Shameless: Every Main Character's Fate At The End Of The Series

Showtime is a strong cable network that’s responsible for some cutting-edge programming over the past few decades, but Shameless has helped define their programming for the past 11 years. Showtime has been home to some influential programs, but none have run longer than Shameless, and it recently wrapped up its run of 134 episodes with a thoughtful final season.

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Final seasons often face high expectations, especially when it comes to the ultimate fate of characters that the audience has grown attached to for over a decade. Shameless remains messy and true to itself, right up until the end, which leaves the Gallaghers and the rest of its characters in some interesting places.

10 Frank Gallagher Faces His Mortality & Passes Over To The Other Side

Frank Gallagher has experienced the worst fate out of any of Shameless’ characters and despite serious problems with his liver, he’s managed to prove to the world just how resilient he is. Shameless’ final season sadly shows Frank that he’s no longer invincible.

His body succumbs to alcohol-induced dementia, he begins to reject liquor, and he begins to feel like a fraction of his former self. Frank tries to end his life on his own terms through a heroin overdose, but his unsuccessful attempt leads to him wandering the city and passing on in a hospital from COVID complications, alone.

9 Kevin’s Bartending Skills Get Appreciated In Louisville

Shameless’ 11th season shows most of the characters in flux and uncertain over where their futures lie, but Kevin and Veronica figure out that their skills would be better appreciated in Louisville, Kentucky, rather than Chicago.

Kevin is initially quite against packing up their lives and going somewhere completely different, but his brief time over there opens his eyes towards how easy life will be there. Kevin is ready to embrace a new life as a bartender that’s able to build a large clientele and thrive through tips rather than scrape by off of decrepit barflies.

8 Lip Prepares For Another Kid & A Simpler Lifestyle

Lip struggles a lot through the final season of Shameless and a lot of his difficulties involve his frustrations with himself over how he’s let so many opportunities pass him by. Lip spends a lot of the season lying to Tami and in incredible financial stress, but the season concludes with him cobbling together a future that doesn’t seem so hopeless.

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Brad offers Lip a fresh start in a new garage. In the meantime, Lip and Tami have a new baby on the way to worry about, which seems to be the reality check that Lip has needed.

7 Ian Builds A Respectable Future In The West Side

Many of the Gallaghers are thrown for a loop after Lip announces his plans to sell their house. However, Ian and Mickey actually find a new lodging surprisingly quickly and they take advantage of the new financial bonus they’re about to receive.

An apartment in the West Side is a stretch for both Ian and Mickey, but it marks the beginning of a fresh start for these newlyweds. Both Ian and Mickey are out of their comfort zones to different degrees, but it helps them improve upon their communication and understand that their relationship is what’s most important.

6 Debbie & Franny Throw Caution To The Wind & Head For Texas

Debbie seems like one of the more unstable characters across Shameless’ final seasons and the concluding year specifically explores her abandonment issues and why she repeatedly sabotages her romantic efforts in life. After a string of ill-advised relationships, Debbie becomes smitten with a reckless criminal named Heidi who wants to pull off her next scheme in Texas.

Heidi offers Debbie a second chance with her daughter in a totally new area. Debbie doesn’t officially decide to make the move, but she seems to be increasingly comfortable with Heidi and ready to give her the benefit of the doubt.

5 Vee Gets To Better The Community In Kentucky With Mother

Kevin and Vee usually share storylines and their decision to head over to Louisville, Kentucky is no exception. However, Vee gets exposed to this idea much earlier and develops an unexpected affinity for Kentucky before it’s even on Kevin’s radar.

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Vee first arrives in Louisville because it’s where her mom has set up shop, but the more time that she spends there the more she sees opportunities to begin a more responsible life where she can push policy and improve the community rather than be stuck behind a bar. It’s something that Vee’s been after for years.

4 Liam Is Left To Carry Frank’s Lessons & Legacy

An unexpected highlight from the final season of Shameless is the bond between Liam and Frank that strengthens while every other Gallagher continues to cut their father from their lives. Liam is one of the few characters that know how to sift worthwhile knowledge out of Frank’s unconventional and crude advice.

Frank becomes worried that his legacy will disappear, but Liam’s existence is proof that it never will. He’s the one person that’s worried about Frank’s disappearance and he’s grown into one of the most respectable and competent Gallaghers.

3 Carl Accepts His Fate On The Police Force & Maybe Buys The Alibi

Carl begins Shameless as a carefree delinquent, which makes it so impressive that he climbs the ranks of military school and becomes a respected member of Chicago’s police force. Carl initially plays into the system but grows disillusioned by the corruption that’s around him.

Carl’s fate as a proud and glorified meter maid doesn’t necessarily seem like the happiest of endings for the character. However, there are hints provided that imply that Carl and Officer Tipping might step up to buy the Alibi and turn it into a police bar. This solidifies Carl’s valued status in the South Side.

2 Mickey Grapples With The Loss Of His Father & Prepares To Become One Himself

An unexpected dose of morbidity that enters Shameless’ final episodes as a precursor for the danger that plagues Frank is that the patriarch of the Milkovich family, Terry, meets his end.

The loss of his father affects Mickey in unexpected ways and leaves him feeling vulnerable over his own future and abilities as a parent. Mickey shows substantial growth when he’s able to acclimate to swankier life on the West Side and the progress he makes over his latent daddy issues leaves him healthier than he’s ever been.

1 Fiona Remains In Florida, Removed From The Rest Of The Gallaghers

Shameless has always focused on every member of the Gallagher family, but for the first nine seasons, Fiona is positioned as the central figure. Shameless’ final two seasons are fascinating in terms of how they deal with Fiona’s absence, but it’s a hanging thread that’s never given complete closure.

A hint is offered up that Fiona is currently a sober bartender in Key West, Florida, which is unfortunately all that the audience has to go off of in terms of her future. The fact that she doesn’t return to the South Side seems to imply that she’s fully moved on.

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