Colossus will be in attendance when the X-Men crossover event "Hellfire Gala" begins. And man, does he clean up nice.
The Twitter account for Marvel Entertainment posted some new costumes for the "Hellfire Gala," leading to #Colossus to trend on the social media platform. The image also displays the formal attire that Sunfire, Synch, Wolverine and Cannonball will be wearing for the event.
"Hellfire Gala" will take place over 12 issues in the X-Men family comic line. It will start with Hellions #12 on June 2 and also includes Marauders #21, X-Force #20, Excalibur #21, X-Men #21, New Mutants #19, Planet-Size X-Men #1, X-Corp #2, S.W.O.R.D. #6, Way of X #3, Wolverine #13 and X-Factor #10. Marvel is also releasing the Hellfire Gala Guide, which provides first looks at some of the other "Hellfire Gala's" fashion designs, an interview with the hostess Emma Frost and much more. The event will take place over one in-universe night, with each issue offering different perspectives of the evening's events as mutantkind prepares to reveal its master plan that will reshape the Marvel Universe.
"As the builders of Krakoa began discussing the gala within the pages of Marauders and beyond, the writers and editors began noodling on what the evening could be. At our X-Retreat just over a year ago in Chicago we had some very large story ideas and production plans that were ratified to give our artists the time they needed to collaborate on the designs," Marauders and Planet-Size X-Men writer Gerry Duggan said. "Russell has been an important part of the Marauders team from the beginning, and it only made sense to ask that he lead the way. The writers jammed on very simple prompts for a few of the looks, but by and large each character was a blank slate for Russell and our other artists. Our regular series artists were also asked to contribute around a half dozen high fashions, so if you don't see your favorite character on a cover, you'll likely see them at the party."
Following the events of "Hellfire Gala," Marvel will debut three new X-Men series, including a revamped X-Men with a new team lineup from writer Gerry Duggan and artist Pepe Larraz in July. August will see writer Leah Williams and artist Valerio Schiti team up for a classified comic, while Head of X Jonathan Hickman works with an unknown artist for secret title set to release in September.
Marvel Comics' "Hellfire Gala" begins on June 2 with Hellions #12. The X-Men's Hellfire Gala Guide will be available digitally and at participating comic shops Wednesday, April 28.
Source: Twitter