Wolverine: Power Pack Gives the X-Man His Most Ridiculous Alter Ego

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Power Pack #5 by Ryan North, Nico Leon, Rachelle Rosenberg & VC's Travis Lanham, on sale now.

Logan has proven to be a genuine ally to the Power Pack, dropping everything to help the team when they call on him for help dealing with the Wizard. Along the way, Logan worked out a new identity to help, and it's pretty great.

Wolverine just debuted his most ridiculous alternate identity yet, arriving on the scene as his "secret evil brother," the so-called Wolvermean, so he could help convince the world that the Power Pack still has their powers.

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After being tricked by the Wizard into believing he was the heroic Agent Aether -- and someone who could assist them through the events of Outlawed -- the Power Pack have been drained of their abilities. The team ended up turning to their old ally Wolverine, asking for his help in tricking the Wizard into thinking their powers weren't fully depleted -- reasoning that this would lead him to try and drain them again. After working with Logan to sneak into the Wizard's lab and reverse all of his technology, the Power Pack sets up a series of devices and special effects that they can use to impress the local populace and simultaneously trick the Wizard.

The final key is producing a "villain" for the young heroes to defeat, allowing Wolverine to have one more part in the plan: namely, arriving on the scene in a purple and black variant of his costume to proclaim himself as Wolvermean. Wolvermean openly calls himself the "secret brother of Wolverine" and makes sure to clarify that he's also evil. He even has his own variant of his classic catchphrase, announcing he's the "worst there is" at what he does, only to add "bad is good to me!" It's a very silly showing for Logan, who plays along incredibly well and actually seems to have some fun being tossed around for the sake of the camera.

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Notably, Logan sells his Wolvermean persona well, helping to convince the Wizard of their deception and setting up the Fantastic Four villain to inadvertently give the team back their powers. But Wolvermean deserves some additional recognition for how silly and effective Logan is in the role. Wolvermean being Logan's evil secret brother is also a hilarious joke from the mutant berserker because he actually does have a brother. His half-brother Dog, who premiered in Origin by Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert, reappeared in Wolverine & The X-Men as an enemy of Logan and one of the instructors of the Hellfire Academy.

There's also White Fang aka John Howlett Jr, who in the alternate reality future from Wolverine: The End became one of Logan's greatest and final enemies. The veteran X-Man is known for ineffectual disguises, most notably the Patch persona he uses in Madripoor. Like Patch, it's almost how comical how little work Logan put into the costume, with his Wolvermean identity using a color-swapped costume to try and convince everyone that he's someone completely different.

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