5 Futurama Planets That Would Be Amazing To Visit (& 5 That Would Be Terrifying)

Futurama is a cult classic comedy that has made viewers laugh, cry, and wonder. As Planet Express is an interstellar delivery company, viewers are shown scores of planets throughout Futurama's sporadic run. Even Earth sometimes felt like a weird alien planet with some of the liberties taken about what it would be like 1,000 years in the future.

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Many of the planets seen are wondrous places with incredible sights and fascinating creatures. Some planets also provide background on certain characters or make an excellent satire of something in the real world. There are also some planets that have such frightening creatures or such deadly atmospheres that most fans are thankful they don't exist.

10 It Would Be Terrifying: The World of Permanent Wind, Tornadus

Much like the red spot of Jupiter, the planet Tornadus is constantly swirling about in all directions at massive wind speeds. The atmosphere resembles hundreds of coalescing tornadoes, hurricanes, and cyclones angrily whirling about in a purple rage.

The Professor, of course, forces the Planet Express crew to leave the ship and harvest some of these dangerous winds for his county fair entry. While they all come out of it alive, and mostly unharmed, the experience is exhausting and terrifying.

9 It Would Be Amazing: The Favorite Among Scots, Doohan 6

Anyone who enjoys Scottish culture would absolutely love to visit the exotic world of Doohan 6. Almost all of the inhabitants resemble stereotypical Scots with kilts, and all of the men are named Angus. The bars are cozy and rustic and they sell whiskeys the size of aquariums.

Doohan 6 would be excellent for a bachelor party, a quick trip, or even a family vacation. While most of their culture is based on Earth's Scotland, who's to say their planet didn't come first? Additionally, the planet is beautiful, there are tons of golf courses, and some of the animals, such as the recently reintroduced Bone Vampire, are incredibly fascinating.

8 It Would Be Terrifying: The Planet With Intense Gravity, Stumbos IV

While the gravity increase on Stumbos IV is never expressly indicated, Leela mentions that a standard bed pillow weighs approximately 150 lbs on this planet. Professor Farnsworth indicates that some people are crushed by the weight of their own hair, Kif's entire head even gets forced to the ground.

The average human would likely die instantaneously under 150 times the pressure of normal gravity so there are likely multiple variables that factor into the intense gravity, perhaps making inanimate objects heavier. Either way, spending any amount of time on this planet would be dangerous and unnecessary.

7 It Would Be Amazing: The Surprisingly Sophisticated Amish Homeworld

In a world filled with screens, devices, and blue light, a vacation far away from the digital world would be welcome to most. Even the spacecraft used to make the flight to the Amish homeworld is powered by cattle rather than fancy engines and such. With no machinery, the planet is peacefully quiet and the climate is clean and clear.

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The local folk even provide newcomers with the proper attire, including a full beard, so they can feel like part of the family. Despite not using machines, the Amish homeworld is surprisingly sophisticated considering they are able to travel through space. Their barns are also incredibly complex geometric shapes.

6 It Would Be Terrifying: The Planet of Giant Spiders, Tarantulon 6

A planet by the name of Tarantulon 6 is enough to deter even the slightest arachnophobe. Zapp Branigan led the charge against these assumingly innocent eight-legged foes and plundered their planet of its riches. Assuming they left survivors, the next human that found themselves on Tarantulon 6 would be in a whole web of trouble.

Even if the native spiders were peaceful or even vegetarians, coming face to face with a human-sized spider would make a grown man cry. If there is ever the slightest inkling that a planet even remotely similar to this one were to exist in the universe, humanity should avoid it at all costs.

5 It Would Be Amazing: The Care-Free Nude Beach Planet, Planet XXX

The Nude Beach Planet, also known as Planet XXX, requires its inhabitants and guests to be completely nude at all times. Considering the planet has three suns and a tropical climate year-round, most people wouldn't complain about that.

There wouldn't be any reason to worry about what to wear or what to pack as no one would be wearing anything anyway. No clothes would free up space for souvenirs in the suitcases, or one could forego them entirely, saving on baggage costs. Overall, a trip to Planet XXX would be fun, exciting, and relatively inexpensive.

4 It Would Be Terrifying: The Robot Homeworld, Chapek 9

While the idea of robots is fascinating, the idea of zealot robots that live in such fear of humans that they conduct daily human hunts on their homeworld of Chapek 9 is absolutely terrifying. Fry and Leela are forced to go undercover in an effort to track down Bender who had gone on a soul-searching mission.

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While their rudimentary disguises worked wonders, their behavior (and bodily functions) were enough to alert the native bots of their existence. Luckily, Bender had gained favor with the robots and was able to rescue Fry and Leela, but for humans without a moderately loveable robot companion, this planet would be their doom.

3 It Would Be Amazing: The Nibblonian Homeworld Located at the Center of the Universe, Eternium

Eternium may well be the oldest planet in the entire universe, a trip there would be the experience of a lifetime. The wonderful and ancient planet is home to the Nibblonians and hundreds of other wild and unique creatures. The Nibblonians are a peaceful, intelligent species so they wouldn't pose any serious problems and would hopefully teach visitors of their culture and knowledge.

As the planet exists in the center of the universe, it would likely take some time to get there. However, on the flip side, that would ensure minimal tourists and would likely provide incredible cosmic sights along the way such as exploding supernovae, colorful nebulas, and brightly burning stars of all colors and sizes.

2 It Would Be Terrifying: The Home of Lrrr, Ruler of The Planet Omicron Persei 8

Considering Omicronians are gigantic, powerful lizard creatures with an absolute disdain for humans, being on Omicron Persei 8 would be a nightmare. Whereas the robots of Chapek 9 fear humans, Omicronians kill them for sport and have conquered and enslaved humanity on multiple occasions, even once by accident.

Coming across Omicronians on Earth would be one thing, but being a human on Omicron Persei 8 would not end well. If Lrrr actually had his way most of the time, he would have eaten Fry's nose, removed his junk, and had his son skin him alive. Even while Fry has remained alive and mostly intact, Lrrr has done some truly heinous things, and he's only one of them.

1 It Would Be Amazing: The Fascinating Steampunk Style Planet, Vinci

The Professor and Fry discover that the Professor's idol, Leonardo DaVinci, is actually from another planet and they accidentally stumble across a spacecraft that takes them all the way there. It takes them about three months to get to Vinci using the craft that gently fluttered through space, so one might assume a normal spacecraft wouldn't take nearly as long.

The people can be a little intolerant of low IQs, which is why Leonardo left in the first place as he was sick of being ridiculed for being the dumbest person on Vinci. However, if one can ignore that or simply fake intelligence, the knowledge, architecture, agriculture, and energy management systems of Planet Vinci are remarkable. While the planet is highly advanced, the people enjoy taking things slowly as seen with their steampunk architecture and slow-moving aircrafts. A vacation to Planet Vinci would be a wonderous and fulfilling experience.

NEXT: 10 Times Futurama Was Legitimately Smart

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