Doctor Strange: How House Of M Created a ROGUE Sorcerer Supreme

In the core-Marvel Universe, Stephen Strange -- aka Doctor Strange -- protects all of creation as the Sorceror Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts. But that wasn't the case in the alternate reality created by Scarlet Witch in House of M by Brian Michael Bendis and Oliver Copiel. Changing the world to reflect the wishes of her brother -- and trying to appease the heroes by giving them their idealized lives -- Scarlet Witch changed the roles of many notable figures from across the universe.

This included Strange, who was instead reimagined as a regular human psychiatrist. However, in his absence, another figure took the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme: Warren Traveler. Instead of fighting Strange though, Traveler established himself as a primary nemesis of Captain Marvel -- who at that point was still known as Ms. Marvel on Earth-616.

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Traveler first appeared in Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 by Brian Reed and Roberto De La Torre as an enemy of Carol Danvers -- who in the House of M universe was known as Captain Marvel and was the world's most popular superhero. A longtime adversary of Danvers, Traveler possessed an immense amount of power. Formerly serving at the behest of the English Crown, Traveler went rouge and became a prominent foe for the Captain Marvel of this reality. Enhancing his powers by claiming the Eye of Watoomb -- a powerful mystical artifact known as the Wand of Watoomb in the main Marvel Universe -- and replacing one of his own eyeballs with it, Traveler was frequently able to keep up with Danvers, with the quick-thinking hero oftentimes just barely defeating him.

In one notable battle shortly before the false reality was reset, Captain Marvel disrupted his attempted time-travel spell by throwing a cat at him, causing him to disappear without a trace. Eventually, the Marvel Universe was restored to normal and both Carol and Stephen resumed their former roles in the world. But notably, Traveler also made his way into the core-Marvel Universe, seemingly deposited there by the misfired spell. After attacking Carol in Ms. Marvel #4 by Reed and De La Torre, he was caught by surprise by how the world had changed around him, leading him to beg Carol for her help in figuring out what had happened to him.

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Carol took him to see Doctor Strange who hypothesized that by becoming out of sync with the magical forces he'd grown attuned to, Traveler was rendered erratic and unable to control his powers. In little time, he would become mystically unstable and unleash a massive blast of energy -- or at best, find a non-magical reality to wreak havoc on. Doctor Strange attempted to remove his mystical connection for his safety and the safety of others, but Traveler -- after stealing the Wand of Watoomb from the Sanctum Santorum to amplify his powers -- was able to get the better of Strange, and turned his attention back to Ms. Marvel.

Taking her to a decimated universe where humanity was wiped out by a swarm of monstrous aliens, Traveler revealed that his mind heals when he takes the magic of alternate realities -- and that he intends to do so across the multiverse. However, Carol is able to force him to return to Earth-616, where Doctor Strange helps defeat him. However, Traveler escaped the conflict and seemingly departed for another reality -- suggesting that he could return at some point down the line. Notably, this gives him plenty of reason to be displeased with Stephen Strange and Carol Danvers both -- which makes the recent romantic pairing of Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange all the more potentially appealing as a target for the villain.

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