10 X-Men Villains Who Are Better Suited For The Avengers | CBR

Villains are a big part of comics and the X-Men have some great ones. There are few teams out there who battle more dangerous foes than them and beyond their threat level, they're just interesting villains. In fact, it's safe to say that as far as Marvel villains go, beyond outliers like Doctor Doom, the X-Men's rogues are the best of the best. The proof is in the pudding— X-Men villains are often so popular they get made into heroes so they can get more exposure.

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However, some villains the X-Men face don't always fit with them them and might be better elsewhere, like with the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

10 Blob May Not Be A Mastermind But He'd Give The Avengers A Great Challenge

Blob isn't exactly the smartest villain on the battlefield. In fact, he's usually far from it. Blob is usually used as muscle by various incarnations of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and he's extremely effective in this role— he's massively strong, invulnerable, and can control his center of gravity, making himself unmovable.

Blob is kind of old hat for the X-Men, as they know how to easily beat him. Seeing him fight the Avengers would be a lot of fun since they'd have to figure out how to hurt him and negate his powers, while dealing with just how dangerous he can be.

9 The Hellfire Club Never Made Much Sense As X-Men Villains Other Than The Mutant Connection

The Hellfire Club was introduced right before "The Dark Phoenix Saga" and proved to be a formidable force. This group of evil mutant industrialists plagued the X-Men for years after but it always felt kind of weird. The Hellfire Club doesn't care about mutant rights or anything like that, they just want to amass more power and wealth.

It would make way more sense for them to fight Avengers. Sebastian Shaw going after Tony Stark's business is a great idea and can be used to start a built in grudge. The Club is full of powerful mutants who can challenge the Avengers and it makes more sense for an organization most concerned with power to clash with the defenders of the status quo, the Avengers.

8 Daken Never Really Made Sense As An X-Men Villain Anyway

Daken was one of Wolverine's worst enemies until their recent reconciliation on Krakoa. This made sense but what didn't is when they tried to make him more of an X-Men villain. Daken wouldn't really care about any of that- he just wants revenge against the people who wronged him.

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Daken, however, was a part of the Dark Avengers and has a grudge against Winter Soldier, who killed his mother. This actually makes him more suited to fighting the Avengers and he'd be pretty good at it— he's crafty and skilled, which would make up for his lack of brute strength. Going after Cap to get back at Bucky would be poetic justice and Daken fighting the Avengers just feels right.

7 Mojo Is All About Ratings & The Avengers Would Be Big Business For Him

Mojo is basically every terrible Hollywood producer come to spineless life. He rules over the Mojoverse, a dimension where power comes from ratings and while the X-Men have always been surefire draws, it's weird that he's never went after the Avengers. The Avengers are the A-list and they would net him huge ratings.

It's not like the Avengers would be that much harder to capture or anything and it just seems fitting that Mojo would go after the biggest heroes to get the most bang for his buck. Plus, the whole thing can be used as a way to tell meta jokes about the MCU.

6 The Sentinels Are Just As Dangerous To The Avengers As They Are To Mutants

In just about every dark future the X-Men encounter, the Sentinels have killed all of the heroes. It's pretty much a fact of life: The Sentinels will take over and kill everyone. So, why haven't the Avengers ever fought them? Sure, they only go after mutants but they're a massive threat, one that could spell doom for humanity.

The Avengers fighting the Sentinels would be interesting because for one thing, it would show the Avengers actually care about mutants, something they aren't known for and for another, the Sentinels are low key the greatest threat in the Marvel Universe and they need to be taken care of by the team that supposedly saves the world from the worst threats.

5 The Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Is About Mutant Supremacy & Should Be Fighting Humanity's Defenders

It's always been weird that the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, a group that believes wholeheartedly in mutant supremacy, fights the X-Men. Sure, when Magneto leads the Brotherhood, there's the whole grudge between him and Xavier but beyond that, it seems like the Brotherhood should mostly be going against the corrupt humancentric power structure that allows for mutant oppression.

The greatest defender of that power structure are the Avengers, so it would just make more sense for the Brotherhood to fight them. Going after other mutants to show that mutants are the best is nonsensical but going after Earth's Mightiest Heroes? That makes way more sense.

4 Mastermind Would Have A Field Day With The Avengers

Mastermind is one of those mutants who would pretty much ruin any team without a telepath's day. The X-Men are lousy with telepaths, so the fact he keeps going after them is really, really dumb. They can always break free from his control and foil his schemes.

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The Avengers, though, don't have any telepaths. Mastermind would be able to mess with them with impunity and there would be little to nothing they could do about it. It makes more sense for him to go after them and it would challenge the Avengers in ways they had never been challenged before.

3 Juggernaut Would Be A Great Match-Up For The Big Guns Of The Avengers

Juggernaut has fought and destroyed lots of Marvel heroes and seeing him go up against the Avengers would be kind of perfect. Juggernaut, beyond the personal connection with Professor X, always sort of felt out of the X-Men's league and that they knew how to beat him: Get his helmet off and telepathic whammy him- means he probably should have stopped fighting then years ago.

With the Avengers, there are more heroes who can keep up with him the strength and durability department. They'd have to fight him in smarter ways than they are used to and from Cain's perspective, fighting them is smart because they can't beat him easily as the Avengers doesn't have any telepaths.

2 Mystique Would Give The Avengers A Run For Their Money

Mystique is one of the most dangerous mutants in the Marvel Universe. She's been alive for over a century and amassed massive wealth, she's one of the most skilled fighters around, and is one of the greatest spies in the Marvel Universe. While her fighting the X-Men is okay, seeing her test her skills against the Avengers makes a lot more sense.

Mystique is the kind of person who is getting paid to mess with the government, infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., and basically wreak havoc. It makes more sense for the Avengers to go after someone like her, as she's a much greater danger to the world than just about any other mutant because of her expertise in subterfuge, infiltration, and spy craft.

1 Apocalypse Wants To Destroy The Weak & The Avengers Should Stand In His Way

Apocalypse is one of the X-Men's greatest villains but the fact that he keeps fighting them is weird. Apocalypse wants to cull the weak from the world, so why does he just focus on the mutant side of things? He should be making large scale strikes against humanity and the Avengers should be standing in his way.

Apocalypse versus the Avengers would be epic beyond belief. He's powerful enough to give them a run for their money and his desire to destroy the weak— most of the world, according to him— fits perfectly within the Avengers' purview of protecting the Earth.

NEXT: X-Men: 10 Greatest Members, Ranked By Years on The Team

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