at least 10 years prior to their revival.
4 She Tries To Eat Meliodas' Soul

After Meliodas is defeated by Estarossa, Melascula asks Gloxina to heal her of her burns. She then asks to be the one to consume Melodias' soul, saying it would be a perfect payment for the humiliating defeat that she had suffered at the hands of the other Sins. She extracts his soul from his body without waiting for an answer. Knowing Estarossa and even the other Commandments, she should have known that no one would have given her the soul so easily.
3 After Losing The Miasma, She Becomes Powerless

At the end of Melascula's fight with the Sins, Elizabeth uses her magic to remove the miasma within Melascula's body. This reverts Melascula to her original form of being a tiny, powerless snake. However, she does still have her Commandment.
Since having more Commandment means being closer to the Demon King in strength, it is surprising that Melascula has no strength at all, and is captured immediately by Merlin.
2 She Is Originally Level-Headed

It is easy to forget that Melascula was introduced as being one of the more level-headed members of the Ten Commandments. She tells Galand to not act so rashly when he announces his intention to attack Camelot. She prefers to have others do her work for her as well. However, she acts the most rashly out of all of the Commandments, as she rushes to take Meliodas' soul and even takes on Escanor despite seeing his strength.
1 She Lost Her Commandment Despite The Fact It Needs To Be Given Up Willingly

Toward the end of the series, Melascula loses her Commandment. She is still trapped in the test tube that Merlin keeps her in, and most of the time, she is unable to do anything, including communicate. However, the vessel that she is in shatters, and her Commandment heads right for Meliodas. The Commandment is supposed to be given up willingly, but if she was capable of doing so, Melascula would have done it much earlier when Zeldris tried to contact her.