Assassin's Creed's Shifting Away from RPGs | CBR

Assassin's Creed Valhalla has made waves for Ubisoft, becoming one of the highest-selling Assassin's Creed titles in the franchise. Due to its success, the company has confirmed that it will be focusing on the RPG elements of the series more than ever. However, this runs the risk of alienating the series' fanbase that has been around since the original game.

Assassin's Creed's first title establishes the third-person action stealth approach that stayed with the franchise for years to come. At the time, very few games were doing what Assassin's Creed was. Even its gameplay nurtured strategic and critical thinking, teaching players how to find the best locations for assassinations. But as the years progressed, the formula was becoming stale. The perfect foundation to usher in Role-Playing Game elements to the franchise was born from a desire for change.

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Assassin's Creed Origins is where the RPG elements were first implemented. According to the critical reception, it was a perfect meld of what made the old games great with gameplay mechanics that newer titles like The Witcher III were embracing. Though this works well for The Witcher, Origins' transition came as a surprise for those who didn't expect the new systems. Now, gear upgrades, character upgrades and a level system were taking the place of the stealth-based gameplay that came before. There is still an essence of the older titles within Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but as the RPG aspect takes precedent in the development, the gameplay styles that came before may be even more phased out.

One of the most remarkable aspects of older Assassin's Creed titles has been its engaging combat system. By following a series of counter and attack options, players could feel like they were in control of every action of the protagonist. Now, combat is relegated to light and heavy attacks alongside powerful attacks and buffs used by hitting a single button. Though it has made room for developers to focus on exploration and other mechanics, it hasn't left much for classic players who desire detailed combat systems akin to titles like Ghost of Tsushima.

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Still, Assassin's Creed is continuing to keep fans thanks to its compelling and emotional stories. With each new entry, another protagonist helps usher the player into a new era, and each time the story has been heartfelt and filled with action and betrayal. While the essence that brought out the assassin elements of the franchise is being phased out, the beautiful storytelling of past installments is still evident.

With Ubisoft focusing on turning Assassin's Creed into an RPG series, there will be growing pains. Changes to gameplay and the overall way it is played will create challenges for new and old players. But as the alterations continue, there is a possibility that the change will drive away longtime fans of the franchise. It'll be important for Ubisoft to know that while they adapt, it's going to be important now, more than ever, to acknowledge the fans that helped get them to where they are now.

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